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John Pleisse

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Everything posted by John Pleisse

  1. My brother is a sailor......great stress reliever.
  2. Grady Fish 25. But it mostly works well for short hops to Starbucks /:-).
  3. Well...if you watched the video, that was the unintended effect.
  4. There's a 50-100 year reality starring us in the face. Fossil fuels will be burned and Mother-Earth will be just fine.
  5. Here's some European Social Democratic...social engineering, we can all agree on. https://www.youtube.com/embed/CPwW1HlAPys
  6. Bibi got Obama and Biden elected. Obama and Biden were a joke in their debates to thwart Israel questions. "Oh yeah......were good with Bibi... I have known him for 30 years....we talk every day.....We have a special relationship with Bibi....yeah...just talked with him yesterday". Real Presidential, lying.
  7. Well then, you'll love my tags and bumper sticker on my F250 Platinum Powerstroke.
  8. Well, since you are so progressive and yet, are obsessed with the past. WW2 did wonders for the depression.
  9. Subsidies are a labyrinth of our own doing and the pitfall of the American farmer. Also, they are a throw back to cold war activities. Divided crops are great. But taking a 14 acre parcel from an otherwise good, small land owner because the PH in the pond is not in compliance is tragic. Look at auto mobiles, the Prius. A well intentioned joke, hailed and concluded under high level negotiations by EPA and the Japanese. What did we get? A car people love to plug into their home electric (more coal emissions), still using gas and large batteries that are a environmental disaster to dispose of. Diesel was the answer all along. 45% penetration in Europe. Twice the power and twice the torque, allowing larger cars to still operate. Diesel and Bio diesel are not volatile, require half the refinement process, safer to transport and mid sized cars go TWICE as far. The Passat...38 mpg, the Jetta? 46 mpg, Full sized Dodge Ram...29mpg!!!! These cars don't cost the premium hybrids do. But the EPA has zero emissions up their crack, so deep, they can't hear them self think. As a nation, diesel and natural gas cars are our answer, not jokes like the Prius. Funny, liberals have really backed off their use of the term "green" in the last few years. Kind of like that slick little marketing switch from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change". Like my wife, the EPA lives in an alternate reality and figures things out 5-10 years later. Think of how much taxation head room for environmental pursuits the democrats would have had if we were diesel. Fuel would have been at $1.85 all along and they could have taxed a buck a gallon for the Federal Highway fund.
  10. I am OK with what the FDA does....they have to. Otherwise we'd all be smoking Chesterfields and eating fat-back. Other than political manipulation of drugs, I am OK with what they do and should. And to me they are not something I give progressive credit to, but instead view politically androgynous, as executive authority should be. Now EPA? Sorry.... Department of Ed? Sorry......they love "trees" and "equality-fairness" more than they do themselves and the American public.
  11. Agree totally, but where we differ is how to solve it. Look at Safeway's employee health program. This is what everyone should be doing. I said, should be doing, not forced to do. When companies realize sick people can't work, they'll get it. But did the companies make them fat and sick??
  12. Portugal is a different animal. All three will be in Catholic schools next year. My eldest will start St. John Prep. A little pit stop for a confidence booster, austerity preparations and reunite with their neighborhood friends.
  13. "The taxpayer: That's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination." "If it moves....tax it. If it moves again.....regulate it. And if it stops moving.......subsidize it". "It's true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance"? "When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat". -Ronald Reagan
  14. Really......I only heard it second hand and maybe McDonalds should take a hint.
  15. Companies like Mickey Dee's know they are facing a liability nightmare. Big Mac? Gone.
  16. Where is personal responsibility? Our obesity rate is approaching 40%. This accounts for a larger part of our health expense than anything you have enumerated. Is it really our government's job to monitor this? It is the difference in cost per patient here and abroad. My kid's public middle school....fat kids everywhere. PE, 3 days a week. Their previous Catholic school, one hour of PE everyday, 1/2 hour recess and nobody has a choice, you must play on an athletic team after school.
  17. Oh...and patent manipulation. Wouldn't want to make a buck for a few years.
  18. Well, it's a poor analogy, because more people bought firearms the second the President and his media minions started bellyaching about gun control after Sandy, than ever did after 9-11 or any terrorist attack. No equivalency. $1,400 for a Glock or Berretta semi-auto, medium caliber had gun won't wreck your retirement, but could insure you get there. Careful in Florida. Do it legally or you might be in for a 3-5 mandatory imprisonment. Here's something better. Remember that prick kid in the back of the school bus every morning...about 3 years older.....the bully who would mess with you? This would be more analogous. Bad dude, not relevant, nobody likes him and you out grew him some years later. But he got in your head. You either popped him one, or you moved to another seat. Now, if somebody had your back, you'd sit where you want.
  19. Comparing modern terrorism to 60's nuclear fear is reasonable. But bomb shelters have doors for a reason. To protect from fall-out, but to also secure your well bing when the nay-sayers, who used over-simplistic analysis to protect their families, want to save their lives. And you didn't factor in public policy....eventual nuclear detente and tough policies that lead to disarmament. Sorry, you walked right into that one.
  20. Completely disagree. And here's what you guys seem to also constantly overlook......like a rattlesnake shaking its tail at you. They have oil, we want it. It serves our interests. We have well trained soldiers, bombs, missiles and hardware to help protect and stabilize their interests. It really is just that simple. Academy Award winning films (our other export), don't buy oil ...our protections and cash do.They can pick and choose who they like, but at the end of the day, they help us, we help them. (I created this summation since you seem to like rote level analysis). As for your response....let's get an unedited version of an ISIS beheading and make, say...I don't know...... your wife and kids watch it. Practical and statistical analysis won't prevail... I promise you.
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