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John Pleisse

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Everything posted by John Pleisse

  1. The relevance of the POTUS' sharp wit was a petty victory dance and undermined everything he had just advanced in his speech 2 minutes prior. I think even dems kind of cringed. Fox will play it on a continuous loop for a week....as they should.
  2. Do it!!! You'll feel like you can get out of any jam. I highly recommend Stencil in Fresno, Adam Cope in Ft Washington, MD or "Diamondan" on Mooneyspace, Leesburg, VA. I recommend staying away from Pitts and higher performing a/c's. A symmetrical airfoil, neutral stability, fast roll rate aerobatic performer least resembles the traditional Mooney's we fly. Learn in those if you are serious about aerobatics. The three I have suggested above use and know Super Decathlons. There are good teachers with good planes everywhere, probably a couple good ones in Nashville. Also, there is the famous show pilot in AR-AL...Super D guy. http://www.gkairshows.com/ Changed the way I viewed and understood straight and level. Also, if you don't have your Commercial yet, get it. It is worth it's weight in gold......big confidence booster. EDIT: After thought. Also, you may experience nausea. This is common for 50% or more of students, particularly if you are a bit older or overweight. It is usually mild and goes away at about the fourth hour of flight time. Don't let it dissuade or derail you in any way (unless it is a bigger issue). Also, if you go with Koontz, you may be able to land your Mooney at his house....not sure.
  3. Actually, the FoX affiliate here in DC did a 10 minute piece on just that, innumerating his verbiage. "New"....44 times...."America" 77 times. Then they actually had a prop on the news set for the poor sucker who would have had to drink a pitcher if it was America. As for my comment. He said "fair share" not a single time. However, "fair shot" combined with "equal share"...14 times. I was close. He did great. Funny how oil at $30 a barrel can do that. He got his revenge on previous Republican hecklers last night, too. Even dems see through what he's doing. Campaigning for the party, living in a dream world. I thought it was ironic how he spent so much time lecturing on political behavior when he has been the worst. I also think he spent a lot of time reflecting, back tracking and explaining his policies. He's all alone doing that. But I thought it was a good night for him and he'll ride a solid bump for 30 days. I still think he has F^%$ked America up....really bad.
  4. Well that is a good thing. Maybe some of the vitriol can be expunged. Everybody is mingling in a somewhat responsible way the last 30 pages.
  5. I'll have the Barrack Obama "Fair Share" clicker/counter turned on tonight.....any guesses? I am going to go on a limb and say 17 times.
  6. Look.... We are unique. Our political and financial systems are unique. The only people who want to migrate to the European cradle to grave nanny states are mostly the Middle East and Mediterranean poor. These countries don't filter out the losers who can't make a living. In the end, they got what they paid for. At least we look for a few Phd's when we let the world in. Likewise with Latin American immigration, we have taken in as many as we can, but now we simply can't anymore. As a Roman Catholic, I have always welcomed like minded, hard working people. The notion we can pay off our debt in 10 years is crazy. Obama has Princeton and Harvard Econ professors whispering in his ear 33 trillion is fine. And even with a Republican Congress, there's 2 more years of this guy. Look at what he has done. Massive entitlement orders and laws that will cascade for antoher 10 years. Can only be done with revenue... Copious amounts of revenue. If you believe that kind of revenue is gonna come from 4% increases on the super rich, it just won't happen. America needs to succeed. The power-transfer grab is over.
  7. Stray puppy immigration policy. It's actually illegal for there to be any public discourse over Muslim immigration. Shrinking indigenous population. More dinks and fewer traditional families than their E-U counterparts. State run educations system that divides children's paths at age 11. Could you imagine being relegated to blue collar eternity at 11? A middle upper class tax rate( not the filthy rich) above 43%. Everybody gets free medicine, free child care, free transportation, free housing, free family planning and free death planning. Whenever they have been in a pinch, they have done it the good oil' fashioned socialist way, they devalue their currency. Is it a great life? Yeah, I guess. But they are oblivious to the notion of self responsibility, in the end. And when I say responsibility, I mean notions of starting small businesses, etc.
  8. Because it requires political will. Why has only 60% of federal highway funds have actually made it to roads and bridges? It's the number one coffer that is looted. Now we have a crisis and they want and need more. People are tired of it.
  9. Total per capita. And BorealOne, please don't post Wiki links with a Marxist definition of European social democracies. There is a vast difference between a Eurpean liberal-elite political class that has screwed up everything they touched and "Cummunism". And Andy, you knew this was coming. http://www.treasurydirect.gov/govt/reports/pd/histdebt/histdebt_histo5.htm
  10. Yeah.. Right. I'll drop you off in the Muslim suburbs of Malmö Sweden and give you a cell phone to call for help.
  11. Yeah right... As far as the French and European "no-go" zones are concerned. There is a reason massive Muslim populations have settled in Detroit and Buffalo, they can establish these very tragedies here. Or maybe they just like the crisp winter weather.
  12. Sure.... Capitalist on the top. Now do population dispersions of some of these countries. They are one tenth our size and GDP. It easy for Sweden to provide free medical care, great education and a free meal ticket to their huddled masses because they don't have 400 million people. Capitalist? Sure. Social democracies, you bet your butt. They deserve their Muslim problems and they have enough critical mass of wealthy to require they pay 65% taxation. Please, not here.
  13. Yeah right... As far as the French and European "no-go" zones are concerned. There is a reason massive Muslim populations have settled in Detroit and Buffalo, they can establish these very tragedies here. Or maybe they just like the crisp winter weather.
  14. So, first this has been stable since 1980. We were supposedly out of debt in 1999. You know.... Clinton "saved" us. So explain the last decade and a half! Run the same graph showing debt. Oh, and we are well lubed for free community college for everyone, a new fed tax hike on the rich and a new fed gas tax. Nobody has a tube of KY big enough to prepare for the tax and spend ideas we'll hear Tues night. More liberal crap. Progressives only seek answers by trying desperately to turn America into a Eurpean social democratic state. Not very progressive. Tax the wealthiest to death and feed it to a disincentivize the lower class. The only thing this graph shows is our post war industrial might and the gradual hangover from FDR. Old news.
  15. No comment...all three of my maternal uncles are sale executives for RJ Reynolds.
  16. I am doing the 80000bt and waiting for a vertical version. No place for a standard horizontal in an antique Bonanza. Had the KMA 24 and then the GMA340 in the 201. Both were excellent......very well made and great audio quality. Very few surges and spikes in audio. Even after acquiring a new PS audio panel, I'll still use the A20's for phone conversation. Dirt easy and perfect audio. I talk with clients while the prop is spinning and nobody knows I am even in an airplane.
  17. Well this is right, A, but not entirely. It began 3 months ago and they are reducing by only 1/8th per Fed meeting, so it'll be awhile for detox to set in. My make? The very notion lights the market up and keeps them upbeat. I am worried it'll get old within another year. Also, while QE3 will stimulate job growth (and it did last two moths, but this month back down again), the reality of debt will drive inflation. Hmmmmmmm. Your make?
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