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John Pleisse

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Everything posted by John Pleisse

  1. Not to digress..... Roger Goodell is a whore. A $35,000,000 hooker. I hope Seattle literally wipes their nose in it.
  2. No...not WE...... THEY. The board of directors of Target. Now if all contracts should be reviewed by the Canadian Parliament and be subject to a governmental hiring commission on equality and fairness, just say so. I am not being coy.
  3. Byron, Youtube The 60 Minutes piece "Nursery School U." It'll make you vomit.
  4. If you have a unique talent and specialize in this sort of thing and bank your reputation on it, he should. Don't get mad a conservatives and people who are leaders, look for the comment box in the front of your nearest Target store.
  5. In NYC... it is $30k. In Darnestown Maryland, it is $27k.
  6. Re: Ferguson.....be a cop, not a thug. Re: Eric Garner: 71st arrest, 5th time resisting. Agreeably, nobody should ever die. Not a lot of national discourse over this one: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/08/what-i-did-after-police-killed-my-son-110038.html#.VMBdqC5WiMI All lives matter, right? What did George Soros spend on this kid?
  7. The Cop in Ferguson......just cleared by Justice, btw. Can you breathe?
  8. I can't understand.... are you suggesting he is not worth that? Believe it or not, some people are.
  9. So devote the tax credit to appropriate regulation, rather than provide a government benefit that won't put a dent in $8-12K in child care costs and employ 10 more people in the process, so they, in turn, can do the same.
  10. No, I want more daycare centers, lower cost per family, more people starting a small business. I don't want anyone hurt or to have children mistreated. I want reasonable regulation that meets demand. I want your young family to know their kids are safe. Stop looking at your data base. It makes you omit nuance and reality. It WAS you who finally arrived at defensive medicine being a contributory factor in malpractice.... I mean, you eventually got there. It was you who omitted true child birth costs, citing from your "data", that it only costs $1,800 to have a kid..right?
  11. I was speaking of daycare centers...more of them. Small businesses are the fuel that drives an economy, not government assistance.
  12. Don't exchange your cores. Wait for the OH. I have no expiencence with them.
  13. Providing a gross income tax credit of $3k for a $50k household is a low net, tax refund vacation in June...you and I know this. Making it impossible to start a new business because of taxation and regulation assures your young family little more than a morsel of money that will barley put a dent in 2 months of daycare. Average daycare is north of a car payment per month. More daycare centers, better care, more availability, greater competition, lower cost, more small businesses started, better economy. Now, one more crack about Jesus.....and you'll only be left here alone having a four-handed circle jerk with Mike. Don't throw bombs....up your game.
  14. This is where you don't get it...... I'd rather see that family make another $20-40K a year in upward mobility and about twice as many new daycare operations opening. I am in show biz.... I can tell you what it is like to buy a half turkey on the discount rack on Sunday night and nibble on it for a week. Don't patronize me on wealth.
  15. I know...a $3k child care deduction is really gonna rev the economy.
  16. Ain't buying it. Image a Jimmy Carter win with 17% interest rates and 6% inflation. Debt? Again....how did we do with that stimulus? Please.
  17. Mike , sure you have seen the news bite of POTUS proclaiming he won the ;last two elections, right? He should boast, because it really speaks to all of his abilites.
  18. I think finding a way to modernize old airframes and make flying cheaper will always win. These are great planes, limited on weight, range and how fast they can get to the practice area, but if it creates hundreds of new pilots, why not? I too would expect this kind of refurb costing significantly less.
  19. Lower taxes, thriving economy, people back to work. I innumerated and explained to you in a rather long post a few pages back. I'd refer you to that. These policies work and business thrives. The simplicity of such policies boggle your mind, because the work. Read my post. Watch the zygote BS or I'll unload on you.
  20. No, while many voted for him and hoped for better, most disagree with the policies he advances. He threw numbers around last light big enough to drive a truck through....like a crack addict who the lottery. GOP? 80% of the under-employed (I know...we forgot 17% of Americans are still looking for a job) back to work again. People don't buy the hope shit anymore.....they want results. And the12% of moderates in the middle? They are done with him and anyone who thinks like him.
  21. No...they have been the only thing stopping Obama from running rough shot, at will,with an agenda that is out of step for 80% of Americans. You should thank them.
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