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John Pleisse

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Everything posted by John Pleisse

  1. The Tea Party didn't riot and loot communities, they didn't threaten to kill police, they didn't retaliate with violence and their political aspirations were never misdirected. They hate governmental and social democratic policies. They didn't hurt anyone and they didn't cost our cities and municipalities millions of dollars, they didn't block traffic and they didn't attack police officers.
  2. No.... you guys misunderstood me. I should have articulated better. He has spent $33 mil in the last year alone, with a disproportionate number of dollars Ferguson and after, as well as the recent anti police demonstrations. As we all know, they started to fizzle as they ran their traditional 24 hour news cycle course, two weeks after the St. Louis riots. Georgey-Boy summoned the social media, anti-establishment, IMF-World Bank, 99%'er crowd to join in and keep feeding the pig. So, St Louis forward, the cost per demonstrator? Gotta be in the hundreds per demonstrator. For that price, he could buy them airline tickets, or a night with a hooker. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jan/14/george-soros-funds-ferguson-protests-hopes-to-spur/?page=all
  3. But wouldn't minus 6.5 be almost correct ? The datum line is the firewall, right?
  4. Stir the pot here a little. OK, George Soros for $200. $30 mil spent to gather the 99%'ers for civil disobedience to join the "I can't breathe-Anthony Brown demonstrators". Can anyone give me a dollar figure on cost per demonstrator?
  5. Can we get Twitter and text alerts sent to Anthony on a regular basis? He really needs to be updated on this thread.....oh, he's here?
  6. Come on guys.....up your game.... I am dying to chime in. New rule: you can't use the words if, but, maybe or when. Talk amongst yourselves.
  7. But can you even shoot an approach there, Chris? Not sure of any recent Dover issues, but I am not local.
  8. Gee-golly-gosh-darn (thick ooooze of sarcasm)....hope nobody violates it.
  9. Also, I didn't quite get pre-buy issues. Many times, sellers are apprehensive about other shops snooping around their plane and any issues that may arise.
  10. To the original question, seems to me the buyer is proud of his plane, regrets selling it and is in his comfort zone with legal issues that will allow him to waffle a bit. If you think it is a good plane, get it done. 99% of plane purchases are for shit planes. If you are certain it is a great bird....see it through.
  11. Can't in DC, Patuxent or Norfolk (however, they'll help you in an emergency)....but I am going to ask at Dover. That's pretty cool.
  12. They are in the business of clearing their screen. Is it good for us? Absolutely. If you are recently instrument rated, do not mice VFR and IFR practices. Looking outside is extremely distracting when conducting IFR ops. Couple of quick things that might also help. If you are VFR and ask for an approach, that's a pop-up and you are on the hook for full IFR responsibility down to landing. Also, on an instrument flight plan, but under visual conditions, you are tasked with responding to traffic alerts and/or advisories. File on a good day...do it all the time. But make sure your GPS data bases and in cockpit mapping are current, your head is on the guages and you do not skirt any phase of IFR responsiblity. It's black and white. I am not FAA, but my CFI is. EDIT MORE: I recently attended an outreach event at the Potomac Tracon (DC). The one thing they impressed was the need to be specific about VFR requests in as complete fashion as possible. They strongly urged us to ask for everything we can, up front, before they grant it. Be specific about altitude, destination, advisories and where you want to transition. They hate revising strips and it messes up handoffs. To your question again, DC airpace is very complicated at times. I ALWAYS file and my CFII urges me to.
  13. No, neither was this one. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/01/02/wisconsin-father-police-shooting-investigation/3992957/ But the kid in St Louis? No dice. He was a thug and the movement it incited has little credibility, only disasterous consequences for our law enforcement and racial harmony. I still can't breathe.
  14. Well, yes....because the electorate participated in the process, democratic administrations were elected (boy were they) and these things were tended to. Instead of hypotheticals, how about the process......working? Reasonable?
  15. Yer Joking, right? This is the political process at work. JD, EPA, DE, HHS.............all rougue and skirting the the democratic process. They can do their jobs, they just have to do it under the guise of oversight. Do you believe executive authority should allow federal agencies to conduct an agenda that is grossly out of step with the American public? Shall I innumerate thier failures and waste beginning with the launch of the ACA? Last 40 years??? I thought you were progressive. PBS aired an expose of the history of the KKK last night. Liberals, claiming to be progressive, but stuck in reversionary tactics to reach for straws. Joke.
  16. I can't breathe...nobody is crying over this one. Funny how that works. de Blasio needs a ski weekend in Utah. http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=33081878
  17. It is now illegal under the ACA (2015) for states to allow husband-wife combo's to be considered an "insurance group". In the state of Maryland, two makes a group. As you know, "groups" are rated on statistics, such as age (primary) and claims advanced overall, not evaluation of the individual. Major health carriers have wanted this exclusion removed for decades and have lobbied each state individually to this end. Instead, they got a national hand out. Here's the rub. If my wife and I were living in sin, we would still be considered a 2 person "insurance group" in the state of Maryland and would have not lost our health insurance. Similarly, if we divorced and I paid child support to my wife, we (I) would arrive at about 18% less federal and state tax obligation. It is this very attack on marriage, both with taxation and insurance that I find troubling. There is no greater bastion of American small business than the maw-paw shop. Store fronts, seamstresses, tailors, plumbers, lanscapers, etc. Many men work their asses off to make cash, while wives assist by toiling over the books, customer relations and paperwork (or women do the work and the opposite is true). This is also be the case for two gay men in 16 states who are married, who bust their asses (pardon the pun) in a consulting firm or (pardon the second pun) a Florist shop. This is an overt attack on the institution, or as in my case, the sacrement of marriage and a direct route to providing millions of fresh, new warm bdies at the front door of the ACA and frankly, a single payer system. We know this will be a disaster. What did I do? I joined my Cigna cadillac plan offered by my union (Screen Acotrs Guild). As you also know Andy, the administration has exempted large unions, particullary a large, liberal entertainment union like mine, from the ACA and allowed them to still have their low deductible plans. I went from $24k a year with United Health Care in 2015 with $4k-$12k major deductibles under the ACA, to a $2k deductible, a premium under $4k per year, better coverage and the peace of mind in knowing as long as Barrack is President, I'll get a union hand out. So, you see, not all was lost.
  18. Precisely my point. Such laws exist to protect the public from ideologues. Politics is not what you believe, but what you can con the public into being a priority....an agenda. Same sex marriage is about 10th on everybody's list, yet with legislatures, a national crisis.
  19. No they don't. Elite policical ruling classes in legislatures usurp the will of the public, the judicial and executive branches. That's a lot of ideology. Theocrats.
  20. Yeah right...which is why every liberal scampers to the 9th Circuit.
  21. I bet they won't even stop for gas. Or they could go "Down River" and also be dually delighted.
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