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John Pleisse

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Everything posted by John Pleisse

  1. Correct, but let us not forget how abysmal Cirrus' record was around 2007. They had a high-roller problem. Lower time purchasers flooded their ranks and the accident rate was so off the charts, some insurance underwriters wanted $10k per year for average time PP' for SR-22 transition. The problem wasn't the planes, but the pilots. In fact those high rates not only affected Cirrus, but the entire used market at the time. It's good they OH'ed their program...they needed it. Advanced cockpits with a slicker airfoil. Totally onboard with SFAR. Good idea.
  2. There is no significant difference between the ABS's, COPA's and MSF's approach. Participation and the total number of clinics offered differ. Mooney clinics by a third less. There are nearly equal numbers of Mooney and Cirrus A/C's, but nearly twice as many Bonanzas. Beech is also supported by a healthy twin contingent. I have attended both Mooney and Beech PPP's....in terms of content, presentation and thoroughness, they are identical. They are equally fraternal. So it is participation. Clearly FAA regulation for minimal proficiency may be a bit paltry. AOPA constantly fights to curb cumbersome regulation. It's a fair correlation. If the FAA woke up one day and decided to double down on proficiency standards, AOPA would be the largest of only a handful of organizations seeking to stop them. Could our current safety state be a labyrinth of (our) AOPA's own doing? Help me George. It's a fair question. BTW, George gave several of us Mooney Pilots a tour of AOPA. It was fun and informative. George gave a great talk on his new purpose and I was really impressed. My suggestion? Greater insurance regulation and protection (through incentive). This works well for people who are required hefty recurrent training flying higher performance a/c's....they stick to it and many are well trained, leaving most fatals to lower time, hardly qualified pilots. Nothing like the almighty dollar to get people off their butts.
  3. Might be a good time to check sealant on side windows and windscreen. Check side panel insulation for any moisture. You are in compliance with AD 208 A and B, right?
  4. Mooneybuilder......why didn't you tell Don to make a list, put it in writing and then go over it? C'mon man. If Jan Maxwell called you out, you must have done something.
  5. "Rebecca's List"....make-over, hair do, TV ads....the whole bit.
  6. Hillary...... working, oh so hard to be likeable and relatable. Yeah...and I think Andy forgot to take a look at Food Stamps. Dave...let's go on food stamps.................. for dinners out at tidy bars and discount Marlboros.
  7. Wuh....a European social democracy??????? The land of opportunity??? At least your turbo prop is French.
  8. As your Fairy Godmother, I would let all of you go to France, but I would wave my wand first to strip you of all worldly possessions, wealth and education first. Just go to France for a "fresh start". You'll be home in 3 months. OK, the food is good.....four.
  9. Nielsen TV sweeps. Ratings periods 4 times per year....all hands on deck. The only time during the year all clients send requests at the same time all year.
  10. I am slumming in a vintage Bonanza...you are the one driving a Bravo, right? I also work very hard. In Feb...it'll be 12-14 hours a day straight.
  11. SS? I hit the max every April.....and deeply resent every penny of it. It damn-well better be there, because it's a killer if you have a business and make money.
  12. Here's who Obama had interview him following the SOTU. Of note, the lovely and talented Glovell Green has made herself famous with the "Condom Challenge". This exercise in intellectual brilliance, involves shoving a condom up her nostril and pulling it out the other nostril. She recently gained dubious cultural notoriety bathing in a tub of milk and Fruit Loops. Befitting. Now, to be fair, I will give you the PBS link to this joke of a press junket. Yemen is blowing up, 3 administration officials sent to Ferguson, none to France and this is your guy's idea of being taken seriously? Building a legacy? Now, we know these "Youtubers" are going to pitch softball questions, that's fine. But what about somebody vetting them first....maybe make a political calculation or two? It's really beneath the office and perhaps the worst timing one could imagine. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/watch-live-glozell-green-bethany-mota-hank-green-interview-president-obama/ But perhaps you would like reality. http://www.breitbart.com/video/2015/01/22/obama-laughs-at-glozell-green-saying-castro-puts-the-dic-in-dictatorship/
  13. Kennedy had two terms, right? Oh....wait....... Well, that's OK...we got a man on the Moon and the Great Society anyway. And here's what you don't see coming. O-man will spend about four years getting his handicap tidied up.....down to a -2, then he'll start campaigning, shooting his mouth off, undermining future sitting Presidents and grossly over estimating his own relevance, further delaying the favorability of his legacy. He's young....60 years.
  14. Eloquent. Also, delusional. You had me at "favorable".
  15. That's exactly right, just to spite his dumb ass. Six years of dirty politics and vitriol and now the O-man wants to extend an olive branch to mop up what's left of his legacy? For two years, nothing moves. O will hit the road on college tours and no matter how much his numbers rise.....he ain't getting anything he wants. He was laughable the other night, lecturing everybody around him on political civility and then shot his mouth off . So, he'll be only two things......the implementer of Obamacare and our first black President. And when the Republicans are done disemboweling that poop filled, cancer ridden, rectum called Obamacare, they'll throw him a bone and allow what's left if it, to still be called Obamacare....Just so this Tool can forever be relegated to the likes of LBJ. A racist, charity case, liberal.
  16. They are going to gut it like the pig it is..........absolutely decimate it......all while everyone is snoozing off.
  17. I don't know....Wolf Blitzer thinks they are a bit heavier than that.... and Andy......gitcha some of this:
  18. I just died and went to heaven.....thank God these posts are etched in Google perpetuity.
  19. I just think of the POTUS' witty SOTU reminder he won "bofe of dum". Tonight, he wishes he hadn't said that and tonight, he wishes he hadn't won the second election. Staggering pettiness and incompetence.
  20. BREAKING- Saudi King Abdala...passes. Not a good day. He was one of our last friends.... Jordan is all that is left. I think it is time for Israel, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia to pony up to the American free mid-range missile bar. Vaporize them.
  21. flyboy0681, on 22 Jan 2015 - 2:38 PM, said: BAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! That only took three hours!!!! You know.... I played one year of JAYVEE basketball....still the only year JV won the JV/Varsity scrimmage. /:-)
  22. This is like Christmas morning Dave........can't wait to read Huff Post tonight. How will they spin this cluster-f%$k????
  23. Gentlemen............ Yemen..........NEW and improved!! Under new management!!! I don't know about you, but we may have a teeeeensie-weeeeensie problem in the middle east. Glad our policies are promoting peace, containment and world order. Talk amongst yourselves. Bebe!!! LIVE!!!! IN CONCERT!!!!!!
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