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John Pleisse

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Everything posted by John Pleisse

  1. OK Andy......Middle East for 1000....Oh, the "Daily Double"!!!! Name the parliamintary body in (ah-ah-ah...no Googling wasscilly wabbit) in Iraq, the three posing political factions (ah-ah...get your hand off that mouse...knowing you, you won't contain yourself and pick the first Google hit you see, then I'll know) in that body. Name the regions in Syria and Iraq that ISIS occupies. 30 seconds.
  2. Oh...that's right...they get a seat at the table with Al-Assad or maybe they can run for office in Iraq. 2 nations.
  3. Yes...how's that Muslim faith working out??? Impoverished, uneducated, xenophobic and radicalized to hate civilized faith, based in forgiveness of sin and helping our fellow man. And how did they arrive at this? These poor souls have been treated like animals by often wealthy governments, crack-pot monarchs and half-baked dictatorships, who rob their peoples of wealth and prosperity, leaving only themselves to blame. An entire sub-continent of them.They have a history of this spanning 1600 years. The Moroccan's, the Berber's and the Ottoman's are welcoming themselves back. Go give them a hug.
  4. Pucker up..... Bebe is coming to town for a joint session speech....kind of like those executive orders.
  5. So give them half of two sovereign nations and say they are contained? Let them commit atrocities that would make Hitler a choir boy? Allow our citizens to be murdered abroad? Allow them to murder citizens of our friendly allies? Allow them to propagate terror over the internet to incite mass murder in countries around the world? Allow them to bastardize a religion, blase' liberal minded, overly diplomatic "know-it-alls" hold more dear than the faith of 90% of their own country. Sorry Mike.....go sell that crap someplace else.
  6. Totally disagree. 1%? ....Reference it. What you can't reference are the success stories we have here in America. Only our elite Ivy League schools are capable of this and can be wrong, I promise you, by more than a single percent.
  7. And in Sweden, it is now illegal to chat online about Muslim immigration.......a federal crime.
  8. daver328, on 22 Jan 2015 - 1:29 PM, said: Good points...this is what they do in Germany and Sweden. Future doctors, separated and groomed at age 11. Likewise, these countries socially engineer their working class the same way. They weed them out at 11 years old and send them to a different line of schooling. Nothing like knowing you are relegated to bricklaying and cosmetology for the rest of your life, even though you may be ADD, dyslexic or a late bloomer. The best heart surgeon in my county was just that. Common Core....socialized, federal, top down-education.......here it comes.
  9. I belong to well known "Recreation Center" in Potomac, MD. It is a perk....a playground for the European elite and entitled and is run by the IMF and World Bank. All foreigners. If you want to witness European life style at it's, shall we say, most freewheeling and entitled......this is the place. Name me one American corporation (other than entertainment and resorts businesses) that provides something like this for it's employees. Championship golf, tennis, Country Club accommodations, childcare......a sprawling 400 acre property......a playground for the IMF/WB Euro-world elite. These people really take their leisure time quite seriously.
  10. But we are seeing the failures of these European social democracies unfold before us. Their failed policies have lead to lifestyles that aren't just healthy, but absurdly entitled. Greece and Spain are about to go in the shitter...Italy and France, not far behind. Germany can't keep them propped up much longer. This is not unlike our failed pension plans here at home. Cities and municipalities are failing left and right, not by design, but by political entitlement failures. Should a retired fire captain making 3/4's pay be able to double dip on executive pay? Should a policeman, extend his shift by 2 hours to clock a massive over time bill? Should a city manager who fell 2 years short of being vested, be given an inside track on a second temporary job, just to meet retirement requirements and clock $6k a month for the rest of his life??? Please. Entitlement waste....well intentioned and it kills ALL of us. Read up on the election in Greece. They are the first domino.
  11. France's cost per patient is half ours. Due in large part to American obesity, diabetes, chronic illness, pharma patent manipulation, malpractice, lack of r-e-a-s-o-n-a-b-l-e insurance regulation and lack of fair competition regionally (in Maryland- $1bil deficit, failed portal and only 3 insurance choices-companies). Little of which Obamacare will solve in practicality or design. Or, we could go the European way, guarantee every American 12 weeks vacation a 4 hour lunch, new entitlements and other Euro-trash, then we'd be less stressed and not so fat. It doesn't occur to people that we pay more because we are sick. We are not sick from cheap calories and poverty, we are sick because we make bad choices. Subsidizing this is further recipe for failure.
  12. Not judging, just to make my point.........you would work every day for them, not to end up with a family tax donation, right? That's the entire notion of parenthood, getting up everyday and working your ass off so your kids can do better than you did. Is this just a sliding virtue scale for the blue collar and poor, or is it justifiable, no matter your income?
  13. How many kids do you have? I live in a neighborhood full of them. Self righteous know-it-alls, who wouldn't know how to get a job, are hyper competitive, have all day to work-out and run marathons and too much time to socialize. 50 somethings...... I say the opposite, give them a tax break to put it in trust for their kids, or lose it early, say 62. They channel funds in large gifts to their kids just before they kick the bucket. Usually enough time to disown a kid or two and divorce a problematic wife they've been meaning to get rid of.
  14. I totally agree with this....oh and no signing bonuses and stock sale short of losses. Nothing like an executive who dumps stock options while the 401K of company workers takes a hit. If you are good at what you do...put your money where your mouth is. What da ya think Boreal? I am in agreement.
  15. Harvard money for nursery school in Manhattan....$30-$37k a year, nevermind a lottery just to apply. I think this warps people like de Blasio to make a foolish choice in a large entitlement like pre-K. It's babysitting for the dual income families, not a head start in school.
  16. Auto trim mode or trim servo. You are not getting trim and the AP moves your elevator to full travel. But you should have an annunciator that should warn you of the condition. Alt hold or your Alt Can wouldn't create this, unless it continually provides different barometer values (for whatever reason).
  17. Tex......if it falls short, I'll bet there aren't enough China-Men in China to buy a massive lot off them. Not long ago, there was a Chinese consortium touring the local training facility down the field from AOPA. George....do a lot of them!!! Oh, and pass along the profits to remember services.
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