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Joe Zuffoletto

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Everything posted by Joe Zuffoletto

  1. For me it's all about what I can see, even though I have NexRad on board. If I can't pick my way around buildups visually, or get above or below them, then I turn around. More than once I've flown into an innocent-looking white puffy buildup that didn't show up on NexRad, only to get my salad tossed or my plane instantly glazed over like a jelly donut. Just last week I was returning from the West Coast and was able to visually slalom through a bunch of buildups between the Continental Divide and the Front Range. NexRad showed nothing. It was kind of fun, but still turbulent enough outside the clouds that I would have hated to go into them, even though there was no precip yet.
  2. Take a look at this bad boy: It has nose art, tail art, and in-between art: http://www.controller.com/listingsdetail/aircraft-for-sale/MOONEY-ACCLAIM-TYPE-S/2009-MOONEY-ACCLAIM-TYPE-S/1323469.htm Nose art is common in the RV community and some of what you see is absolutely beautiful.
  3. Certainly applies to this "regular" Acclaim buyer. With interest rates near all-time lows it's stupid to throw your cash at a depreciating asset.
  4. Another vote for the EZ Tug. Mine still works like a champ after 10 years!
  5. Joe Zuffoletto

    IMG 2204

    Excellent work, John. Looks fantastic!
  6. I knew neither Bill or Mike but my heart is broken by this news. Godspeed to these men and their families.
  7. Indeed! It was quite surprising.
  8. That's an optical illusion caused by the wide-angle lens in the camera. I was flying VFR and during my descent I was no closer than 1,000' AGL. Near the end of the flight, as I was passing Mt. Diablo on my right, I dipped a bit lower to do some sightseeing (I used to live there) and to intercept the approach path for the runway.
  9. A short hop from Orange County (KSNA) to Concord Buchanan Field (KCCR): Here's the flight track:
  10. The app goes on your Windows computer, and you use it to create the checklist file(s), which go to the aircraft via the SD card. Txbyker's post above gives more details. I might give it a try myself.
  11. Garmin has an app called the Aviation Checklist Editor for this purpose. It outputs a file that you load onto your MFD SD card. http://www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=5075#Instruct
  12. Postscript: Today's TFR I was able to get into Denver today no problem on an IFR flight plan. ATC was helpful and courteous, as always.
  13. Scheduled to fly back to Denver tomorrow after a week on the West Coast and according to AOPA and SkyVector, about 2/3 of the Denver terminal area chart is painted in red for a visit from you-know-who. Fortunately, it looks like I can get in as long as I'm on a VFR or IFR flight plan. But all local traffic along a huge chunk of the Front Range will be grounded for a good long time. Just asinine. I know it's been said before but it seems like the US Gov't is begging for trouble when they advertise the POTUS's movements this way; literally painting big red targets on a map of the US for the bad guys to hit.
  14. Congratulations! I was 2 months old on your wedding day!
  15. I don't know the answer to this question, but I know it's "hazardous" to transport unopened bags of chips up high in an unpressurized cabin. When they start popping open in the back seat it scares the bejeezus out of you!
  16. No... you can't use it from a PC.
  17. I took a quick look at myflightbook.com and it looks pretty good. I use LogTen Pro for the Mac and iPhone and love it.
  18. We can't call ourselves self-respecting Mooney pilots unless one of us busts it!
  19. Oh, the body parts I would give to fly that plane! Congratulations!
  20. I signed up... see you there!
  21. I forgot about Executive. I popped in there one day to see their Redbird simulator, but I don't know anything more about them.
  22. I hangar my planes here in Denver mostly to protect against hail and high winds. Tornadoes are quite rare here.
  23. Independence Aviation is a good club but their only retracts are twins. You might try ATP Flight School at Centennial instead: http://www.atpflightschool.com/flight_schools/colorado/denver-apa.html
  24. Where exactly is it being held in Denver? Airport, etc.? Their website is pretty skimpy on details.
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