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Everything posted by Skywarrior

  1. Mooneymite: You asked for feedback - Jim Stevens is very laid back, very genial. Only did the ground portion - thunderstorms, then broken altimeter canxed both of our attempts to fly.
  2. Hello, all - Need a Mooney-experienced pilot to ferry my Bravo from 20GA to McCollum Field to get avionics repairs. (My BFR is expired.) Also need to do the BFR, obviously. I tried Jim Stevens, but he won't be available when I'm in town, Sep 26th & 27th. I'm working out-of-state in Philly, so I have only limited opportunities to do things with my plane. I *could* get a BFR in, say, a C-172 here in Philly, but I really need to fly in my own plane. I've been out of the cockpit for over 2 years. Anybody know someone?
  3. You need to allow a "none of the above" option on the second question.
  4. I, too am looking for a capable monitor, so this discussion is very helpful. <<"No proprietary software to analyze the data means that you have to build excel spreadsheet charts.. Or purchase someone else's software. Or upload to Savvy analytical service if you want to see charts vice the raw data.">> My professional specialty is data visualization - a great software solution for graphing performance data is Tableau, by http://www.tableausoftware.com . Desktop version is around 2 AMUs, but it is absolutely amazing. OTOH, Mike Busch's web-based graphing service is free.
  5. Don't feel embarrassed to use two hands on landing flare. Don't try touch-and-goes - only full-stops. On go-around when (not if; heh-heh) you porpoise during a, ahem, fouled-up landing attempt, don't apply full power, if you can help it. Use about 2/3 of the throttle travel - then milk the flaps up some, let the bird accelerate some, then work the flaps up the rest of the way and apply the rest of the power. Then you can think about pulling the gear up. If you instead apply full power, you're going to be a-holes & elbows trying to keep the nose down and keeping the plane pointed forward.
  6. Question for the forum - What would cause a new pack of batteries for an ELT unit to 'melt'? My mech recently replaced my ELT's batteries, but after a few days, he went back to it and noticed that the batteries had leaked all over the inside of the ELT, partially melting the box. Some of the fluid leaked onto the ELT's mounting tray, but did not drip onto the fuselage. History: My mech had not noticed, during install, that a pin in the ELT's connector had been bent. Because of that, the ELT's Cockpit Remote switch's LED light constantly illuminated. This is why he went back to the ELT. Good thing he did, since the batteries were now toast... This happened over the space of a couple of weeks. Has anyone else ever had such a problem? A friend on this site tells me that this was probably caused by a short. I'd love to hear from any other folks as well... Thanx, Chuck M.
  7. Hello - My plane's ELT's battery was switched out during annual last week. Now that little red light at the top of the cockpit ELT Remote Switch (above the CB panel) remains lit all the time. My mech says that all he did was swap out the ELT battery. I'm wondering if maybe he should have turned the ELT unit (in the tailcone) switch to 'OFF' before he did the swap, then turned that switch back to 'ARM' when he was done. Anybody else ever experience this? Thanx, Chuck M.
  8. I used to believe, "Well, since the flaps switch is so far removed from the gear handle, what's the danger in bringing up the flaps on rollout?" Seems reasonable, right? At least, it did until I read an account from a Mooney pilot who caught himself grabbing the gear switch IOT raise his flaps on rollout. He was shocked that he had done that. Even though there was a twelve-inch physical separation between the two switches! So... I don't touch anything until I've pulled off the runway nowadays... I would rather let someone else's experience teach me something, than teach myself.
  9. I should be flying my plane around Georgia that day (hopefully).
  10. Mooneymite: Thanx for the info. I'll check him out. triple8s: Peggy got pushed out by Earl's widow. Lot of owners have left....
  11. Hello, all - Need a Mooney-experienced CFI for my BFR near Atlanta. I'm available only on Aug. 8th, 9th and A.M. of the 10th. Long-body experience would be best. Michael O'Neal would be a great choice, but I cannot get my plane over to KPDK. Plane is hangared at 20GA in Villa Rica. Any suggestions? Chuck
  12. Yep - that was my point. Doesn't make sense. His article argues one thing, but the book he's flogging argues a totally different point.
  13. The article's author is promoting his new book, which covers a fight over an insurance claim after a pilot crashed a Baron while scud-running, trying to land at a lakeside field. The cause in that case was clearly pilot error. But, the book is about evil insurance companies.
  14. Drinks are bad, food is pretty good. Great view of passing air traffic from back deck. Folk music in the evening on Friday. Kids not allowed after 7 PM on Saturday. A lot of locals show up there. Just outside the airport fence is 57th Fighter Group, a re-creation of a WW II English country bungalow, which has '60s and '70s music on the weekends, with a dance floor. You can watch the occasional plane taxi by from their back patio. Free A/C parking at Epps Aviation @PDK if you bring back a receipt for a meal at 57th. (57th is owned by Pat Epps.)
  15. Hello, all - Have viewed two VIRB-shot aerial videos. Very nice image quality - except for the usual prop-bending artifacts. Anyone know of a reasonably-priced small video or DSLR camera that uses a Global Shutter? One I've looked at, which will do the job, is the Blackmagic Design camera, for $3G. Errr... no. There's a rumor that Canon will soon release a Global Shutter-equipped camera, but I don't know what price to expect - though it will probably be high. I will not drop a load of cash on a video camera which depicts props as bendy, scimitar-lookin' whirlygigs. So, I have come to you folks... Thanx for any assistance you can offer, Chuck M.
  16. From the AvWeb article: "As we reported a month ago, with an infusion of capital from its new Chinese owners,..."
  17. "Officials say they have found two bodies at the crash site, one of them is the pilot of the plane. WDIV is reporting the victims on the crash were Todd Glen Lloyd, 51, and Christopher Neumann, 38. The two men were leaving the Boyne City airport and may have been flying downstate to Birmingham. Lloyd was the pilot and owner of the plane registered to Chair Cover Holdings in Madison Heights. WDIV is reporting he and Neumann were skiing at Boyne Mountain over the weekend and were originally planning to leave Sunday evening but delayed their departure until this morning due to the weather."
  18. The only thing an airframe 'feels' is IAS...
  19. My profile pic was taken at the same spot (KPDK).
  20. At what power setting? What TAS?
  21. Of all the things 'wrong' in this story, how about: "...just under a hundred hours in an airplane and has never soloed." That tells me that the new owner is not meant to be flying airplanes. Period.
  22. Is good idea make many money. A problem I afraid - 54 trailers. Purchase department help. Much apologies!
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