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N201MKTurbo last won the day on February 21

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About N201MKTurbo

  • Birthday 04/06/1957

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    Tempe, AZ
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  1. So, the disturbances ahead of the wing travel forward from the wing at the speed of sound. When the wing is moving faster than these disturbances you hit the sound barrier. This drastically changes the airflow over the wing. But we don’t have worry about these things….
  2. So, not really. The air is stationary (sort of) and the wing must pass through it. But your analogy does not make the analysis incorrect.
  3. Just to be clear, everything I said here is hear say.
  4. He also said the Cessna was doing touch and gos. So if this is true, it looks like the Lancair is way more at fault here. Who would overtake an airplane doing touch and gos doing a low pass. That is nuts.
  5. So the guy I know who used to work for AeroGuard knows both people in the Cessna. He said they said that the Lancair passed them overhead, their prop hit the tail and flipped the Lancair inverted. He indicated this all happened at about 200 AGL. That would be horrible to watch.
  6. You can get a 1” end wrench at Harbor Freight for like $5.
  7. A 3/8” 1/4 inch drive will disassemble 90% of a Mooney. Next in line is the 7/16. Beyond that, you will need the rest of the sizes.
  8. You don't have ro get it to boiling to drive out the water. The vapor pressure of the water increases with temperature. Boiling is just the temperature where the vapor pressure exceeds the ambient pressure above the liquid. Even if it is 10 degrees below boiling, it is vaporizing the water. And if you are at 10000 feet, the boiling point is at 193.6 F.
  9. Just about every airport has its issues. The local pilots can ponder these things and come up with safe procedures. The problem is transient pilots who are just thinking about how they are going to land.
  10. It's not like this is the first high wing low wing takeoff and landing accident. They seem to happen every few years. They should dust off the safety briefings from the last time it happened and send them out again. This accident required a failure of situational awareness with both planes. They both should have known the other was there. Too bad we don't have the radio recordings. It seems like the LiveATC folks could put receivers at uncontrolled airports, especially busy ones like Avra Valley.
  11. I will be working with someone from the flight school tomorrow. Maybe I can get more details.
  12. It is hard to imagine why someone would delay on the runway. I was taught at an uncontrolled field that you don't take the runway until you are ready to take off. If nothing else you have a much better view of what's going on at the hold short line than you do on the runway.
  13. I’ve tried removing the capacitors, connecting them to the points and then screwing them into the cap. It wasn't any easier just a different PITA.
  14. Putting the cap on is a huge PITA. Getting the bottom P lead on the points is almost impossible with my big hands. Luckily, Dave has a stable of little kids with amazing mechanical skills. “hay, kid, get over here. Put that wire on that little thingy” easy peasy.
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