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Alan Fox

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Everything posted by Alan Fox

  1. Since the air to the gyros is not from the pump side , and comes from the filter , a catastrophic pump failure will not put debris into the instruments , it could affect the mew pump , but extremely unlikely....
  2. No cheap bastards , it is what it is.....
  3. Its not one of the better Bs , Its the Best......I poured two years of my life into creating it , flew it for 5 .....
  4. The BI805 is officially spoken for , Thanks for your offers...
  5. Brand new right and left harnesses for tsio360 with bendix mags M2020 and M2025 Alan 856 419 5209....
  6. Harley It looks like a D cell battery with a square end , and a red and green wire coming from the round end , It has 3 0r 4 vacuum lines coming out of the square end , I will post a pic tomorrow..
  7. Yes it is the grand PoohBah of them all .... Sharpen your pencils and lets see what you got.....If not it goes on EBAY !!!!!
  8. You forgot to mention that it has the fuel flow option.....
  9. I can sell you the set , and you can resell the nose , As far as hours on the pucks , No clue , They are 13 years old , definitely better than the Goodyears but replace ment during the conversion would be advised......
  10. The Goodyears have 4 pucks on the nose , and 5 on the mains , The Lords have 3 on the nose , and 4 on the mains....
  11. Agreed , and if you have the goodyear stacks , (which is the only reason you would buy this for conversion) , your pucks are over 40 years old...
  12. The pucks are secondary , Its the Stack tubes , links and collars that you are really buying....
  13. Chris , I could use the shafts , not the yokes.... Call me at 856 419 5209...
  14. Everything you need to convert your 40 year old stacks to the new style Lords , all three legs , pucks have a cure date of 2001 , call Alan 856 419 5209...
  15. Sale pending
  16. I crushed a smartphone in the bar once , It would not lock in , when it did and I landed and saw it I felt like an idiot....
  17. Stop paying for the stupid springs that keep on breaking......From 66 E should fit any 200 horse single pipe exhaust Mooney.... Call Alan 856 419 5209....
  18. Wing fuel gages should fit any Mooney without bladders 250 plus freight call Alan 856 419 5209...
  19. Clean Rudder from 66E 400 plus crating and freight...Call Alan 856 419 5209...
  20. Clean elevator 400 plus crating and freight call Alan 856 419 5209..
  21. More Drama please.......Or I may make my own........Or possibly use scott and peter as pawns in my "Drama" ...
  22. Tough one , Because the tail leans toward the back , it might be coming in the front or the door and migrating back along the floor , also its near the baggage door..
  23. Just remember once you let the genie out of the bottle , you cant put it back , sometimes we don't realize that there is a real live human being on the other side of the screen... I fucked that one up here one time , and have to live with an uncomfortable situation whenever I am in the room with that person...
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