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Alan Fox

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Alan Fox last won the day on August 31 2023

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About Alan Fox

  • Birthday 05/01/1965

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    KVAY South Jersey
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  1. https://www.ebay.com/itm/126891555015
  2. Dear Alan,

    I need 540016-507 for my 1993 M20J. Is this part already available?


    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Mehmet Demirci

      Mehmet Demirci

      If yes, please bring them too. Many thanks...

    3. Mehmet Demirci
    4. Alan Fox

      Alan Fox

      These are perfect 700 hour overlapping doors ..  Special sale today 3100






  3. Removed serviceable from F model.. comes with all that is pictured and the original paperwork kit , includes the JPI sensors . Alan 856 419 5209
  4. Used intake Boot , cure date of 2016 , 800 dollars and no wait time . Alan 856 419 5209 . If you don't like the price , move on....
  5. For the level , Do you set the upper surface of the wing at zero , and work from there ?
  6. I dont lend them out
  7. I just brought this one back from a runway excursion , So rigging of the gear , flaps , and ailerons were done , and I have travel boards , so they are rigged at Zero degrees , Not a super light aircraft , has 64 gal bladders... just stupid fast for what its supposed to do... I would throw a cowl closure on it , but what for ??
  8. Negative, just a power flo exhaust.... GPS backs up the speeds also
  9. Is this normal ? 24 square straight and level. Seems as fast as my fs and js have been..
  10. These were sold
  11. It is very subjective , and almost impossible to assess , they all look bad at times.. it has compression , doesnt burn too much oil , and trace metal in the filter... Leave it alone and fly it... check it in 20 hours ... I wouldnt even think twice about signing it off at annual..
  12. Anybody know the size of the steering link bushing , as I am thinking of making one from bushing stock.
  13. I have a freshly overhauled B hub prop still sitting at Stallings , 1st run blades and a b hub , 9K but it might already be spoken for... As far as the Mcauley 3 blade , it will need a fresh overhaul , for Artie at new england prop , to sell you an STC ..
  14. I have one of the Dave Staffelt "new" downlocks in stock , I have resisted selling it because it is an OPP part...
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