My 64C has an Accutrac II and I am very pleased with it. With 7 Type Ratings from 767 down I've flown a lot of autopilots, done CAT III Autoland etc and for what this huff and puff A/P does, it does it well. I use it ALL the time in GPS track. I don't have Alt Hold yet but I will as i just went by the Tulsa shop last week and had a nice talk with them Yes, they are backed up due to the Cessna article but in 8 to 10 weeks they should be doing OK. I, too, have replaced one servo bag in 8 years along with one time to the shop for the computer for a couple of transistors. Very Cheap to maintain and it does the job. Had one years ago in a Navajo and had no problem then either. Alt Hold can be added at any time.