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Everything posted by amillet

  1. Lela Hughes will email you. See you there if I can get my 24 volt voltage regulator issue resolved by then
  2. You’ve got me beat. I drive a 2003 Tundra
  3. Already received reply Hello, Thank you for contacting Vector regarding the disputed charges billed on INVOICE 772951. A credit request has been submitted for the disputed charges and is in process. We will notify you once the process is complete. If you receive an Account Statement indicating past due charges from this invoice, please review the Adjustments Pending Approval section of the Statement showing your request is still in process. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you. At least that division of customer service seems competent.
  4. Just received an invoice in the mail from Vector Planepass. I flew to Port Angeles (KCLM) and left it at the FBO to diagnose and fix ALT FLD circuit breaker tripping issue. They are billing me for $10 daily parking fee even though the airplane is parked inside the FBO hanger. I emailed a dispute. Invoice is for “parking”. Airport fee schedule says “tie down”. Vector Planepass Invoice .pdf
  5. Tie down rings (factory) are to be removed before flight. Do those of you using the tie downs to ground install them to fuel then remove them?
  6. Formation flyers with vernier throttles have invented gadgets to disable them
  7. I overnighted at KCFO in April 2023 on my way back to the Pacific Northwest. Good restaurant on the field. Good smaller airport for fuel/ meal stop
  8. Prior to 2023 annual the gear warning horn would occasionally chirp when taxiing over a bump. Advanced happened to have a NBS in stock. Looks like I dodged a bullet of several AMUs
  9. Flight home from Troutdale after annual. Thank you Jeremy @J Ro for the ride down
  10. When I was in law school at ASU my cousin would take me rattlesnake road hunting east of Mesa. We got a few $ selling them to a taxidermist who used the skins. No license needed in 1976-1979 (as far as I knew then)
  11. I have attended 13 PPPs in the last 17 years (all on the west coast except one in Denver after weather prevented me from attending in Santa Maria in 2016). I also would like to see one held in Spokane next year. I just sent an email to Ralph lobbying for Spokane. A few more emails from y’all wouldn’t hurt
  12. Wouldn’t it be more efficient to move first class to the middle or rear?
  13. Was that plus or minus? It is shaped like an airfoil
  14. Airport in sight (on the GPS)
  15. Store something like this in the baggage compartment instead of the dead weight
  16. No, I have to splay my legs open if the seat in front of me is reclined.
  17. If I’m behind you (6’3”) I jam my knees into the back of your seat (they’re within a half inch of the upright position anyway) so you can’t recline
  18. It’s just latex that glued it into the bowl.
  19. When I replaced the carpet after my grandson barfed on the way home from Oshkosh I used the SCS with foam backing. It is thick and stiff enough that I just laid it in without gluing and it has remained in place just fine
  20. I flew N231VM 17 times in 2001-2004 while it was owned by my friend. Sad to see it destroyed
  21. I set mine to 13”
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