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Everything posted by fantom

  1. "How hard is it to fix the forum software so this doesn't happen?" Extremely easy...... when it's not you doing the pro-bono work, on a free forum with no advertisements.
  2. Now that IS funny, Hank.... Personally, I use an ice chest as my oil changing step....seems I pick up a couple of knots that way ;-)
  3. Guys....how hard is it to check the upper right corner of the screen when you sign in just to confirm you're you???
  4. If you leave from the same location for the same desination the K will be there before you..... .....probably at the fuel pump ;-)
  5. Again, well stated Ross. After decades of flying just about everything, KISS still rules.
  6. Good ol' AirGlades airport..... First, that price won't last long, second they have crazies jumping out of planes all the time, thrid....not sure that surface is totally cured.
  7. Well stated, Ross!
  8. "Perhaps the word "consensus" was a bit harsh. Would "basic" standard procedure have sufficed?" Define "basic" ;-) Actually I think you'll find more "consensus" on what NOT to do. Sorry we'll miss you Saturday morning. Enjoy HHI.
  9. "I guess there's just no general consensus." Not quite, Mike, it's that in aviation, like in life, there are few absolutes.
  10. This thing works: http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/topages/draintool.php
  11. I'd like to hear what Craig suggests. While we've had lots of suggestions for improvements, have we had any serious offers from software development folks on this site to assist Craig? Does he even have the time to manage them? Ubiquitous vBulletin is not without it's challenge, recurring costs, and boundaries either. If that's what Craig needs, I'm in.
  12. I think there are better vehicles for video, like Youtube, Google and Yahoo Video, just to name a few. Just post a link. Plus I'm a bit concerned about how space hogging video would be stored here. A unique place for Stuff for Sale, and Ambassador events/messages, would I believe, make the site more time efficient, and smoother to navigate.
  13. After bouncing around the sky in those MC-130's, you deserve the best you can get. Stay patient and look at F's and J's. From everything you've said, asked, and based on your being new to GA airplane ownership, the golden rule of purchasing the best conditioned, newest plane holds very true, and will cause you the fewest headaches, maintenance issues, and upgrade expenses, down the road. I believe that will be an early J model for you with most of your wish list gizmos already installed. It's a question of invest more now in a newer plane, or pay more later to make things better. Aviation tuition, so to speak, which is not cheap. This from an "old" F-4E driver, whose first and only GA plane has been an M20J....since 1994. Best of luck, and Go Air Force!
  14. I'd like to see the facts your "avionics people" base that on. Seems like another faulty OWT to me.
  15. "I'd like to accompany Gary when you are down here." Shotgun! ;-)))
  16. Black panel - old, dark, bland.... Light panel - new, bright, modern.... Parker has to be kidding ;-)
  17. Extremely sweet, Parker. Don't you need to fly it down to Ft. Lauderdale this weekend? If not, I have to find an excuse to fly up to Tampa. I hope you have a hanger for that beauty. You now own one of the lowest hour 252's in existence, and thanks to Don Maxwell, a good PPI, all squawks being fixed, and a reasonable seller, you got a killer deal. Well done!
  18. Like Parker, I fly out to TX every year for a Don Maxwell annual, and it's almost 1,000 SM for me. Your CA choices are outstanding, as well. Your son can be a pilot and a doctor. If he can be accepted at the AF Academy, UT Austin and Stanford, he can be anything he wants to be. We had two MD pilots in my F-4 wing, both of whom had to go back into the primary medicine business after two years of operational flying. The high number of AFA grads who eventually go on to medical school is surprising. Go Air Force!
  19. I've probably burned 4 large fans up, over the past 13 years at the same airport. Conclusion...the only time time they help is when the door is open to keep us cool. What they circulate in a closed hanger, is dust.
  20. That's a loss that hurts more than the Heat loss last night! As least all seven people escaped injury.
  21. Quote: danb35 Anyone can sue for anything, but neither of those suits was successful.
  22. Quote: Mitch Oshkosh is Disneyland for aviation enthusiasts!
  23. Very nice custom mats to fit your plane....give them a call: http://www.aerocomfort.com/index.html
  24. Thanks, Scott. I've never totally trusted that quick drain.
  25. Quote: jlunseth
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