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Everything posted by fantom

  1. Quote: GeorgePerry ...I would encourage you to read this excerpt.... Hey George...you back in Japan now, and have living conditions settled down? I looked at your work and detailed post, from over 2.5 years ago, very closely. That was a great deal and beautiful work. Given the time, and some differences in materials, I think Aero Comfort is about the same price and no one knows Mooney's better. Always hard to compare and of course history, convenience, trust come into play. Can't go wrong either way, and it's good to have options. No unlike the Air Force and Navy Stay dry, Commander!
  2. A small refrigerator for water before you fly, and beer for friends, and when you get back. At the risk of offending any delicate sensitivities, I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the requisite hanger wench.
  3. Quote: jelswick Agree with Parker. That's a beautiful paint job on Gary's J and like what they did with one of the trim lines which makes it unique. And it will soon have a great matching interior.
  4. Quote: allsmiles My bite is bigger than your byte!!
  5. I havn't, but I believe someone here has.....
  6. Quote: allsmiles
  7. Aircraft Spruce has lighted replacement glareshields for a few hundred dollars.
  8. Air Mods in Houston = Good Mod Works in Florida = Gone
  9. Quote: allsmiles
  10. Hey Parker...we have some very good paint shops! Better than that overpriced huckster in central Texas, for sure.
  11. Quote: richardheitzman Please be careful out there. For interiors I recommend Mod Works because I know them, they do great work and are reputable.
  12. Am I the only one who gets the following warning at the bottom of some forums on a fairly regular basis? Doesn't seem to do anything, other than look alarming. The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error. Please contact the website administrator.
  13. Quote: danb35 May depend on the specific 406 unit. For the ACK (allegedly now shipping), the tests required involve no more than for a 121.5 unit, plus using the unit's self-test feature--shouldn't cost any more than any other ELT.
  14. Pull that little motor out and any good mechanic should be able to clean it up and rebuild it for no more than a couple of hundred bucks.
  15. Quote: JimR And his new paint will thank him for it! Jim
  16. Quote: JimR Very nice, Hiram, very nice. I think that my Mooney had your colors and scheme when she was new. I'm looking forward to seeing her when she comes out of the paint shop. And well done with the bladders, by the way. Jim
  17. Unfortunately, Tornado Alley Turbo told me once again, at Sun&Fun, that they have no plans on offering a conversion for the Lyc IO-360.
  18. Gee, where would you put the N#, the Garmin, the Aspen, and all the other electronic gizmos ;-)
  19. Flyer-201, Nick C. is screaming home from Texas at 11,000 ft. and around 200 kts. Top notch annual and beautiful white interior. Gotta love those 231's http://flightaware.com/live/flight/N526E/history/20110415/1715Z/KGGG/KDTS/tracklog Fly safe up there, Nick!
  20. Hoskins is no longer supported. If you want to buy a perfect Shadin Mini Flo original equipment fuel totalizer from my 1994 just PM me, because I'd like to get a JPI 830 :-)
  21. Well done, and thanks for sharing. A snowstorm in mid April, ugh. Keeping your cool, not letting them see you sweat, knowing emergency procedures, and using the E word quietly goes a long way to an safe outcome. If little Hawke is still up for flying, better let the RCAF know now!
  22. Quote: mooneygirl The Mooney Ambassadors will be at AirVenture, and would be willing to help "man" a booth.
  23. Quote: peter G500 installed price rarely close to a tube two tube Aspen install price. The G500 install labor alone is generally 2x to 3x what it take to put in Aspen equipment. G500 has no means to support a dual/redundant AHRS architecture like the Aspen 2000 and 2500 systems. Admitedly, I've got a bias, but I also fly behind our product in a Mooney and don't think Garmin comes close to offering the capability and flexibility provided by the Aspen.
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