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Everything posted by mooneygirl

  1. Becca: love the photos, could you send me copies to MooneyAmbassadors@charter.net I haven't been able to master downloading the image from MooneySpace. thank you.
  2. I agree with Jesse. Mitch had an F and I have an E. It is all about knowing your airplane and what you are carrying weight and wind-wise. My ASI in is MPH. I do 100 downwind, 90 on base, 80 on final and 75 over the fence. I have to say because of all the Ambassador events we have been to, we have seen our share of Mooneys floating floating floating. In my humble opinion it is due to the fact that these lovely airplanes don't want to slow down. They want to fly. I rotate at 65 mph, so it doesn't take much to know that she will keep flying no problem at 80! Also, the trim wheel has become my friend.
  3. Take good care George. All of us are thinking about you, your family and all affected by the earthquake.
  4. Here is the next Ambassador shin-dig: Vidalia Onion Festival Airshow, April 30-May 1st, 2011, Vidalia Georgia. Each spring, Vidalia anticipates the harvest of Georgia's Official State Vegetable, the internationally known Vidalia Sweet Onion. The occasion is celebrated with an array of fun-filled activities. The excitement builds with the Vidalia Onion Festival Airshow with its aerobatics and precision flying. Come and join the fun with the Ambassadors! Point Person: Jeff Schlueter for more general information about the event: http://www.vidaliaonionfestival.com/airshow-info.
  5. Becca, did you take any photos? How many airplanes came in??
  6. We had 13 Mooneys on the ramp last year. Not one of them had a bad landing. All about speed.... Gotta love Imovie 11.
  7. Here is the trailer for our Oceano Airport Celebration Day. For those on the west coast, it would be a fun day trip. Camping is available on the field. We are hoping to beat our record of 120 airplanes this year!
  8. Andy, you should just drive over for the lunch and fun time. All are welcome!
  9. Just trying to do my part, thanks Kelly and WT. Look forward to seeing folks at Airventure.
  10. Here is the latest installment to Wheels Up the Aviation publication by Forbes. http://blogs.forbes.com/wheelsup/2011/03/15/why-dont-we-just-close-down-all-those-little-airports/ Jolie
  11. We have received three inquiries in the last few days about whether the Mooney Ambassadors will have a presences at Sun n Fun. Here is what is going on so far. I am happy to forward prop and display tags for your aircraft including a Mooney History sheet. I also have t-shirts available should you like to wear an Ambassador shirt. $20 includes shipping, S-XL also have one L Sweatshirt $45. I can try to see if there is anyway to park together, but I have never been and would perhaps seem foolish, but happy to contact AOPA if folks would like to do that. PM or email me if you want the templates or a shirt.
  12. We also need ground crew to help support those displaying. Should you be able to attend Saturday or Sunday and would like to help, please contact Jim at the number and email above.
  13. We have space for one more Mooney and I was given a "last call" by the event organizers. This sounds like a fabulous event. Any more want to come?? May 13-15th, Indianapolis Regional, Indianapolis Indiana. The Indianapolis Air Show is one of the largest in the United States and will be held over three days: May 13,14, 15. The Ambassadors are to display 3-4 aircraft. There are some limitations to the show that all attendees must be okay with. Arrivals are Thursday afternoon or Friday morning. Due to the size of the show, the aircraft must remain in place until show end on Sunday afternoon.Attendance will be between 140,000-150,000. This is ten times larger than the largest show we have ever attended. [Lake in the Sky, South Lake Tahoe, CA 15,000] We are looking for two things: first off some folks who can display their aircraft for the three day event; and secondly perhaps some folks who can come and support the display without flying their aircraft in. Please RSVP you might be interested. We would receive free admission to the event and there are special rates at the hotels in the area for airshow participants. The identifier is KMQJ-Mt. Comfort, but the name of the airport is changing to Indianapolis Regional in the next few weeks. More information about the show: http://www.indyairshow.com Point Person: Jim Elswick
  14. I would look at an Ovation, perhaps a '94.
  15. We received a letter from EAA asking if we wanted to do a presentation at Airventure 2011, so we submitted our latest and greatest... PGA Squared If you are going to AirVenture 2011, look for our presentation in the schedule. We asked for Tuesday/Wed/Thursday.
  16. So my Mooney-Boy, Mitch is off taking the written. Go Mitch! I know you can do it. He has been studying like crazy for three months. I am so proud.
  17. Looks like such a fun day and what, 15 Mooneys on the ramp! Way to go.
  18. I think that you might wish to contact Stacey Elllis. I believe he is one of the last remaining Mooney folk out there: Stacey Ellis: sellis@mooney.com
  19. COPA Junior Aviatiors Rally May 14, 2011 Cornwall Regional Airport An introduction to flying including a ride in an airplane for youth ages 7-17. Why not attend, display, support Mooney and Promote G.A. to a junior aviator. Point Person: RB Franklin. Event sponsored by the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association and the Cornwall Flying Club.
  20. TKS will help you get here safely Kelly. Some may know that Mooney was the first aircraft to be certified to fly into known icing!
  21. Our event has been postponed due to inclement weather due in Oceano. They are calling for the possibility of snow....Brrr. Thanks to Ross Mayfield for the Snoceano cartoon.... We will try again in April. Celebration Day is May 14th, 2011
  22. What a lovely airplane. Congrats.
  23. Hi All It looks like we have 2 or 3 of the 4 needed for Indy. We also need ground support. If you would like to attend the show, but not display your airplane, but help out doing the Ambassador thing, please register on the website. http://mooneyambassadors.com/20815.html Thanks to Jim for being the point person. We will have a write up in the official program, so that is super cool. Go Mooney!
  24. Hello there! We received the final approval from the Indianapolis Airshow. We have been approved for four airplanes. Who is in?? Comp passes and a whole lot of fun. Let me know right away. Jolie Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun
  25. While flying the non-precision approach to Fullerton on Sunday, when I reached the missed approach point and pulled off the hood, to me I seemed really high Mooney-wise. I mean, when I flew a Cessna you could put in all those flaps and cut the throttle and drop. At first when I saw white over white on the VASI I didn't think I could land it, but then the CFII said "give it a try", and I did fine. I had to chop the power, trim for 80 mph and put in all the flaps. The Mooney is so slippery that if I were to just point her nose down to lose the altitude, she would speed up so much I would end up floating down the runway. Has anyone else had this situation, where you are a decision height, but it still seems high? Maybe it is just me being a newbie.
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