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Everything posted by mooneygirl

  1. I have to say that I have just been sick about the factory going to skeleton crew. Some of my good friends have been let go. I remain hopeful that somehow positive will come out of this very very sad time.
  2. So we had an absolute blast. 45 airplanes on the ramp. Kids getting rides for free! We had over 100 people come and support the Marine Corps Toys for Tots. We loaded seven big boxes full of toys for our kids. It was just a blast. Mother Nature cooperated and we had a super day. Look for a video soon. Thank you all for your support. It was nice to see many Mooneys on the ramp too!
  3. Hey Fernando, we completely understand. We had a great day down at the airport today getting things in ship shape. The weather today was great. We hope tomorrow will hang in there. At least for the kid's sake! Get better Karen!! We might be going to Cable in January for the airshow and an Ambassador gig. Not sure.
  4. We are staying positive for the 80% that it will be a great day to fly to L52, have some great BBQ, hear some timely Christmas music from the Santa Maria Winds quintet, look at some Model A's from the Cuesta Crankers, and gather a bunch of new toys for underpriviledged children.........not to mention having another activity at our litte slice of paradise Oceano Airport!! If you don't fly, please come and join us too. See you there.
  5. I am hoping a 20% chance of rain means an 80% chance of no-rain. We have canopys, tents, heaters. It is for the kids after all. Come on Sun, keep shining!
  6. Gary, you crack me up. Like we need something else to do? HA I think Trey and Lela do a wonderful job. There are some new things for 2011. So, keep your eyes open, and your memberships current!
  7. You did a great job Mitch. That is the way to do it. Start strong and don't give up. Everyone who comes to Oceano will thank you!
  8. From reading the MAPA list, looks like it was a ferry flight and perhaps the onboard extra fuel tanks shifted causing the airplane to not be controlled. Such a sad thing.
  9. I have to agree with the above posts that see the value in the MAPA membership. I have also often thought about the [sometime] criticism about the MAPA Log articles. Why not contact Trey Hughes at MAPA and submit an article for the Log? In the process of writing the article you would certainly learn a lot and share your knowledge with other Mooney owners. Work to be part of the solution is my idea. Personally I would love to see what interesting places you all have flown, or uses for the Mooney that might not always be highlighed. We have a wealth of experience here on MooneySpace! trey_hughes@sbcglobal.net is the email for Trey.
  10. I flew Maggie home from Jackson/Westover [JAQ] after having her entire engine baffling replaced, and the fuel tanks sealed. Around Coalinga I thought I heard a strange whooshing sound. Turns out it was just headset noise. When I am flying alone as I was yesterday, I am always looking for other aircraft and a place to put her down. I am not saying this to criticize our lost Mooney pilot, just to remind us all that this passion of ours is risky. After attending the Super Safety Seminar in San Diego, and all the AOPA safety seminars at Summit, it was nice to put all of that knowledge in my flight yesterday. It had been about seven weeks since I flew Maggie. From the cursory report it sounds like perhaps a problem after lift off. Four miles from the airport. Maybe tried to turn back? Hollister is in our "back yard" so to speak, so it feels more real. AOPA has done a great job with Real Pilot Stories: http://www.aopa.org/asf/pilotstories/index.html Maybe some good Saturday/Sunday reading and watching. Let's be safe out there.
  11. To me, the video doesn't look like a Mooney, but the write up says "Muni". http://www.kionrightnow.com/Global/story.asp?S=13568566 A very sad situation. Sorry to lose someone in our Mooney family.
  12. Mitch makes a good point. Now that the "fly-in" season is winding down, think of where you would like to fly in your Mooney. Perhaps a regional fly-in, AOPA/EAA event, airport day or display day. Let either of us know and we can help you to put on an Ambassador display. Many on this list have done so and report that it is very little work and lots of fun. IMHO we can get out there and promote, or sit back and be passive. I think most Mooney flyers by nature are action oriented. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  13. Mooney employees received unwelcome news this week as the holiday season approaches. http://www.mooney.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=576&Itemid=54
  14. Here is the link for the public radio interview for our Toys for Tots event: http://kcbx.org/mp3archive/ii101110a.mp3 Hope to see you all here at Oceano!
  15. I hope you mean 12/4 for Oceano Airport Toys for Tots! We are gearing up for an awesome time. With the national exposure, we are hoping for a great turnout, and would appreciate all Mooneys making the trip to L52. We will have special parking for the Mooneys that come. Help make a child smile at Christmas. Marine Corps Toys for Tots Event. Toys for Tots Fly-in, Oceano Airport L52-December 4th, 2010 This is a fun event with a great cause. Sponsored by the Friends of Oceano Airport, the event begins at 10:00 with arrivals, 12:00 BBQ lunch, and ends about 2:00 p.m. ACI will be offering a $.25 per gallon fuel discount on the 4th, plus they are donating $.25 per gallon to Toys for Tots. Bring new unwrapped toys, and make a child smile this Christmas. All makes and models of airplanes are welcome. If you cannot attend and would like to mail gifts, or cash donations please contact the Friends of Oceano Airport: http://www.FriendsofOceanoAirport.com
  16. We really had a fun time. AOPA does put on an organized event that is for sure. The workshops that were offered were top notch. It was fun to be "behind the scenes" a bit as well. Mooney was represented at the AirportFest, which resembeled a fly-in. And as well Mark Foster had his Mooney on display at one of the booths. We decided to wear our "Mooney gear" as much as possible. Phil Boyer liked our "What have YOU done for G.A. slogan." Out of the 400 planes at Long Beach, it was funny because we had one Mooney right next to us, and another on the other side. Receiving the award on behalf of myself, Mitch and the other volunteers was quite an honor. Craig Fuller was well aware of the Ambassadors and our mission to support Mooney and promote G.A. That felt good, that folks around the country are taking notice of what we are doing with our beautiful Mooneys. More fun on the horizon!
  17. What goes around comes around.
  18. Hello All It was so much fun to see folks from this list at the AOPA Summit in Long Beach. Thursday lunch was attended by seven Mooney owners and we had about fourteen join us for the Block Party. Mitch and I had a great time presenting for AOPA and for CalPilots. Several of our non-aviation friends thought it was Cow-pilots which is even funnier! Receiving the Joseph Crotti award was the cherry on top. I think that this article is the best one, to actually describe what we did at Oceano, and further with the Mooney Ambassadors. http://www.aopa.org/summit/news/2010/101113oceano.html Also, here is the video link. I was so happy that our Ovation was featured prominently. http://www.aopa.org/aopalive/?watch=tjMXF0MTpdb-RKXElRttNEuEquvTObP8 It was a challenge to carry everything we needed for the various presentations, but the cargo fit nicely into the Ovation, and we were way under gross. We do have the new Mooney Ambassador gear available..sweatshirts or T-shirts. We received a lot of comments from the "What have YOU done for G.A." on the back. The end of the year is coming, and we need to get some more Ambassador events on our schedule. What airport day, open house, or fly-in do you like to fly to? Perhaps it could be made into an Ambassador event. All the best. Mitch and Jolie
  19. I think it is awesome, Fernando!
  20. Hello all: We leave for Long Beach this afternoon Thursday: Meet for lunch at 12:45 at the Convention Center. I am sure there will be a central meeting area of some sort. I will check out some closeby lunch options. Friday night: Block Party. Wear your Mooney gear and meet in the lobby of the Hyatt Regency at 6:00 p.m. I have received many orders for the new T-shirts. If you would like one, or two, let me know. We are going to have some fun at the AOPA Summit. For those who cannot attend, make sure to check out the AOPA LIVE broadcasts. http://www.aopa.org/aopalive/
  21. Yep, Michael just do a forward slip and let 'er rip out that window. I saw that this event was re-scheduled because of an earlier weather delay. The only other Mooney I can think of that is BETTER equipped for this mission is the MITE!
  22. The public radio interview for the Friends of Oceano Airport is being aired tomorrow, Wednesday at 4:00 on KCBX, or listen online at:http://kcbx.org/Pages/Programming/listen_live.html If you are a west-coaster and want to come to a great event, benefitting a wonderful cause, mark your calendar for December 4th, 10:00-2:00 at Oceano Airport, L52. Help make a child smile at Christmas. Marine Corps Toys for Tots Event. Toys for Tots Fly-in, Oceano Airport L52-December 4th, 2010 This is a fun event with a great cause. Sponsored by the Friends of Oceano Airport, the event begins at 10:00 with arrivals, 12:00 BBQ lunch, and ends about 2:00 p.m. ACI will be offering a $.25 per gallon fuel discount on the 4th, plus they are donating $.25 per gallon to Toys for Tots. Bring new unwrapped toys, and make a child smile this Christmas. All makes and models of airplanes are welcome. If you cannot attend and would like to mail gifts, please contact the Friends of Oceano Airport: http://www.FriendsofOceanoAirport.com
  23. How about we do lunch on Thursday at 12:45. There is a break in between morning and afternoon seminars. I will try to check out a place and post here or give me a call on my cell. 805-709-6619 Mooney Ambassador gear is in! New shirts feature printing on both sides with our GA motto: "What have YOU done for GA Lately?" They are a $15 donation, and I will have 45 at Summit. Let me know if you would like one. I tried to add the photo, but it kept crashing the site! WOW So Thursday lunch it is!!!
  24. For starters...let's meet in the lobby of the Hyatt on Friday early eve for the Block Party. I believe Pine Street is walking distance from the Hyatt. That is where we are staying. We will be at the Summit and available for lunch on Thursday or Friday. On Saturday we will be over at Calpilots for lunch before our 1:00 presentation. We will have Mooney Ambassador cards and the new T-shirt [printed on both sides] for $15 donation. What say you all? Thursday or Friday lunch??? 805-709-6619 is my cell
  25. Midnight metallic blue with gold accents for my Maggie II.
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