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Everything posted by mooniac58

  1. Please stop the political posts guys.
  2. Hello all, I hope you had a fantastic holiday for those celebrating! Just a heads up that if you did not notice I have upgraded the community to run on secure SSL as you will see by the https:// in the address bar (versus the standard http://). This was done for better safety for you folks. Now when you login your username and passwords will not be openly transmitted over the Internet and instead will be encrypted. Thanks as always for your support of this great community! Craig
  3. I have disabled one of the ad networks today as I got a pop up from my security suite about an attempt to redirect me to a malware type page. While I don't know if it was this network or not it was either that or Google and the odds are greater it is the smaller network. If anyone sees anything happening like this let me know. Again, if you are in Tapatalk then I don't need the report since I cannot control what ads they show. Thanks!
  4. Indeed. Tapatalk is doing their own ads. The malware issue is getting problematic though - even Googles own AdSense is having this crap slip through their ad approval process. I operate a few sites and this is still an ongoing battle. It all really crept up with the doing away with Flash and Flash based ads. What replaced them was HTML5 ads which unfortunately get very hard for ad networks to screen to see what embedded scripts and such are in these ads.
  5. Going to lock this one up guys - please remember we don't allow political discussions at Mooneyspace.
  6. Hey all, Are you seeing this on a desktop environment or on mobile devices? I am shocked that people with ads disabled are seeing this. I will investigate our ad networks. It could be that just the base code they run is doing this even if you are not seeing ads. I will drop any networks that are doing this. I keep ads enabled on my account so I can watch over them - I have never seen anything like this. Also note that other apps on your device - especially mobile can do this outside of Mooneyspace. @MyNameIsNobody - if you have donated in the past year please send me a PayPal transaction ID and you will be upgraded. I cannot find record of this.
  7. I think it had an issue where you could not browse the forums. The last time I used it (and for many months prior) it would only show recent activity and not let you browse forums directly.
  8. Hey all, I think I was finally able to fix up the forums to work correctly with Tapatalk today. Now you should be able to browse all forums, etc. Please let me know if you see any more issues with it!
  9. Welcome to the family Flyhigh603!
  10. Ah ok - that should be no issue
  11. I am no lawyer but since the MS logo is technically just the Mooney logo we might need permission to sell anything with their logo on it. Any lawyers able to chime in on this?
  12. Now that we have the ads and notice about donating they come in pretty steady. In the old days I used to just do a "donation drive" post when the coffers were getting low...it is not really necessary anymore I suppose. Shirts would be great! You would likely need permission from Mooney if they are going to feature the logo though,..
  13. Your call entirely. I think a user paying $10 probably supports the site more than with ads - you would need to view about 20,000 pages on the site to generate a $10 ad income for comparison. Either way, thanks for using Mooneyspace! ~Craig
  14. First - those that don't donate should not feel bad ad all. After some fine-tuning over the months I have been getting decent returns from the advertising. If you are running an ad-blocker on the site that is another issue (please whitelist us!) as ad blocking is killing the free Internet everywhere...my main company has laid off half our staff in the past 18 months as a result of the rise of ad blocking users. If you don't want to see ads then the small donation (or more!) is very welcome. The truth is $10 per month is not really enough - but luckily most people donate more and we have an average donation of about $28.00. Also, if any of your have businesses or services that you wish to advertise on Mooneyspace you can buy ads directly here and I would give you Supporter status for that as well... I am a MMOPA member ($250 per year as stated before) and it is rather expensive. They do put out a magazine quarterly and organize some pretty exotic events as well as call in tech support from one of the best PA-46 mechanics on Earth - so there is a bit more offered than just forums. I have never met a Malibu owner that was not also a MMOPA member. Thanks to all of you for your support regardless of what form it takes!
  15. Ok, I shutoff the big ad unit at the bottom of the page as this is the one I think was letting this bugger in the door. Please let me know if you see this at all. I need to rule this ad network in or out. thanks!
  16. You should see ads as a Basic Member level - but I am trying to get rid of the annoying full page pop-up ads people are seeing. The normal in-page banner type ads should be there though.
  17. @bluehighwayflyer - the ads are Google AdSense so they are targetted based on your browsing history. I won't say anymore @par - you are not supporter level so at least this means these are likely still coming from an ad network (as opposed to something worse like the site code being hacked) If a "Supporter" level user sees this when logged in I really need to know. Still trying to figure out the source of these.
  18. I did find one left over script in the headers from an ad network we don't use anymore. Maybe this will fix it? If you see it again let me know.
  19. Yikes, if it happens when you are logged in then it is not coming from any of the advertisements since those are all disabled for upgraded users. It could mean something more malicious.
  20. can you make it happen any time you are logged out?
  21. N601RX did you get that when you were logged in or were you logged out?
  22. Ok, the company I shut off swears it is not them - so I am going to turn them back on so they can investigate. If anyone sees this again let me know ASAP
  23. Ok, I am looking to see if anyone saw it happen after my last post (around 9PM PST 6/18/16). I am looking to see which one of our ad sources is doing this.
  24. Ok, I have shut off one of the ad providers. Can Par and N610RX (logged out of course) test this for me?
  25. I tested on my friends iPhone and my wifes and did not see this. Can any other users test for me as well? Par, do you see this every time you visit the site? This might also be some other thing on your phone causing this. I think if other users were seeing this I would have had a lot of complaints to be honest. From the screen it looks like when you visit our site it is actually redirecting you to another site - pintbin.com
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