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Everything posted by NickG

  1. I get Flying with my Apple News subscription
  2. Took my O up to 16k on the way back from Amarillo last week. Wondering what sort of TAS everyone gets from say, 15k on up and FF (obviously WOT). Any info would be appreciated.
  3. Not sure what you mean. Pictures would help
  4. Hi Freddy, You must have jinxed it (lol) because today, lo and behold, my low boost pump is DOA. High boost works no problem. Supposed to fly to from Vegas to Houston on Friday, will probably fly commercial unless they can get it fixed between now and then (unlikely).
  5. That's very consistent with what I'm seeing. I've been cruising recently at 2550 at about that FF and can get a few more knots and its pretty smooth.
  6. Drew, sounds like our O’s are almost identical! What’s your cruise settings at 10k?
  7. Couldn’t be happier with plane. Closed in May and I’ve put over 60 hours on it since then. Just flew my son from Las Vegas to Amarillo and back this weekend for a steak at the Big Texan Steakhouse. Lots of IMC, altitudes between 12-16k. Plane performed flawlessly, and I’ve started flying LOP getting the fuel flow down as low as 11GPH for 172 KIAS. I could go 182KIAS+ at 50ROP on 15-16GPH as well. Very versatile birds.
  8. Mine has been on analysis since the OH. All clear!
  9. My Ovation has UL #1100. I have TKS, 310 HP STC, all glass, no AC and no factory ox (I use a portable Aerox when I need it). I found mine online it was sold through a broker.
  10. That is brilliant advice.
  11. He said they are doing them because they now own the Monroy STC and more often than not its the Monroy + strip and reseal. The other group is Houston Tank Specialists, also a good shop, I hear.
  12. I just called over there because I'm concerned a tank reseal is in my near future. Spoke with Paul Maxwell - a super nice guy. He thought it unlikely my 94 O would need a full strip and reseal, but if it did, he could get me in around October at 6k per side, which is the same price as the other guys that do it. They offer a 7-year warranty. Great to know the options out there - He's definitely closer to me than Florida.
  13. What are you running there? 50ROP? RPM?
  14. Yes, a by far larger data set no doubt for Cirrus. I was referring to issues like this: https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/cirrus-grounds-its-own-planes-warns-operators-of-engine-issues-with-some-sr22s/# The relative young age of the fleet means there are more newer engines out there with Continental QC issues. Still great planes just another data point.
  15. The Cirrus engines have a middling reputation, generally well founded. They are however, wonderful planes. I have about 30 hours in the Cirrus but an old service injury on my left arm and shoulder made the side stick very uncomfortable as I’m extremely right hand dominant. I intensely dislike the side stick feedback. My wife loved the Cirrus, didn’t like the price. She kept pointing at Mooneys on the ramp and asking “what’s that one?”. So now I have an Ovation with 310HP STC, full glass and love it. I live in Las Vegas and thought I would desperately need a turbo but so far that hasn’t been the case. Having said that, If you think a Turbo is part of your requirement, you cannot go wrong with an Acclaim which is in my opinion the absolute best plane in its class. Fantastic birds!
  16. Unfortunately, MAPA is no longer around. The Mooney Safety Foundation is now the one doing the PPP course, I believe, I'll be attending next year..
  17. I can't believe the versatility of these planes. Cruised around today at a leisurely 160 KTAS or so at 65% power burning 12 GPH. Can always go to my usual cruise of around 73-75% and go 174-178 KTAS on around 15 GPH . Then there's "03 Mode" and get around 182 KTAS at 17 or so GPH.
  18. from one Nick to another… I would think an autopilot should be right up there on the list. The workload in the modern airspace environment is high and in my opinion, an AP eases the workload and is a must have. Of course, plenty of people will disagree with me and their opinions are no more valid than mine. And then there’s the Nordo crowd who like to keep things just as they were when then Wright Flyer made its maiden flight……
  19. I also had one one my Cherokee. Quality cover, you will be happy.
  20. This guy was obviously a VFR pilot with zero clue how to fly an instrument approach. Blamed his dangerous actions on his equipment.
  21. Exactly!!!!
  22. Yeah, you and @chunko are right, it’s got it mission specialty and if you need it, you can’t beat the platform.
  23. That sucks. I had TruTrak (aerocruz 100) in my old Cherokee 235. Was an OK autopilot, lots of limitations. I have a GFC500 in my O and its an incredible piece of equipment. What sucks is that there’s such limited choices at this point if you’re looking for something that is reliable and doesn’t require a home equity loan to buy. I hear good things from people about the Trio - more complicated install than the BK100 but supposedly cost efficient and reliable. Sadly, not yet available for Mooneys. The Dynon, of course is the one every is waiting for, but no STC date other than “soon”. If you can afford a GFC500, I can’t say enough good things about it, but it is expensive. Sorry to hear about your travails.
  24. what prop setting?
  25. Flying over Lake Mead on the way to St George, UT. Last week.
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