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Everything posted by NickG

  1. This is really helpful. I’ll post some engine page pics on my next outing.
  2. Is it possible that this was a case of infant mortality on the new engine and had nothing to do with the electronic mags?
  3. If that doesn't work out, you should call Jeff Schnabel. I bought an ovation at IndyAir and he came out and flew it back to Las Vegas with me. schnabel79@gmail.com, ph (513) 484-0604.
  4. https://themooneyflyer.com/cfi.html This should help.
  5. He should lose his privileges. Period. His actions here and in the previous incident show a total disregard for his life and the life of others. He is clearly an entitled a*hole whose attitude borders on sociopathic. I don't want to share the same National Airspace System as this jackass. Talk about "reckless endangerment". I'd like to see him held financially liable for all that damage to public property due to his reckless disregard of the rules. This was not an "accident" but an inevitability.
  6. That's a fantastic plane at a great price. It should sell very quickly.
  7. Another great day with my Ovation (310 STC)! Flew from KHND to KAPV for a very expensive breakfast with a buddy - I started playing around a bit with the cruise settings to see the best combo of speed and efficiency. My preferred setting at 8-10k is around 21.7 MP/2500 RPM/15.7GPH yields a cruise speed around 175kTAS or so. Today I tried some different combos to see some more economical alternatives. I obviously have the POH engine charts (for both the Ovation and Ovation 3) - real world is relatively close. What do you my fellow MS’ers use?
  8. Lovely plane!!! Congratulations!!!
  9. I’ll bet your 231 puts a Mooney sized grin on your face as well!!!
  10. I believe there's a 12 step program that you can sign up for that will help........
  11. Yes I agree. Love the way she overruled him and asserted her decision to go around as PIC.
  12. Yes, this is Flywithkay, She's a CFII, and so I believe is her father who is in the right seat. She's a new owner of the Seneca she's flying. I think she shows decent ADM here - the dad holds the door and troubleshoots while she flies the plane. She calls the tower and informs them of their situation and tells them it is NOT an emergency but would like to get on the ground as soon as possible. She also elects to go around once she realizes she's not properly established (high). True, no checklists though but they handled it well.
  13. You’re probably right although I found the Toga Turbo stable, it just flew like a truck, and not very efficiently. Bo’s are great, just a little tight space wise and a little heavy price wise. The standing O is perfect! I cruise at 178kts at 15.6 gph or so.
  14. LOL…. I’ll let her know! She’s really looking forward to travelling…
  15. I never had any idea that I would love this bird as much as I do. Speed, comfort, avionics, fuel burn - it's perfection. And I've really had to work at it as well, it took me nearly 40 hours of transition to get comfortable putting it down. That Cherokee sight picture was ingrained in my head and I needed to be reprogrammed (lol). Anyway, now the training wheels are off, it's time for some of those long cross countries! Can't wait!
  16. Thanks! Yes!!! I had no idea how much I would love this bird. And it's been a challenge getting the landing down. Took close to 40 hours of transition before I had the sight picture and speed dialed in. Love every minute of it! I've put nearly 50 hours on it since May.
  17. Congrats! Absolutely LOVE mine - my forever plane.
  18. Agree, if you want to haul a bunch of stuff around and don't care how fast you get to your destination, they're great planes.
  19. iPad mini6 was indispensable and the right size. Now I have a G3x and a glass cockpit, so other than preflight planning, the mini basically stays in the footwell pocket. I have digital scans of my POH and avionics manuals on it for and I run Gramin pilot for logbook recording, engine data downloads etc. IMHO the Mini 6 is the perfect size for our cockpits.
  20. Yes, true. I was coming from a Cherokee 235 which is basically like an old pickup truck - similar flight characteristics. So glad I passed on it an have the big O!
  21. Any extra fuel cost at KAMA (and it is expensive) is offset by its close proximity to this:
  22. I have complete glass - no vacuum systems etc. My empty is 2267.15 at 43.34. I keep around 60lbs of stuff (cooler, waters, cover, tools etc). No issues single pilot, more backpressure with a right seater, and back to normal if there's a third person int he back seat.
  23. That’s exactly how I want to position it. Thanks for this… I can show my avionics guy
  24. I'll check that out - brighter lights would help but line of sight would help more... Thanks for the info on DB25. I think I'm putting this on my to do list when I add the 7" G3x on the right side.
  25. Thanks! Very helpful...
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