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Everything posted by Pinecone

  1. Thanks, yes, Paul. I would forget my own name if I did not carry ID. They told me how to do it on the phone. I asked at MM, and next day Paul told me it was done. I asked for the bill, was told No Charge. It seems it takes a minute, literally.
  2. That is the other part of it, to see what Mooney used in which years and compare to paint issues from G100UL and what Beech did. That way, people could have an idea if that paint issue will happen to their airplane or not.
  3. Interesting. I would have thought they would be closer. But then again, we are different in the 2nd to last, not last character. I think if you keep a positive pressure on the crankcase, enough will leak past the rings to lower RH in the cylinders.
  4. Hmm, it seems that Beech paint has no issues with G100UL. Cessna and Mooney may have issues. It may be related to which paint system (from bare metal up) what used in various years. Need to find out how Beech paints their planes.
  5. 65% power is 65% power. With NA, you can be at an altitude where you cannot reach 65% power LOP. So you may need to run at peak or ROP to make the power. Turbo can make the % power LOP or ROP.
  6. Step up formation is also used for low level flying. Therefore if lead does not hit the wires, hill, building, fence, etc, the wingmen also don't hit. Unless lead flies UNDER the wires.
  7. Here is the picture. A&P and I figured total to be $150,000 or more to deal with known issues, and more could come to light.
  8. When the A-10 wing stalls, the flight path stops turning. See the video of the Paris Air Show crash. The nose is up, but the flight path is still steep into the ground. And there is NO warning of the stall. The buffet happens at a higher AOA than the stall. Also no nose drop at the stall point. So, normally in a straight wing airplane, for max performance, you pull to the buffet, then slightly release the backpressure to the point of no buffet. If you do that in an A-10, you are still stalled and will hit the ground. So we got headset tones for Max Performance and for Stall. I would think a headset tone for max performance AOA for an ag plane would be perfect. You can fly every turn at max performance for the GW and conditions.
  9. One big difference is the higher resolution of SXM out past 200 mile range. I have both. https://ipadpilotnews.com/2020/07/ads-b-weather-vs-siriusxm-satellite-weather-comparing-the-options/ https://www.cessnaflyer.org/magazine/article-archives/avionics/ads-b-vs-siriusxm.html https://siriusxmcommunications.com/sxmaviation/daretocompare.html https://www.aopa.org/about/aopa-partners/siriusxm-aviation/infographic
  10. how about that part of the skin from a damaged rudder, riveted in place? That would have the same shape.
  11. The latest. At least as of last fall. And it was working this way back in the summer when the project was delivered.
  12. Asking for a friend. REALLY An A&P I know did a PPI on a Mooney that has been sitting for a while. He and I agree that the potential buyer should walk away, but the buyer wants some price ranges to fix. The A&P found corrosion of the main spar cap visible inside the wheel well (I will see about getting pics). So, can you replace the main spar cap or the entire main spar? And what ball park of cost? This aircraft also has corrosion of steel cage members and severe (A&P words) pitting in the cylinders. Thanks
  13. Also, has the fuel system been set up properly? That is, according to the Continental manual by someone who knows what they are doing?
  14. Just like we did in the A-10. A bit higher, as we only went down to 100 AGL, but we pulled more G there. That is why the headset tone was so useful, not looking inside or at anything, looking out and hearing the max performance tone told you that the plane was doing the best it could do.
  15. Hmm, but SO MANY lawsuits against the manufacturer for issues that they had nothing to do with.
  16. Mine got damaged, so it was going off all the time. I talked to Maxwell about it, and they have a way of dealing with it. I went to Mooney Max at Longview and son (can't remember name) fixed it for me. No charge. IIRC you grab the vane with pliers and pull on it when applying pressure. I forget which way.
  17. Don't know how to combine, but I have 2 tabs. Fuel calc and everything else
  18. No electronic ignition. Yet. Plenty of threads on them here on MS. @jetdriven runs electronic and has installed a number of systems. I am planning on him installing one at my annual in May
  19. One other point is. DCA was supposed be closed down in the late 60s - early 70s. IAD was supposed to replace it. But no one wanted to go all the way out in the country to go to IAD. But the Congress critters want DCA as it is short ride from the Hill to get out of town on Friday afternoon. Be at DCA on Friday afternoon and you will see more Senators and Congressman that for the State of the Union address.
  20. The other thing is, how much fuel are you actually "dumping????????" You are at a very low power setting with very low fuel flow. Even doubling the fuel flow is not a lot of fuel.
  21. T-38A and B and the A-10A had AoA. In both, we have a gauge that gave AoA from a vane, all the time. Then there was the Indexer on the left canopy bow that was only active with the gear down. The ONLY use for the gauge was to fly a max range or max endurance profile. You would fly to a mark on the AoA guage. And set power for level flight. Normal cruise was to set a MACH or IAS and fly. The A-10 also had AoA tones in the headset. But this was due to a quirk where the wing stalled about 1 AoA unit before the buffet. And max performance was 1 AoA before the stall. So there was a max performance tone and a stall tone. I think a setup like this would be great for ag planes. But overall, having flown with it, I see no real use for full range AoA. I like the Alpha Eagle display. Most like the ones I flew in the USAF and gives me the info I need without anything extra cluttering things up.
  22. 380 max for Continentals. Talk to GAMI or Savvy about what is a good max CHT for you plane. Assuming you want max life.
  23. So what do you do when they get bent by line guys leaning on them when they are fueling?
  24. If you blow air into the intake, it will only get into the cylinders where the intake is partially open, the other get virtually no air. The same for the exhaust. Pressurizing the crankcase does blow some some dry air past the rings. There is the ring gap and the rings need pressure to fully seal. BTW, what is your serial number? Our planes may only be a couple apart out of the factory.
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