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Everything posted by Pinecone

  1. As was mentioned, it is like 2 cups of acid to a gallon of water. And ALWAYS ADD THE ACID TO THE WATER.
  2. Almost 3 hours at cruise for me.
  3. I did my PP in Grumman Tigers. No nose wheel steering either. No problem. BTW, the King Air doesn't have nose wheel steering either.
  4. BTW, if you have speed brakes you only gain just under 30 gallons.
  5. FYI, I would not use sulfuric acid. For cleaning/etching concrete, you use muriatic (hydro chloric) acid.
  6. Dawn and water. You need a surfactant to allow the water to remove the petro. The dye stain may never come out. Cement/concrete is porous, so things soak in. The other option is to paint the floor. When I did my detached garage is this - https://ucoatit.com/getstarted-gad/?gclid=CjwKCAiAvK2bBhB8EiwAZUbP1BA2w7ME0n9pNAHJDkJi0Q65knTIK6FrmuGeVRri40TJCOMdrwlyrhoCQlsQAvD_BwE It is a water based epoxy. The first coat has an additive and it is applied to damp concrete, and actually soaks into the concrete to bond. I pulled a loaded metal shelf unit across it and it ground the paint, off the shelf unit. It is not hurt the coating.
  7. Based on these posts, I am still loving my 252/Encore. 174 KTAS in the mid teens on 10.3 GPH
  8. I haven't used them, but for a total seat rebuild, there is also Oregon Aero. Everything I have read is that their seats are amazingly comfortable.
  9. I will be talking to Parker when renewal time comes.
  10. https://www.shipsticks.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAmaibBhCAARIsAKUlaKSiAaZfZ9r1L2OLS9CfFYpEkLj7hQS4nxvRrHghxcw4WyFglAButvYaAnfuEALw_wcB
  11. It was nice to non-stop NE MD to KSRQ, with hefty headwinds, without having to worry about maybe needed into stop. 73 gallons.
  12. When I turn off power on the aircraft, the G5 asks if it should keep running on battery or shutdown.
  13. BUT, if they knew they were mainly dealing with radar missiles, they could load more chaff. On the A-10, we had a button for each. So could dispense just chaff, just flares, or both. Individual or a program.
  14. FYI, I am through Falcon for both my renter's insurance and my plane. But I am USAA for house and cars, and they have an agreement with Falcon. From what I was told, there is a group in Falcon that only deals with USAA customers.
  15. Also, when these airplanes were designed/built, the primary flight instruments were vac, not electric. And ATC had Primary radar. So with separate comm, you were good to make it safely to the ground. But I wrote my piece before I read yours. I like the idea of a split avionics bus that one side can be fed directly from the battery bus.
  16. True. But since I already have one, maybe two, iPads, it is really one more device. The Stratus 3 can be hooked up to power via USB cable, then will revert to batteries of there is a loss of power. The question starts to be, how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? How about this, a separate line from battery to an essential avionics bus, separate to the line to the Master. That way if the line that feeds everything goes poof, you have a back up for an AI, Nav, and Com.
  17. You are reinventing the wheel. There are the small portable chemical toilets used by millions of boats. There are are the ones that are a 5 gallon bucket with a lid and bags. Add to that the several ones similar to the Jill's Jon idea. And the piddle pack, gel in a bag version. https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en/thetford-porta-potti-campa-potti-xg?ds_e=GOOGLE&ds_c=Cabelas|Shopping|Smart|Camping|General|NAud|TopPerf|NMT&gclid=CjwKCAiA9qKbBhAzEiwAS4yeDQvcMTFGU3Q2Bv5r2BbhZWc7KtloSe1T6-lExGW3JOMOtcvVvmyOJxoCmEgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en/reliance-luggable-loo-camping-toilet-seat-and-bucket https://www.amazon.com/ADENG-Unisex-Urinal-Camping-Outdoor/dp/B07TVN6GCC/ref=sr_1_57?crid=15PYQOFG8FKZB&keywords=urinal&qid=1667835044&sprefix=urinal%2Caps%2C82&sr=8-57
  18. There is the old Fly2Lunch, but a lot of the data is stale. Especially after COVID, a lot of places closed. There is a new one that is growing called https://flightsforbites.com/ that is growing. Help it out by adding any places you know.
  19. Hmm, maybe to start thinking about two separate busses for avionics. Put a nav/com and AI on each. Maybe even a battery back up on one (lower load one). Extra avionics master relays as mentioned. I wonder if there is a way to set up dual alternators to keep one able to power a single bus if something takes out the main bus. Just thinking out loud. And the port to connect a handheld to one of the Com antennas is a very good thing. FYI, Stratus and Sentry have AHRS as well. As well as the ADSB In. So that gives you a backup versus the Aera 760.
  20. My plane is going to Byron for Annual soon. Depending on if there are any other significant issues, I will have him do this while it is there.
  21. You always honor a threat. We were coming off the range near Atlantic City NJ in a two ship of A-10s. And a light twin was cruising by. He rolled in on us. So we responded with hard turn into the threat, then rocked our wings. This is the low altitude ROE for training threat response. It shows you saw and responding but keeps planes from hitting the ground being more aggressive. He responded by pulling off and rocking his wings. I don't know about him, but I was grinning. No idea who it was, but they obviously had some fighter experience.
  22. You are a smart man. We "shot down" MANY F-15 guys that thought they could turn with us (A-10 guy). But a corner velocity of 325 makes for tight and fast turning aircraft. The way I found a fight got slow is if it went neutral and into a vertical scissors, as you each try to pull to the other guy's high-6. One of my defensive rides at LIFT in the AT-38B, a merge did this, and then I saw the stab on the other aircraft flopping back and forth with no nose movement, I rotated out of the fight and took off 45 nose low, inverted and hit about 0.99 MACH. From defensive, a clean separate is a WIN. That was a fun ride. We were make on initial with Min Fuel and logged a 0.7. Nothing like burning a LOT of gas in a short period of time.
  23. Why all the air to air training for a bombing mission? Why pop flares for radar missiles? Why not just say they were IR missiles? Use the Force Maverick........ Hmm, is this not a remake of Star Wars attacking the Death Star? Which is a remake of 633 Squadron attacking the rocket fuel plant, which is a remake of Dam Busters. The best I can say is, it was not as bad as I expected. But I will not be watching it over and over. Oh, and what fighter pilot is going to bet PUSH UPS??????
  24. If some is really interested, they should look at that parts catalog as see if there are any differences in parts between the 205s and other J, K, and later models.
  25. Why the preference for XM over FISB weather? The only experience I have with XM weather was with a older Garmin auto GPS with built in XM.
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