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Everything posted by RoundTwo

  1. It’s not just MS. Most threads lose momentum and begin drifting over time. Some sooner than others.
  2. I’ve proposed this idea to Mooney. Stay tuned…
  3. I cried UNCLE and set it to UTC.
  4. “Slide in to see her…”? Who writes this stuff?
  5. My side panels were attached with double sided tape. No need to get fancy.
  6. That’s the plan. The cap is only temporary, but it fit so well, I had to share.
  7. I don’t know, but it will be at least as good as nothing at all, which is the norm.
  8. Checklists seem to evolve over time as you tailor them to fit your needs at the moment. When I first got my J, the checklists had lots of procedures and processes because so much was new to me. Since then, they’ve become more concise.
  9. That’s a horrible design for a GPS, that you would need to offset the time every time you crossed the time zone. With the three GPS displays I have in the plane, it’s only the most expensive one, the GTN 750, that doesn’t correctly set local time. The other less costlier units, both do it.
  10. My apologies to all of the people in the great state of Indiana, that I may have offended by incorrectly stating that they don’t recognize daylight saving time.
  11. If not, there should be.
  12. My BJ10004AH Quick drain has been leaking since I got the plane. I’ll probably wind up replacing it with a P 5000, but in the meantime, this pliable cap fits perfectly over the bar and a tie wrap will fascinate securely and hopefully be the end of my dripping.
  13. And on a second note, both my G3 X and Aera 760 show the correct time without any adjustment to a local offset.
  14. So I guess this means everybody with a GTN needs to adjust local offset twice a year, or more frequently if you fly in and out of places that do not recognize daylight saving time. I guess it means I should avoid Arizona.
  15. That information should simply be in the databases. Extremely easy to have local time offset tide to geographic areas.
  16. Interesting and yet disappointing that the software isn’t smart enough to adjust to local time while accounting for seasonal shifts. Does this mean you have to change your offset when you fly to locations, like Indiana, that don’t recognize DST?
  17. Exactly. That’s why I created this post, because it’s rather perplexing.
  18. I’ll check but can’t imagine it is a satellite reception issue because I have flown it half a dozen times since we set the clocks back and it has never adjusted the time. My guess is there something in the configuration that needs to be tweaked.
  19. Too bad we don’t know of anyone close to the area that lives on an airstrip.
  20. Following
  21. I noticed this problem flying the Sunday after the time change. We were in Central time, returning to Eastern time and I noticed the GTN clock was one hour ahead. I guessed it would straighten itself out … NOT. I took the following picture just before shutdown at 3:34 PM and it shows Departure time was 3:58 PM. I never realized Moonies were time travelers. Any ideas? The irony is that this flight was the return flight from the avionics shop after getting 2 new servos and software updates for everything, including the GTN. Chuck
  22. Mini-OSH. Camp at the airport.
  23. I totally agree. All we need is someone to pull it all together.
  24. You are correct, it is the 8th.
  25. Since Kerrville is right in the middle of the path of totality, that sounds like a great reason for an eclipse party in front of the Mooney hangar. April 8, 2024. Anyone interested?
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