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Mooney Dog

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About Mooney Dog

  • Birthday November 8

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  1. Doesnt the 275 start at 4k? Thats a great deal.
  2. I dont know, that scream to me old and probably been around a good while.
  3. Oh wow that plane is pretty local to me. I wonder if it would be worth checking it out. Everything ive seen though shows the E or J preforming almost the same as the 911 for just less fuel.
  4. Id say look for a good E or J model with the avionics you'd be happy with. I true out my E around 150 easily and have flown in coast to coast a few times. It is not cheaper to own vs rent, as other have said. The mooney also doesnt carry as much, but it gets there faster!
  5. For a reference, i flew today and was watching some numbers. I have the big guppy mouth on my E still, 1965 model. I will ALWAYS have a minimum of 6qt of oil before i take off. As the POH for mine says, if you see it below 6qt, add oil to bring it to 7. Im using about a quart every 6-8 hours right now. Taking off from 104F field today at 4200DA. I saw 190F and 80psi in the climb. CHTs peaked on the JPI around 360 and once in cruise oil stayed at 190F and psi fell to 70psi. CHTs went down to 320F. I climb at 110-120mph at 25/25, opening up the ram air when mp falls bellow 22. I only see oil pressures in the yellow arcs during idle ops or at first start up, which is in line with the POH.
  6. I have found good preflight planning to be better for avoiding weather than adsb or xm weather. I do miss the onboard radar from the citation though
  7. Do they really? huh... TIL.
  8. You would have to have seen the ADSB info page and see if the data download didnt complete for some reason. It could be a number of reasons. I have often had mine not update correctly on trips from houston to el paso around the 3/4 point when im low in alt. Sirus is just another source for weather, and personally, i wouldnt care to pay for it unless i was getting XMradio with it. But i have Bose A20s for music so ymmv.
  9. I guess thats true. El Paso approach did have me slow down for the UPS planes coming in that one time.
  10. Somehow i dont think thats true. somehow i absolutely think this is true Now if we can get a mooney to mach .75 ill be one happy pilot
  11. Hey i just left the Pitts area. Good to see the rain is STILL there.
  12. screw drivers, pliers, some socket wrenches, a bottle of alcohol, and a phone for when i finally give up. In truth, carrying 2 screw driver has ben the biggest help for me. ones that you can change the heads. That along with pliers have fixed most my small issues when not at home base.
  13. so with the Mooney E models. Something like MP, Fuel pressure, Oil temp, oil pressure, and amps would need to be your 5 primary displays since those are what the factory gauges have correct? Would nonprimary at that point be fuel levels for the left and right tanks and then any other extra features? It doesnt seem to me like the CGR could be a buy one replace all type gauge but maybe im missing or overlooking something. Ive been trying to decide that engine monitor i go with for the next upgrade as well.
  14. Personally if its in the green then its good. In the summer itll be warmer and in the winter itll be colder. If oil pressure stays the same and other temps are good then it sounds all good to me.
  15. Asked for a reroute in the air, just watched weather from both the garmin and ipad, figured that everything is on a 5-10 minute delay so look at the speed its been moving and plan accordingly. Then as i got closer use the good old eyeballs 3000 and in this case there was nothing at 10,000 feet so it wasnt a problem at all. Typically green ill go through. Yellow i start to avoid. Red is hard no go for me. Getting a little rain every now and then is fun though, gives the plane a good wash.
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