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    M20R O2 310HP TKS

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  1. https://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/orders_notices/index.cfm/go/document.information/documentID/1043524?fbclid=IwY2xjawIYX4pleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHQ_Iqqb6RaySAdjV5pmRG4kmcyIu_3xhYpCYTLAPjY236V-GlqoQMclKzg_aem_fyq_tugr4tCCbe957xic9w
  2. Just curious, really. I have both datasets on Foreflight, and I do find it useful sometimes to switch between the two different versions of an approach plate. I was wondering if the same was possible with the Nav system if both databases were loaded.
  3. A different but tangential question regarding databases - If you have both Jepp and Garmin current avionics NAV database subscriptions, can you load both current databases into your navigator (e.g. a GTN750Xi) and then (somehow?) select between them, or can you only load/use one of these at a time? Or is it possible to switch between versions of, say, approach plates like you can in Foreflight? Thanks in advance!
  4. The only caveat is that you may wish to not become dependent on SB to manage consistently some portion of the flight, because their use is not advised during icing because of the risk of icing-induced failure-to-retract or of asymmetric retraction. It is tempting to use them to manage airspeed during critical phases as a matter of course, but these are often the same times (e.g. FAF to GS decent during approach through a layer of weather in fall/winter) that you are most likely to encounter these conditions, and I never wanted to build a dependency on SB in how I "normally" structure my approaches. (Otherwise, I do use them to stabilize an approach on occasion, and very often to keep from breaking the sound barrier on one of those ATC induced slam dunk decents from cruise.) But others may feel differently.
  5. After @kortopates raised this with me at my last PPP, I always lock it and I added it to the checklist. I know it is supposed to be an emergency exit, but I can’t find - and I did do some searching – any Mooney accident report where it was reported that it was used in this way. But I did find several that referenced the door opening in flight.
  6. Representative numbers at two power settings for 310 HP 2000 O2 w/TKS: 15000’ WOT 2500 176 TAS 16.5 gph 59% 15000’ WOT 2400 170 TAS 13.9 gph 56%
  7. My experience exactly - and I do have a mask, although I hate wearing it so I rarely go above 18 (which would be the case in a Bravo as well ). The O is an amazing cross country machine and the speed+burn performance at mid-altitudes is phenomenal.
  8. FYI - Lasar is now taking deposits on no-back spring kits. They are currently quoting a 32 week lead-time, the clock for which starts after they receive 45 deposits. https://lasar.com/hardware-springs/eaton-no-back-clutch-spring-50-deposit
  9. Paired with a 750/650 and a gfc-500 these are amazing in the soup.
  10. Butting in...going on 3 years. Love them.
  11. It is in my book! I haven’t been there for a few years, but they used to make great fresh cut to order fries in a diner setting with malt vinegar -or- ketchup.
  12. See you there - and at Al's French Frys! Safe travels all -
  13. These things are great - I use them in plane, jeep, and motorcycles. The only drawback is you can't shut them off like a traditional extinguisher, and they discharge for 50 seconds. In flight, I guess you could point them out the pilot's window ;-). I don't know if the FAA would consider these a legitimate replacement, either. So, I kept my traditional extinguisher in the cabin as well, and I expect these would be best for ground fires.
  14. 2700 Takeoff 2550 in climb 2500 at altitude and 2400 at low altitude.
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