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Everything posted by PT20J

  1. Frank Crawford would know the current status.
  2. The KFC 200 primarily controls pitch with the pitch servo. If the pitch servo is exerting a constant torque, the pitch trim servo is actuated to eliminate it. https://www.bendixking.com/content/dam/bendixking/en/documents/document-lists/downloads-and-manuals/006-08262-0000-KAP-KFC-200-Pilots-Guide.pdf
  3. Lots of reports of seats rolling easier after replacing rollers. Also, I think if the rollers roll better there would reasonably be less wear on the rails. FWIW, I got the same effect by putting a drop of oil on each one. I’d try that first; it’s easier and cheaper than replacing the rollers and if it doesn’t improve operation, you can still replace them.
  4. Airpower shows them for $165.94 https://www.airpowerinc.com/j11968-14
  5. You might call Don or Paul Maxwell and see what they say. They still fix stuff instead of just replacing parts. https://www.donmaxwell.com/
  6. My M20J has a stick-free phugoid response with a period of about 25 seconds and it damps out after 2 cycles. I would expect the K to be similar. It sounds from your description more like an oscillation in the autopilot.
  7. Approaches with vertical guidance such as ILS, LPV are carefully designed and get flight checked every so often. Garmin’s visual and +V only use the terrain and obstacle databases that may have inaccuracies and have not been flight checked which is why their vertical guidance is considered advisory.
  8. Usually when the flaps don’t retract it is a limit switch problem. Sometime wiggling them frees it up.
  9. That seems to be an issue with the master cylinders used in the Encore. Not sure about other models, but I think all the M20Js have adjustable master cylinder piston rods.
  10. Like almost everything in economics, there is debate about this. The Fed holds with the economic view that because something like 70% of our economy depends on consumer spending (much of which is discretionary), some modest inflation rate fuels the economy by incentivizing people to buy now rather than wait which helps keep businesses profitable and hiring.
  11. FWIW, I noticed that when the seats are out and there is no load on them, the rollers roll well when dry, but when sitting on the seat, they drag unless you oil them every so often. I put a drop of 3-in-1 oil on them whenever the seats are out.
  12. What I got out of it is that the expert's pictures don't look any better than mine
  13. I think he meant to put the bushing in the hole to reduce it from 3/8" to 1/4"
  14. I wouldn’t expect the original ones to split like that. Is it possible someone before you replaced the original rollers with wooden ones?
  15. A Mooney engineer once told me that the angle of attack during the takeoff roll is 2.5 deg. A positively cambered airfoil will generate lift at zero degrees.
  16. The GTNs have a visual approach capability to create a facsimile of a LPV approach for lateral and vertical guidance to a runway. I don’t fool with it during the day, but it is a good backup at night. Obstacle clearance is not guaranteed, so you have to still watch where you’re going.
  17. I’m always persuaded by arguments that include jackboots.
  18. Hmm. Less servicing seems bad for the dealer and good for the owner. All change is disruptive. This benefits some to the detriment of others. The buggy manufactures and horse breeders weren’t too keen on automobiles. People naturally resist change, especially as we get older. That’s why we need the younger generations — to embrace progress. Maybe they can solve the fundamental problem that we live on a planet with finite resources, yet we breed like rabbits, have developed an economic system that depends on continued exponential growth and have never figured out a truly workable political system.
  19. Don’t know what to tell you. I lived in California for 40 years and never had that experience. My insurance rates were actually lower in California than Washington state.
  20. I asked a body shop owner why they replaced panels instead of repairing them so often. He told me that in order to reduce weight for better fuel economy, many manufacturers have gone to thinner panels and heat treating them for stiffness which makes them difficult to work out dents and bondo. During Covid, a lot of insurance companies reduced rates (mine did) because people weren't driving as much and claims were down. Now that people are driving again, and running into each other, claims are up and the companies are raising their rates. We forget the reductions and complain about the increases. That just seems to be human nature. Insurance companies can be profitable even if claims = premiums because the premiums are collected before the claims are paid and during that time the money is like an interest-free loan that, if properly invested, can provide a good return. Warren Buffett calls the free money "float" and it is the engine behind Berkshire Hathaway. In a competitive market, insurance companies are incentivized to keep premiums as low as possible in order to write as much business as possible because the float is so valuable. I think the proper way to think about insurance is to remember that it is just a form of risk management. It is best to identify risks, and then determine if they are substantial enough to worry about. There are four traditional forms of risk management: Accept, Avoid, Transfer, Mitigate. Purchasing insurance is the classic example of transferring a financial risk to another party. But you can just accept (sometimes called self insuring), or sell the airplane (avoid) or take recurrent training, and keep the airplane well maintained in an effort to mitigate. Or, a combination. Everyone's circumstances are different and what is the best strategy for one may not be the best for another.
  21. Is that second relay a M20K-specific thing? There isn't one on my wiring diagram for my 1994 M20J. There is just one avionics relay powered by the avionics master which is powered by the Aux bus.
  22. I would first check the instrumentation by swapping connections between probes to see if the problem follows the channel. I know we think that the new “digital” instruments are more accurate, but it’s really only the display that is digital - it’s still an analog measurement. I had a EDM 700 and #2 CHT consistently read about 20-30 degrees higher than the others. When the G3X EIS replaced the EDM we used the exact same probes and wiring and suddenly the #2 fell in line with the others. Currently my M20J CHTs are all about the same except for #3 which reads 20 degrees hotter (all have the same JPI bayonet probes.)
  23. Vref added a lot more detail to customize quotes recently. But, I have no idea how accurate it is.
  24. I never use the charts on my G3X. I use the G3X map and I have an iPad mini on the yoke that I keep either a sectional or approach plate displayed on. The map on the G3X can be either track up or north up. The VFR and IFR charts are only north up. I display the sectional on ForeFlight on the iPad track up, but can easily change to north up and pan and zoom it when I want to.
  25. Actually, I think the word he used was sharper. They do look a little different side by side. It may just be that the TXi screens are a newer design. I forgot to mention that synthetic vision comes with the G3X but must be purchased as an enablement for the TXi. Also, the G3X has VFR and IFR charts in addition to the map and approach plates whereas the TXi does not. Software enhancements will come (and have been coming) faster to the G3X because the TXi is limited by the TSO. Skip
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