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    1994 M20J

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  1. I didn’t notice it at first because I generally keep the map page up on the G3X and the charts displayed on the iPad. So, I don’t often look at the G3X charts. The map nav data and flightcharts are good for all North America. But, when in Canada, I did happen to look at the G3X charts once and the screen was just blank as I recall.
  2. I haven’t tried it. I was just going by what Garmin aviation support told me: Just keep in mind like you said I'd recommend the G3X touch is powered off when introducing the SD card with the new database and also the display will not update if the aircraft is moving so you'll need to be on the ground as well. Of course, I’ve not always found Garmin support to be a reliable source of information
  3. I was fooling around today and pulled the throttle back and punched the Smart Glide button. It engages the autopilot, heads for the nearest airport and sets 85 KIAS. The rpm at idle power and 85 KIAS gets into the yellow arc on my M20J and the vibration reminds me to push in the prop control. If at a different weight, it's easy to change glide speed with the thumbwheel on the GFC 500. It took me over an airport at 2500' where I disengaged the autopilot and made a normal dead stick landing. Pretty slick.
  4. I wonder if installing a filter between the mag switch and the GEA 24 would help. https://lonestaraviation.com/product/faa-pma-magneto-filter/?srsltid=AfmBOor0hZYMZBEybv-zcpTVcfLp-qrsMUAFTVDflHqFtFddXQJYZnmJ&v=28886f13f578
  5. As I noted in another thread, even though I subscribe to both US and Canadian charts, the G3X will only allow one region to be loaded. I found this out when I flew to Alaska by way of Canada and found the Canadian charts unavailable. According to Garmin Aviation Support, at the time you download a database from flygarmin or the Garmin Aviation Database Manager app you must select the region for these charts and only that region is downloaded to the SD card. So, if you are planning a flight across regions, you will need to download two SD cards for the same cycle each with a different chart region. Then to change regions, you need to power down the G3X, swap cards, and then power it up and load the new database. The G3X will not load a database if the airplane is in motion, so you have to do this on the ground.
  6. Parts listing for item 4 calls for AN74-5A bolts. Contact Frank Crawford at Mooney and he should be able to look up material spec. for item 5. There is no gasket between the items 2 and 3.
  7. I believe you are exactly right: The purpose of the speed listed in the emergency checklist is to give you a go to speed to remember (you are not going to be reading that checklist or referring to glide charts if the engine quits shortly after takeoff for example). The GAMA Spec 1 for POH states that in addition to the checklists, the following information be included: 3.9(e) Glide Procedures and information shall be provided for a gliding descent. including: (1) The Recommended Airspeed (2) The Associated Configuration (3) The distance(s) from (a) specified height(s) above ground level that an airplane will glide, or the glide ratio in nautical miles per thousand feet. The drag curve has a fairly broad minimum, so a few knots either way doesn't make a lot of difference, but if you have time (altitude) is seems optimizing the speed might be worthwhile. Maneuvering at low altitude, I would be more concerned about getting too slow and stalling. There was some blank space on my new panel and I had tables of best glide weights/airspeeds and maneuvering weights/airspeeds silkscreened on the panel for reference.
  8. HINT: There's an Index a the end. Look for "Coolant system."
  9. Back in my whack-a-mole days when I was trying to keep the old panel working before I threw in the towel and upgraded, I bought several pieces of avionics on eBay with no problems. I just tend to buy from dealers rather than individuals. Many offer a warranty.
  10. When you pull the prop back to 2500 for cruise, are you using the vernier? If so, maybe it is something with the vernier mechanism. What happens if you just pull it back to 2500 without using the vernier and then try to push the prop control all the way forward?
  11. Gravity. The reservoir is the highest component of the hydraulic system.
  12. That is the line from the brake fluid reservoir in the tail. The lines from the T feed the master cylinders. Just reattach it and tighten the compression fitting and give it a pull test. You’ll probably need to bleed the brakes since air will have gotten into the lines.
  13. Also, you can only load the IFR and VFR charts for one region at a time on the G3X. Found this out when flying to Canada. You have to manually switch regions even if you have a subscription to more than one region and have more than one region downloaded to the G3X.
  14. Maybe this will help explain things 34811808-North-American-P-51-Mustang-Pilot-Training-Manual.pdf
  15. Deployable spike strips at active runway entrances should do the trick
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