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    - 0J6 (Headland AL)
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    1968 M20F

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  1. Dave Unfortunately I am a no on all those documents. The stuff I have all seems to be about the ST-901 GPSS steering unit and how it interfaces with all the STEC AP units. Dan
  2. Dave, I am currently out of the country but will be home middle of January. Once I am home I will see what I have. If I forget about it (always possible) just hit me up again.
  3. I didn't see it mentioned anywhere, is this a J-bar airplane? If so, what is the condition of the downlock block? Also I may be interested is the interior piece for the baggage door. Mine is getting in rough shape. Thanks
  4. The only thing I can think of about why the F wasn't included is that some F's (like mine) have the twisted wing.
  5. Unfortunately no. I certainly wish we could. The hangar must be built at the same time as the house or after the house per the HOA restrictions. As a side note, we are trying to have the land paid off before we break ground out there so that also takes time as well. It's a great thought, but unfortunately not possible.
  6. Hello fellow Mooniacs. I am currently living in Alabama but recently purchased an airpark property in the Fort Worth area (Weatherford TX). Summer of 2025 we will move out to the area but it will be at least another year before our house and hangar are built. My current Alabama hangar is $185 a month. So far I have seen prices in that area of $650 and up, plus there seems to be a long waitlist even to get into those. What I am hoping to find is an economical hanger I can put my plane into while we are building our house and hangar. I am good with lets say about a 100 mile radius but of course closer is always better. Even if that means the hangar is actually in lower Oklahoma I am good with that. Does the hive mind have any suggestions of places I should look into that might fit my needs? My hope is that if I get onto a waitlist now, I may be near the front of the list come next summer.
  7. Hello all. I have an Stec ST-901 GPSS box for sale. It was working 100% when removed. I replaced my DG with an AV-30C digital gyro and this will not accept heading commands from it. I purchased a used ST-901 that they say will be compatible with the AV-30 once they release the autopilot adapter. It is currently configured to work with an STEC 6404 DG but can be sent in for modification. On Ebay I see them going for $300+ so for my Mooney brothers and sisters I will sell it for $250. Next week I will list it on Ebay as well.
  8. Interested in the wingtips. What model's are they compatible with?
  9. Reviving and oldie but a goodie, adding external power ports to vintage Mooney's. I have a 1968 M20F and have sourced all the required parts already. What I am wondering is about the Mooney drawing 950086 that I see people referencing. Given that I am sure it is proprietary property of Mooney Inc. I wouldn't expect that anyone would be willing to share that item with me if they had it. Back in the day, I would obviously reach out to Mooney directly about this drawing but I am not sure how well that would work considering their current status. If I am trying to get that drawing, would I reach out to Mooney directly or possibly check with the service centers to get it? Thanks
  10. I just checked my receipt they emailed to me back when I made my purchase. It has an expiration date of 2102, so I should be good for quite a while you would think. Unless they have perfected time travel and we jumped forward nearly 80 years. Obviously I am upset. Lifetime means just that, LIFETIME. Here is my bigger question however and the one that I did not see an answer for. I purchased the bundle with the FlyQ EFB as well as lifetime chart downloads for Dynon avionics. Is this change only affecting the EFB side or will I also be loosing the chart downloads as well? Inquiring minds want to know.
  11. I absolutely love my L-3 Lynx. I even interfaced it with a WX-500 so I get ADSB weather and Lightning detection. Someday I may splurge for active traffic and diversity.
  12. That came out looking great. I can only hope that someday my interior pieces look that good.
  13. I should have that drawing at home. The only problem is I am overseas at work until mid June. If you haven't had any luck by then, I can hook you up.
  14. Hi there @Alan Fox, from my question before, do you happen to have the complete GPU power system to install into an F model? Thanks
  15. Does it happen to have the hardware to plug in a GPU for starting? I have none of that right now so I would be interested in all the parts including the spring loaded access door. Thanks
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