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Everything posted by KLudwick

  1. Congrats! I'm also an Aerostar owner! Enjoy.
  2. Hey guys, sorry for the delay. Just logged on for the first time in a bit. I unfortunately do not give dual in my own airplane and have recently moved away from the KC area. Need to update all of the Mooney instructor sites to reflect that. Thanks, @toto, for the tag. There's an E-model owner downtown that may be able to help, and I'm happy to connect you both if you DM me.
  3. I have an STEC 60-2 that I am looking to sell. Servos, control head, AP computer, etc - all included. Feel free to send me an email at ludwickk1@gmail.com if you're interested!
  4. I am 'seconding' the vote to reweigh the airplane! My E model has most 201 mods, and I see a useful load of 1,050. After reweighing the airplane before/after avionics in 2021, we gained a good bit of useful load but also rectified a couple prior issues with the empty weight of the airplane. I suspect you'll gain some weight back after you reweigh it, and I certainly don't see the useful load going down!
  5. It's published in the newest Flying Magazine, which have started to hit mailboxes just this week.
  6. Thank you! We've sure enjoyed it over the past six years!
  7. Happy you enjoyed the article, and welcome to Mooneyspace! I own N6816V and had a blast doing the air-to-air and helping Jason with the article for Flying.
  8. Hi Goalstop - my name is Kyle, a fellow M20E owner and Garmin employee. Can you possibly pass along the details directly to me please? Kyle.Ludwick@Garmin.com. We would like to help with this issue! Apologies in advance for the trouble you've gone through. Kyle
  9. It is - it's since been fixed, as it was an electrical issue and not a gear issue.
  10. I realize I'm a little late to this thread, but just recently upgraded my airplane. We waited four years to upgrade our panel and wish we would have done it sooner. Previously, I would shy away from IFR due to a lack of trust in my old vacuum pump and gyro instruments. Now, my wife and I fly more hours and more direct routes (due to us having confidence in going through weather we wouldn't have previously) and just simply get more use out of the airplane. You made a great point about lead times and install times, too - I'd personally try to secure a slot at an avionics shop in the distant future, and research what you really want to install during the earlier period of that wait time. At the end of the day, I think planning on making upgrades to the airplane earlier will get you more use out of it in the long run. We went dual GI 275, GTN 750Xi, GTX345, and GFC 500 (three servo) and couldn't be happier with our selection.
  11. Unfortunately this is the only Mooney-specific forum Garmin is hosting, but there's a Bonanza-specific Garmin forum on Tuesday at 10am and the content is much the same. That'd be a good alternative, all things considered! Garmin.com/Oshkosh has the full schedule broken down by day.
  12. Loved flying your airplane with you! Wouldn't forget it, or the non-WAAS guys.
  13. Hi all! Garmin is hosting a Mooney-specific upgrade forum during Oshkosh on Saturday, July 30th at 10am in Garmin Seminar Tent 1. Learn more here: https://www.garmin.com/en-US/airventure2022/schedule/saturday/
  14. See you there! FYI, Garmin is hosting a Mooney specific upgrade forum at the Garmin tent during Oshkosh. Saturday at 10am in Garmin Seminar Tent 1. More details here: https://www.garmin.com/en-US/airventure2022/schedule/saturday/ Hope to see many of you there!
  15. Hi Bob, I own a 1971 E model and have a GFC 500 installed. I also happen to work for Garmin. Happy to answer any questions you may have about your upgrade! kyle.ludwick@garmin.com works best.
  16. Echoing pretty much what everyone else has said - there are plusses and minuses to both. I've owned my '71E with electric gear for four years and absolutely love it. I also did transition training for multiple new J-bar Mooney owners last year, and they all love their machines (and J-bar gear) too (many are on this forum). You'll end up liking whichever system your new-to-you Mooney has installed!
  17. The GI 275 EIS unit does not have to be installed by a Garmin dealer, and the installation manual is available outside the Garmin network. Let me know if you have any further questions, happy to help!
  18. Excited to see this come together! As a midwest Mooney owner, and someone who has given no less than a dozen Mooney transition checkouts this year, I'm excited for more of us to get together. Let me know how I can help! -Kyle
  19. A few notes - not all K's have fuel pressure as others have noted. Pushing the trim switch forward towards the panel should result in 'down' trim and the nose going down. Regarding trim speed, while BK systems run the trim servo at the same speed all the time, the Garmin GFC 500 (and other Garmin APs) features speed-scheduled trim. What's speed-scheduled trim you ask? The faster you're going, the more sensitive the trim and less is needed, so the trim servo does not run as fast. On approach at slower speed you need more trim to counteract the speed/flap changes, therefore our speed-scheduled trim runs faster. Another advantage of the Garmin GFC 500 over all others!
  20. I've given transition training to no less than a dozen new Mooney owners this year, and only a couple had any high performance and/or complex time. You'll be just fine. I want to echo what others have said - make sure you fly with an experienced Mooney instructor, preferably one that has vintage experience. Let me know if I can help in any way!
  21. This is a pretty good link to a starter guide for camera mounting and associated ACs, video explanations, etc: https://flightflix.net/faa-camera-mount-guide/
  22. Oshkosh! Then carry it home. That said, once I run out of that case, I try to just simply call the local shop in advance to tell them I need a case and they'll get an extra one or two next time they buy oil. Generally saves on shipping, and the extra touch point with the local shop never hurts.
  23. Sorry for the tardy reply, but glad other MS’ers beat me to the punch. Yes, that’s the lateral guidance preview - or as I call it, the ghosted needle. Gives you a bit more situational awareness as you’re coming up on the localizer, for instance. My GI 275 install starts in just a few weeks - can’t wait to have these features in my Mooney!
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