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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. No, conroe is simple, go early get a bite at the black walnut. In general Houston is simple, not many concernts even with the class b
  2. my thoughts, why would you even consider replacing the avidynes, they are really nice. 275s, gotta admit it look really good but as i've decided to go g3x, it just made since to install g5s
  3. hmm, really hard to say. the functions i use, i know really well. fpl, approaches, arrivals, departures, random waypoints, vfr appraches, holds, maps, etc... really helps the new gnc 355 functions like the old gns 480 and garmin pilot, really was a 2 flight learning curve. Might need to practice D->, i never use it.
  4. reseat the audio panel, worked for me.
  5. If my brittain had altitude hold, i wouldn't need a new AP at all, it follows pink and green lines like it's on rails
  6. where is it located ?
  7. My IR instructor suggested i not bother with the flaps, one less thng to do. Tried it, took off in the same distance and except for soft/short fields, i never bother anymore. trim, white block to white block, it's actually the same position for approach, not sure hwo that happened
  8. My 1974 E hangar + annual + insurance + subscriptions ~= $12000 actual maintenance ~= 0 to $5k, she hasn't been horrible for maintenance don't include upgrades as i never know what i'll do and they are really optional, this year i'm about $15k in and will be adding another radio so $20k for this year but usually it's been about $5000ish. next couple years extended range tanks and paint so +$$$$$$$ good thing, after she gets some paint, excluding normal maintenance, she should be good to go for a very long time really surprises me, flying is the cheap part.
  9. anyone have any specs on this part, be nice to start down the opp before i have a failure
  10. interested, the combination of g5s, new radios and all led lighting have cratered birdy's electric needs, even with the miniscule draw of the surefly, without pitot heat, the earthx would last > 1.5 hours Just a guess but the earthx along with some other upgrades, i believe birdy could possibly gain something like 35lbs+ UL. wonder why we can't install 2, would still be half the weight
  11. if specs are equal or greater, i'd go with it, sounds totally reasonable.
  12. my flap extension speed is higher than the gear, so i try to lead with flaps. to be honest, my only hard rule is really no config changes between faf and breakout/map and gumpfs 3x after breakout. prob a bit overkill on the gumpfs.
  13. Little Far but i can't stop recommending HorizonAviation @ KTYS
  14. prior to entering approach WIRES - Weather, Instruments, Radios, airport Environment, Speeds between IAF and FAF flaps to approach, plane prepared, frequencies, etc... CatMissed - Category and timing if necc, brief missed approach FAF Gear down, follow glideslope or dive to target altitude, do nothing else until we land or go missed.
  15. I say M20P
  16. wax her and put something in baggage, slide your seat back during cruise, you'll go 3 to 5kts faster
  17. it's right there in the picture 12.5 gph &)
  18. Here she is 7500 ft, 23/2300, running really rich and a more rearward cg the g5's are in kts. It's usually not worth burning the extra gas, using 3 hour legs, i'd lland like 5 mins sooner also, i'm noticing, i NEVER get a tailwind i
  19. 1974 E WITH Top Prop, i get between 140 to 145ktas 8000@ 23in/2300rpm. if i hvae something to give me a more rear-ward cg, she'll approach 150 this is LOP something like 8.9 gph
  20. I'll third this, i was almost immediately comfortable with the 355 coming from the 480 and Garmin Pilot.
  21. getting the credit requires i sign up for another year of jepp, which from what's been posted, isn't horrible
  22. so jepp just says navdata while garmin says : Including Garmin Navigation, Obstacles, SafeTaxi, and Terrain databases. is navdata all i need? yeah i can understand skipping safetaxi, you can actually see it on the unit but i already have a tablet i use . what about obstacle and terrain ?
  23. long story short, due to failure i now have a gnc355 instead of a gns480. what's the diff betwen garmin and jeppessen maps/navdata ? are they the same? does it matter? so i have about half a year with jeppessen left from the 480, which if i signup for the 355 i get money refunded. Garmin seems to have more stuff, for a few bucks more, but do i really need safetaxi on the nav unit ? someone knowledgeable please fill me in. ELI5
  24. man that's a REALLY hard choice, the expert or the experts, hmmm
  25. who's the msc
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