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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. I really want to do this one day
  2. inexpensive then
  3. 122d gps ? I want one if I can find it cheap. 300xl plus 122d gps = inexpensive 430
  4. sorry to hear this Chrixxer, so glad you're ok.
  5. what's it got for avionics? what happened to it.
  6. hey just thought about something, isn't the "big pull" the same way we're taught to lean an engine in primary training ? lean till rough then a turn or 3 until smooth?
  7. well, I have to say I've been blessed, the guy who put the plane back together after it's last gear up, is absolutely exceptional. every mechanic I've taken the plane to comments on how absolutely clean it is. both annuals were no squawks. I Only changed the sparkplugs and had an oil change. seriously, if someone could convince the guy to become a general mooney mechanic, we'd all be better for it.
  8. yeah, vegas, will probably be my last choice. Great flight but hard to beat $200 tickets. man that is an awesome summer trip, haven't been to mackinac since I was a kid? is there an airport on the island ?
  9. VFR, currently working on finishing my IFR. was playing with the long range numbers from the poh, worked great. Until the wife found out about flight aware, i'd sometimes make a sneak stop at kdua.
  10. I do kdwh to keye multiple times per year, would think kdto to keye would be a one tanker. I generally burn a bit less than 9 gals/hr on the trip @ 9500-11500(hot in texas) ROP. I'm def investing in the Monroy long range tanks, 88 gals in an e model is gonna be ridiculous range.
  11. Second Annual Down, no squawks. time to finish up the ifr and find some places to fly. Maybe another trip to Vegas ? Thinking about trying to get atleast 5 states in this summer
  12. just thought about it, if you are only 5'8, due to the way you sit in a mooney, you'll easily be able to fit 4 passengers in an m20e, the person in the backseat probably won't even touch the pilots seat.
  13. forgot about ktme, Houston executive. straight down I10 past Katy, extremely nice airport. they pull your plane under the canopy when you're ready to leave. also on the extreme edge of the class B
  14. living Houston, ignore the mileage, it fools you. Hobby is def the closest not bad. Ellington is tough to get to, 45 south is a beast. Sugarland, extremely nice airport, I live at the end of the runway but depending on traffic miserable. KDWH is the only airport, almost on the right side of downtown but is a bit further out. I'm based at kdwh, probably a bit biased, i'd say except for Sugarland and hobby it's pretty much the best equipped. did I say sugarland is NICE.
  15. I will say, I absolutely love my E n97106V. will absolutely fit 3 people, pilot and 2 passengers, i'm really not sure of 4; mooneyspace swears it can be done 8) depending on the air, the plane is absolutely stable, my cfii always swears I have the autopilot on. flies faster with weight in the back , it's stupidly nose heavy. super easy to land with very robust landing gear, don't ask. My only wish, better avionics and maybe long range tanks.
  16. Pearland isn't horrible but i'd probably go to KDWH. Gill aviation is great.
  17. always full, never fly with more than 2 passengers. Matter of fact, can't even imagine getting 4 people in an E model, think it's physically impossible
  18. so wish someone would've warned me, changing a bracket filter is just gross. there is some gooey chemical applied to the filter that's extremely hard to get off your hands, wrench, screwdriver, drill, etc.
  19. hehe would be an absolutely huge phone 8) it's a Samsung s2 8.0 tablet
  20. here's one, Def have to go back.
  21. Maybe, so darn turbulent going up and out, I didn't think to take a lot of pics. btw, the decal is a hit at the FBO's, wife likes it also
  22. I SURVIVED, seems no sleeping allowed in Vegas. Birdy performed wonderfully, lost the filter media in the air-filter. Anyone know the correct replacement media? can this be replaced with a more modern filter, I wonder how much dirt a piece of black foam can catch? Landed at Henderson, Really really nice people. 50$ taxi ride not so much. Drank and ate at the Skyfall lounge, man what an awesome spot, Perfect views of Vegas. Def have to go back, 2 days just wasn't enough time. Oh yeah, on the way back, noticed KROW was right along the flight path. YOu know I had to stop. unfortunately, no spaceships, aliens or x-files anywhere, bummer; there was a CLOSED UFO museum. Big-D's Downtown Dive, GREAT BURGER.
  23. First leg done Houston to Phoenix Vegas tomorrow 8hrs of flying it makes me cry when the Mooney does 101 it's Damn headwinds Stopped at kpeq for fuel nice people but hotter than Hades think my tires melted to the pavement
  24. Tomorrow i'm heading to VEGAS, my first time. Any tips? which airport is recommended? Any sites I shouldn't miss? not much of a gambler
  25. splitter on a gps antenna? is that legal in aircraft? that would be ideal
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