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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. Gp logging import was pretty straightforward, no real difficulties but i did have a nice csv to start. as for tying to a subscription, i make it a point to export my logs to cloud and computer atleast twice a year.
  2. honestly, everytime i get in the plane it's my ass on the line; I value my ass very much. 8) yes i'd trust me working on it, even more than i trust the ap/ia. If experimentals don't decrease in value, why would my mooney? I'm gonna sell at a price i'm good with, some guy doesn't like it, uhmm see ya
  3. every shop that's taken my interior apart has left somethign up, from broken lights to missing screws, without FAIL, from the mooney guru to the random shop
  4. when i purchased my plane, i just found a good shop on field totally unrelated to the seller. gave them a list to check for corrosion, everywhere, including the tube sbs and check the engine and gear. then i had that same shop annual it after they checked my major items.
  5. it's really easy, kcwf usually has inexpensive gas and they may just let you borrow the crew car. klch is ok
  6. I can understand the seller, mechanics and planes = trouble, esp if you're taking her apart to any extent. When I sell birdy, i'll let you bring your guy to the hangar or even use a shop on field but she's not flying anywhere till someone's paid
  7. if trying to stay under 15k, i'd go with 2 gi-275s or 2 g5s. maybe add a fs210 to sync with the ipad you already have the gmx200 as a large display. 650/avidyne/750 isn't going to get you much more than the 430w. they are an upgrade but with 90% of the capability why spend the cash. if you have more budget, add a gtx-375 to replace your transponder. I'm thinking redundant gps, most of the capabilites of the 650/750/avidyne and really importantly the adsb-in
  8. I'm planning on going in August, along with detroit, toronto, niag/buff, possible touch and go's in main/vt/mass, conneticut. have to get those new england states off the list. I really need to stop dragging my fieet on getting my 2nd or 3rd class medical, time is short
  9. after the amount i've burned on maintenance, be hard to still not come out ahead
  10. should be able to get one from almost any wrecked c,d,e,f,g. looking at the thing i have no clue as to how it keeps water out, no seal and seems to be filled with fiberglass/straw
  11. Sorry for the incoherent rantings, Just realized i'm still extremly angry.
  12. you guys want to hear the most F'd up maintenance story? Last May, I took my Jeep Grand Cherokee to a Jeep dealership in Katy Tx off of I-10, to have the air suspension fixed. so 3 weeks in i get a call, compressor is out and they hve to replace it before diagnosing anything else. I ask, can you not pressurize the vehicle from another source to finish diagnostics? No, they have no knowledge of how that can be done? send them 3000$ so they can proceed. 2 weeks later they call saying bring us another another 4 or 5k, to replace the driver side airshock. WTH, I say to send me everything in writing i need to see numbers, this seems just wrong. so they send a break down something like 2700$ for a shock and the rest labor. floored. I call THAT dealerships parts department and ask the price and before i can even ask for a discount, i'm told, standard price is 1900$. ????. I then call my service rep and ask, why charge me 800$ over the retail price, he promptly lowers offers to lower the price. ok so now i'm upset!!! A quick interweb search shows i get can the oem part for 1300$ or 3rd party for 800$. Purchased the 3rd party part had the dealership install and after about 2 weeks i paid and went home. Oh yeah the price of the 3rd party compressor was only 300+$ instead of the 1800+ they charged for the oem part. feel violated. 3rd party is Arnott btw, very reputable. so it would be bad if that was the worst but unfortunately, just the start. I pull into the driveway thinking I will, "NEVER BUY ANOTHER JEEP PRODUCT in LIFE" when the CFO starts frantically waving and pointing. I get out to ask Mrs. CFO the issue, she just point and the car and says WTF, IS IT SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE THAT??? i look at the car, all the trim, the under belly shield and the front bumper are just barely attached to the car. THIS F"ing maintenace shop failed to install any and all fastener, screw,bolt, clips anything at all in the car. I take it back mad but thinking these things happen. Really bad BUT not the end. they take the car in and after an hour or so bring it back with the clips in the trim and the undercarriage cover in place, i take the car home, pissed but what cn you do, right??? a day or two later while driving I hear scraping coming from under the car and promptly pull into a neighborhood shop to get this sorted. within 1 minute of putting the car on the rack, they run and tell me how all the bolts under the car are missing, the cover was just a symptom. frustrated, I call Chrysler corporate almost in tears hoping at-least to be able to vent but unfortunately all I got was the opportunity to leave a voicemail. Beyond pissed now, probably on the edge of a breakdown. that call was on Friday late afternoon btw. Monday morning 0800 sharp, Chrysler/Jeep returns my call, omg again floored, had no clue someone would actually listen. A friendly lady ask me the details then says, we got you, we'll talk to the dealership, take the car back monday. Monday, i return to the dealership with the car hoping to finally get this sorted BUT that wasn't what the dealership had in mind. the maintenance manager proceeded to accuse me of hitting something and saying it's not their fault, blah blah blah, i show him the pictures, the text messages the emails, the continues to gaslight me. I lose it, i'm cussing at the guy asking very simply, why can i not have my car back in at a min, the state i gave it to you? Interweb, i swear this is the only time Mrs. CFO has ever had to get between me and another human being. And to top it off, the suspension is STILL broken. Oh yeah on the way out the dealer ask if i want to schedule the car for it's recalls, WTF
  13. Get it started, find out what congressman, faa official, venue to present it, i'll sign. how about starting with extending the annual, my plane is taken apart every year just as i get it working. How about every 2 years even 3
  14. so I just happen to have the next few days off, tell me about this MooneyMax event
  15. was just pointing to where i believe i've read all the internal dimensions. but if the plane is like my E, folding down the rear seat and pushing the right seat forward would give you something like 5 feet of space maybe 4. interesting though, think i'll go measure just for future ref
  16. I believe there is a maintenance manual in the downloads section with the dimensions
  17. just read that they upped TBR to 2000 hours and on condition for the gear box.
  18. same i think it looks sharp
  19. it's REALLY nice, diamonds are amazing. once you can land a diamond mooney's are beyond trivial. most annoying thing about this plane is the fuel capacity, it and the da62 need way more fuel.
  20. woot look what came in the mail, doesn't even look like the same cooler. Might get to fly this year afterall
  21. Totally agree, every year right as i get birdy working perfect, she get's taken apart for an annual
  22. Here in houston, starting early spring to about mid summer, you can get IFR pretty much every morning till about 9/10 ish
  23. I do agree, but as i sit here 30amu in for this year, i have to start wondering how much more i can handle before i'm out. yes, yes, first world problems. it seem we're doing everything we can to make this hobby more expensive. I like Mb's option of owners doing more maintenance, expand owner maintenance so we reduce the load on ap/ias. ex. I lost an oil cooler this year which I sent out for overhaul, I ordered the temp replacement, hell I even helped find the oil leak but now i need to pay someone to remove 4 bolts and 2 oil lines ? technically, i guess i can legally replace the oil lines myself. so have to pay a guy to remove 4 bolts ? expand it so i can do this simple job. To be clear, just using this as an example, totally not knocking my superhero mx who sorted this issue and put up with me.
  24. I'm paranoid about fuel, I was uncomfortable with 3hours in the tanks going ksgr->klbx. had the tanks topped at klbx before i flew back to ksgr
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