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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. if it's the one from spruce, it's WAY outside my budget.
  2. I"m going with a gi-275 when the budget allows. super nice.
  3. I asked an AP about swapping all the screws for stainless 2 days ago, he said he'd recommend against it due to galvanic action. any truth to this ?
  4. yeah, they mostly just swap the bottles. only real issue is the filler valve they have to remove from mine and put on another
  5. so the last time i filled my bottle, it was a saturday the counter was closed and i walked around back to the filling area. the medical, welding and my bottle were all filled from the same source. I actually saw them stop the medical fill to fill welding bottles.
  6. Now that i think of it, it's usually absolutely dead calm before the hurricane hits. there's plenty of time to get your girl out. Oh yeah don't forget the wife and kids.
  7. I second, you want NOTHING to do with evac traffic, good chance you'll just get to ride out the hurricane in your car. weather before and after the storm is usually extremely nice. atleast in the 4 or 5 hurricanes i've experienced. my plan this year is to fly from Houston to Southern ok or visit family in Indiana. when everyone evacs, hotels get really hard to find.
  8. I got somewhere between 3 and 5kts out of the lasar closure, one of the better upgrades i've done. can't say the same for the hubcaps. best upgrade was just waxing the plane, before the cowl closure that easily gave me 3 to 4 kts.
  9. you know, when i had my 2nd class i flew above 18k then a month later i got basic med, wth is the diff? magical grim reaper waiting at 18001? an increase to useable turbo altitudes would be appreciated.
  10. i fill my portable at the local gas supply, had to force the guy to take 20$ last time
  11. I"m a surefly convert, wish i could have dual. the thing just works. when doing a mag check there's barely any drop on the surefly. flying at altitude lop is where it shines, i flew from montgomery to klch on my way to ksgr and due to flying super lop,l i needed something like 20ish gallons for a top off. mag overhaul damn near cost as much as the surefly, 2 would dwarf the cost of the surefly. there was a time i lost my alternator lead, even at 10volts, 2hours in, the surefly didn't even blink. given a backup battery i'm good
  12. good to know, i just got mine a couple of months back. also a new to me avionics master, hehe never knew how bad i had it till i got a switch that turned everything off at once
  13. what test can a dpe not administer now on basicmed? I was told by my dpe taking the commercial with basic is just fine? 28k would be nice
  14. did the batteries in the g5's not work? why turn them off ?
  15. 2x gi-275's are basically a complete panel, they can replace all flight instruments, g5's cannot
  16. I've noticed ever since getting the g5's something about having the numbers seems to cause me to fly more exact. It's not actually reading of the numbers, my brain seems to just better respond to the movement of the display rather than the analog instruments. I'm a computer guy so that probably has something to do with it.
  17. personally, i'd keep the original radio and spend the cash other places. I thought about upgrading my kx170b/mx170b until i realized it does the exact same thing as a newer radio. I will need to replace it for an 8.33 radio in a few years. so if the tail beacon is working for you, i'd go 2x gi-275 and gnc 355 put the rest of the money in my pocket till after overhaul. dynons are really nice btw. If you have an ap/ia buddy that can look over your shoulder, id go that way. dynon or trutrak will eventually get their stuff together, maybe 8)
  18. 30 TO 35K, is a bit tight these installers want all the money now a days. i'd do 2x gi-275s, you get all the glass minimal change to your panel. gnc 355 second comm and waas gps gtn 375 adsb in/out and backup gps. for ifr training and light stuff you don't absolutely need an autopilot, absolutely great to have but not necc. by itself, quotes i received for the gfc500 were all in the neighborhood of 30k. but those could've been go away prices.
  19. I"m guessing it isn't just me, all the independent CFI's i've contacted want to wait till Sept/Oct before helping me with my commerical
  20. So day 2 couple lessons, 1. epoxy primer is TOUGH, feels stronger than the aluminum. think i'm going to skip the epoxy for the rest of the touchups. paint only needs to last another 4 or 5 years anyway. now when i redo the whole plane, if not chromate, epoxy will def be the base. It's like coating the aluminum in impenetrable plastic. 2. set a limit as to what you will do, i originally started trying to fix a really bad spot, now i'm sitting her wondering how long it'll take me to sand and pre the rest of the cabin
  21. Someting has changed, been working in the hangr @100+, yesterday i noticed, that except for needing water, i really didn't fell "hot". wasn't cool like ac or something ust that "feeling" of hot was missing
  22. Yes, just hand sanding for now, really didn't want to get overly aggressive with it. mostly used a scotch-brite pad, then some 400/600 grit paper to make sure the primer had a surface. the primer is a ppg epoxy primer to seal the surface. my first time using it, hoping it sands really well. next will most likely be some buildup primer then a sealer prior to paint.
  23. MS, seems i went crazy today. started off thinking of going flying ended up with parts of birdy covered in primer. originally was gonna be just the door but that paint just kept flaking. prob take another few days to get her totally primed and sanded.
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