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Bryan last won the day on April 29 2019

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  • Location
    Conway, AR
  • Model
    Old: M20F, M20K 231 Current: M20K Encore

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  1. I have a pair of Flying Eyes Golden Eagle Sport Sunglasses for sale. I just got a new pair as a gift in a different style that fits a little better. These are premium sunglasses designed for aviators and anyone that wears a helmet or headset. Made of Resilamide™ templates and frame that won't cause you discomfort. They are Glossy Black frame with Black Gradient lens tint that won't cause issues with in-cockpit insturments (steam or glass). They normally sale for $179 new. Specs: https://flyingeyesoptics.com/golden-eagle-sport/?sku=SHPS-GB-SGT $100/shipped Thanks, Bryan
  2. Under contract.
  3. I added the logs and weight-balance via the link above.
  4. Hi guys, its with reluctance I am now listing my 1998 M20K 252 Encore on the market. This was my "forever" bird but situations change. I have full access to very nice A36 (biz partner) and another hanger buddy has decided to sell is Super Decathlon. I have talked to a couple of people, but decided to start here since everyone here has helped me out so much. Details: 1998 Mooney M20K (252 Encore) S/N: 25-2026 Reg: N755FM AFTT: 1359.6 NDH Engine: TSIO-360-SB2 TSMOH: 837.9 (averages 200h+/year) Oil change every 25hr, Oil Analysis history for two years GAMi Injectors, 0.3 spread JPI Engine Data for the past 200-250h + SAVVY Analysis MSC Maintained (Maxwell & SWTA) No Deferred maintenance, all ADs complied with All LED (exterior) WHELEN lights, strobes Electric (factory) speedbrakes Panel controlled inflatable door seal 2017 Paint, Encore interior (both 8+) 1110.4# useful load Hangered in Conway, AR Avionics (complete overall in June 2019) Garmin G500 TXi (GDU1060) w/Synthetic Vision Garmin GTN 750 Garmin G5 (all glass backup, no vacuum) King KFC 150 w/Flight Director, Alt Pre-select, and Yaw Damp Garmin GAD 46e Autopilot interface Garmin GCU 485, Dedicated PDF Controller JPI EDM 930 CiES Fuel Senders WX500 Stormscope, interfaced with G500 & GTN750 Garmin GTX345, ADS-B (in/out) Garmin 35c, remote Audio Panel (with Telligence voice command, and Bluetooth) King KX155 Nav/Com2 SIRS compass Logs & Weight and Balance: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aj6bITv-9cUTkYUdd8Vy_lxA8-1L3w?e=Lis2v2 $228,000 obo -Bryan bryan.brannon@gmail.com 501-472-0082
  5. At least they will be able to reuse the aircraft again vs. the chute deployment.
  6. I would think over-tightening the tie-down ring either during install or turning more aligning the rope when cinching down.
  7. My prediction was correct..
  8. I think the intent of the (rumored) new G5 would to add interface to the VOR, ILS, and glideslopes as a true backup tied to those legacy connected insturments... without GPS.
  9. If you have an Allegro, Encore, or later you can rid your entire vacuum and still have (electric) speedbrakes. I gained 40+ lbs of useful load going glass and removing the Vacuum, backup, and old heavy insturments.
  10. I heard rumors back 6 months ago they were developing a new G5 with similar form-factor but with faster processor/resoultion that could me a true multi-function instrument. With a few clicks of the button, it could be reconfigured for: ATI HSI DG CDI Turn Coordinator (traditional turn and slip) EIS G-Meter RSI Radio Altimeter ADF (why) Everything below the first two would be a new feature, or a configuration the instrument could do if interfaced. I could see a value in this for older planes, typically trainers, wanting to get rid of mechanical insturments and overhauls. Who knows, at least they are still improving their products and actually bringing them to market.
  11. https://www.feldhausmemorial.com/m/obituaries/Jonathan-Vannatta/
  12. Any more details of the crash or victims? I own a M20K just 10 minutes from where this guy lived but did not know him. I found out today that he was on our hanger list to store the plane at our local airport. UPDATE: I just realized this was @JJV7109 in which reached out to me via PM about my plane and Mooney transition training when he was looking for a plane earlier this year. Mine was in avionics at the time as I was going to take him up. He said he was ‘finishing up his commerical’ in March of this year. We spoke over PM a few more time but never met face-to-face. Prayers to his family.
  13. So, a KFC 150 can be replaced (now) with an AeroCruze 230 that can be driven with a G500 TXi via a GAD 43e? Is it a slide-in replacement or tons of wiring? I have the perfect Mooney for this 'upgrade' case-study.
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