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Everything posted by Rmag

  1. I use what the POH says for my M20J, and if I am over 2740 lbs I use what the 2900 lb Gross Weight AFM supplement instructs: Normal X wind: 15° flaps crosswind greater than 12 kts. Above 2,740 lbs: 15° flaps crosswind less than 10 kts. 0° flaps for crosswinds greater than 10 kts. Add 10 kts to the approach speed.
  2. Posting the video here for posterity...
  3. It was a bit if a loose fit so I put a little bit of adhesive on it to hold it on the stem.
  4. https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Electroswitch/SW53AA2?qs=5muX3C0yOnj5E%2FJxlK6wTg%3D%3D Before: After:
  5. Some people flare a plane for landing with trim??? Ugh. I’m a proponent of always keeping the plane in trim, but you never “fly” with trim. Fly with the yoke and then trim off the pressure. I do trim for approach but once set if there was ever a time to “just fly the plane” it’s wizzing past the ground trying to squeak the wheels onto concrete especially with variable wind/gusts.
  6. I’ve never in my 5 years using it ever had an issue with the flight plan transfer. I have had the occasional issues with the database update.
  7. Steve: In real IFR flying, you can hit the APR button after you have loaded an approach in the 650 and you have been cleared for the approach. It will not be active however until you are established inbound and the glidepath or glideslope comes alive. Prior to that you will see "GP" or "GS" annunciated in white as the armed mode as opposed to the green active mode. You can see this in my video I had a VS descent active with ATLS armed when I hit the APR button. When I did that the ALTS and GP were both in white armed in my annunciation. As I descended, the ATLS became active as I approached 1,700 ft, and then eventually the GP became active on the approach. The videos tutorials are good which you have said you have watched. Certainly the video I did is a resource. I would also read the Section 3 AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM of the 190-01112-12_g.pdf (garmin.com) G5 POH For the 650, the iPad trainer, or the Garmin: PC Trainer Suite for GTN, G500/G600 TXi, GDU 620, GNX 375, GNC 355/355A, and GPS 175 <br> Launcher Updates & Downloads
  8. Yes. I figured a video would be easier than typing...
  9. This is correct. @201Steve the APR button is on the side of the lateral navigation, but it does both lateral and vertical so it could be put on either side, but it had to go somewhere and the left side had the space for it. The attached screenshot is the 27 sec mark of the video. The only thing I can see is the compass deviation card taped to the left side of my compass.
  10. Are you referring to my compass deviation card on the left side of my compass? That’s the normal compass deviation card that every airplane would have. Where is your magnetometer installed on your aircraft? Sounds like it is in a location with some electromagnetic interference to be off that much. You don’t want it in your tail for sure. I have two independent magnetometers installed in the wing, 1 for my G500 TXi and 1 for my GI 275. They are both accurate and are within 1-2° of each other. What are you comparing your magnetometer to know it is that far off?
  11. Sorry, got to this thread a few months late. The GI 275 Part 23 AML STC Installation Manual dictates the configuration of the GI 275 when used as a standby instrument. You can see except for dual GI 275’s and a G500/G600 TXi w/GSU 75 or GRS 79 & GDC 72 or internal ADAHRS when used as a standby instrument the GI 275 must be configured as an ADI Only, which means all of the other pages are not available. It specifically states “Third Party” (which the Aspen is) needs to have the GI 275 in ADI only mode. Although compliance with the STC is the only reason you really need, think about the practical reasons why... @jetdriven touched on a very practical reason why you want your backup configured as an ADI only with an Aspen. With a dual GI 275 or a G500 TXi connected via the HSDB, there is continual electronic cross checking of the ADAHRS. If there is a miscompare or failure of a primary ADARHS when the standby is on a non-ADI page, the unit immediately and automatically switches to the ADI only configuration with a flag telling you what has failed on your primary. You have none of that automation backing up an Aspen. It is up to you as a pilot to manually compare flight data between the two instruments and recognize any errors. Also ask yourself the question, “What is required to backup an Aspen?” The answer is your attitude, altitude, and airspeed instruments. If you have the GI 275 off on some Traffic, Terrain, Map and MFD page do you have the backup instruments the Aspen requires in the pilot’s view? No. Do you have automatic reversionary to ADI if something fails on the Aspen? No. Are you in compliance with the GI 275 STC? No. The good news is that it is a very simple configuration change that takes one minute to change to fix this.
  12. I setup my Microsoft Flight Simulator during the pandemic.
  13. Last month I had this happen to my plane except it was the number 4 cylinder and it happened on the ground so I did not go airborne. Turned out a small piece of dirt got into the spider valve. After it was cleaned out, no more problem.
  14. You are correct. Missed it.
  15. I just uploaded an in flight demonstration and overview of all the features of the Garmin GFC 500 Autopilot. Enjoy!
  16. From my install:
  17. Actually the servos are all the same and are interchangeable.
  18. My Mooney Panels were done by: https://www.nimbusaviation.com They do good work and reasonable pricing.
  19. Answering the Original Poster’s question: My answer was my post.
  20. I couldn’t make money on a 4 servo system at that price. I was just saying a basic GFC500 (2 servos and a G5 only) could be done at that pricing. It’s not realistic though as most people get the pitch trim servo and the GPS interface.
  21. We are closed tomorrow for Good Friday, you can call me at the office M-F 484-718-3136, ask for Dan tell them you’re the Texan calling from Mooneyspace you can also shoot me a PM here if you have specific questions. I own the company, and I am a pilot, so I use the equipment, but I have managers that build the quotes and handle the really technical questions!
  22. This is true. I can honestly state that we can install a GFC500 and a G5 in the low $16k range. Of course, if you want it interfaced to a GPS, you want a temp probe for TAS, oh... you want a pitch trim servo? Add several thousand more. PA is no tax on aircraft work fortunately.
  23. Hi! We could surely do it, but PA is a looooong way from TX. You want to find a good shop close to home base that will give you good support too.
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