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BradB last won the day on February 9 2019

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    Former M20-TN
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  1. I live close enough to walk to my airport, and I have done it. Being close makes it so much easier to check on things (tires, leaks, battery). It is nice to get there early and preflight before passenger(s) arrive. They can just show up and go. Mooneys are ‘go places’ airplanes. I used mine to travel everywhere and get there fast. Adding an hour to the trip in both directions changes the drive vs. fly equation in a bad way (pretty sure in both radii and grads). Disclaimer: I fly from Erie, PA to Cleveland when I go there (~80 miles). So…..what’s the decision? bradb former Acclaim 2006 Meridian
  2. It has been a while since my last post. So here is today. Flight aware looks ugly. The view from the window at FL270 is much better. To be fair, I did have to climb through some ice and turbulence, but the view from the top is so nice. BradB former acclaim now Meridian N951TB
  3. Still here, too bradb meridian N951TB former acclaim.
  4. @Seth I haven’t forgotten about the commercial. I actually ordered an updated copy of the book recently. But now I’m going to have to do the training and check ride in a Meridian. It has been done. And my friend just did his in his TBM - pressure is on. brad
  5. You had me at Turbine. Bradb
  6. Lots of open water today. Opa Locka (KOPF) to Turks and Caicos (MBPV). 27,000ft just over 2 hours with a turn in the hold on arrival to the island. bradb meridian N951TB former acclaim
  7. no more Mooney. This is my ride these days. bradb former acclaim
  8. Not alone on this one. Bringing a “friend.” ;-)
  9. I am usually a day late on my Pics. Today is the preflight from the hanger. It is windy and snowing outside. I’m doing the database updates and preflight in the warm hanger. Tomorrow morning is a 9am pullout and departure. First is Erie (KERI) to Charleston (KCHS) for fuel and a couple hours in the city with lunch. Then off to Miami (KOPF) for some phototherapy for the weekend. Bradb Meridian 951TB former acclaim
  10. Most rewarding of flights! Congrats. I never tell the patients that i fly on these flights that I am also a physician. I like listening to the stories from their side. It adds the needed perspective adjustment for me. +1 Tom. Bradb Meridian N951TB former acclaim
  11. I’m surprised that MS hasn’t already calculated and published the speed and GPH for the Mooney in that video. Bradb Former Acclaim.
  12. Hanscom (KBED) is very close to my daughter’s home. And the fuel there is a great price with one of the discount cards. Bradb N951TB
  13. A late entry, the picture was from Friday evening and the video from a week ago. Getting ready to head out and do the round trip to Boston and back again today. Bradb Meridian N951TB EBE9B5B7-B1EA-46FD-9854-AC4C7748648E.MOV
  14. Looks cheaper than ICE-X. I’ll have to check and see if it is safe for rubber boots. For the TKS, guys -those of us with boots have the joy of buying really expensive slippery stuff to help the boots shed ice. But it does need to be reapplied after flying in the rain or in any flight that it would actually need to be used. But a plus is that it makes the boots nice and shiny. And I still carry a garden sprayer filled will TKS in the plane with me. That way I can De-Ice myself on the ground for those quick turns that require a quick up and down through icing in the winter. bradb former acclaim Meridian N951TB
  15. Maybe close your eyes during the day landings.
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