All good advice and info. I see what you guys are saying, shorten the twists so the brace on the backside keeps the wire from moving. Is the safety wire there to keep it from moving at all or just unscrewing completely? I thought it was just to keep it in place if it did back out a bit. I've rebuilt a few VW engines but of course they don't have them.
Not nit picking at all...I've been told by everyone to get rid of the jabbing hazard.
That copper washer is 'convex' that came off an old battery but you guys think I need a lock washer on top of that one? Anthony or whoever suggested the electric grease, I picked some up today to keep that thing clean from now on. Shouldn't you leave the lower nut as a 'hold back'? I didn't know it's that sensitive. Hope I didn't already ruin it but I don't think I got it that tight till I got the grease on it. I was going to use dielectric compound I had but picked up the Dow stuff instead...not sure of the difference.
I love this community. Sometimes pride is a hard pill to swallow but the advice is good. Thanks guys.