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Everything posted by Pictreed

  1. My IA is upgrading my audio panel soon and I'd like to add a dimmer switch to my avionics. I have an Avidyne GPS, Garmin 255 Nav/Com, PS 450C audio panel that could use some brightness control. A quick search shows two different dimmers, a single and a dual instrument. I'm wondering if a single will be sufficient. Will the final adjustment be made in the individual instruments and the dimmer controls the brightness? I know the Avidyne has brightness adjustment but not sure about the others yet...just started looking. https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/maxDimUnit.php?clickkey=4042 https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/maxdimduod.php?clickkey=4042 Thanks, Tim
  2. Also need to search other methods of sealing it. I’ve used the caulk that comes in a tape form that they use to seal openings on RVs. It’s a grey putty. I’ve also used a round kinking type material in the channel.
  3. True, I access the pilot side a lot more.
  4. Has anyone replaced the 3 piece avionics cover on the 60's planes with a 1 piece? That center strip had something round mounted in it at some point and I'd like to get rid of it to reduce the chances of leaking.
  5. Ha, that's what people say when I tell them I fly in small planes or skydive. I eventually stopped telling people about flying in small planes. They couldn't overcome their fears. But on a relevant note I thought the same thing. I loved the Onewheel for the idea of using for the plane but most of the airports I had to use didn't have decent access to the place I was ultimately going. I eventually decided to just get someone to pick me up or uber if they didn't have a crew car. Plus carrying my Onewheel around became a bother but mine was the GT. Still a pint is pretty heavy to lug around. It found it's home in the frunk of the Tesla so when I was traveling and had to stop to charge I could jump on and go eat or get coffee.
  6. I know this thread is old but my KMA 20 just bit the dust. So are you guys saying the Avidyne audio panel will monitor the standby channel on my IFD440? My 2nd radio is a Garmin unit but it has a monitor button on it. So essentially I could be monitoring 4 frequencies? :0
  7. Ok, I'm just reading this and now my head hurts!
  8. I've got one that would be funny. I did IFR training in a 172RG with tail number N172RG. It was scrapped a couple years ago when the nose gear collapsed. ATC would always ask, "172 romeo golf, what's the make of your aircraft". "172 romeo golf is a 172 romeo golf!" LOL
  9. I think I found the leak in a line going to the alternate air source. After isolating everything separately I appear to be getting an acceptable amount of leak past the airspeed indicator but my IA agreed that it may pass. I will know later today when they retest. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I’ve been looking at my options. Looks like the G3X May be the cheapest route. Take out the GTN 750 and that setup sounds like it will work. I need to find a shop. I think there’s one in McKinney or Denton that’s local for me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Oh Lort! I will try to find a loaner. The AI I have is a loaner but I’ll replace with a G5. Thanks. Is there an instrument that is a replacement for the airspeed instrument? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Is there a shop in Dallas that would repair a leaky AI? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. That looks like my end goal but it also looks to be about $80k with autopilot. But at that point I wouldn’t have to keep piecing it together and get something that’s not compatible with what I have. And I’ll have what I want. Do you have a template for that dash? I’d love to do some of the work myself but not sure I could dedicate that kind of time and still coordinate with an IA checking in.
  14. I want to start thinking about some upgrades. Right now I have original steam gauges, Avidyne 440, JPI 700, Garmin nav/com radio. I fly some IFR but no autopilot. I'd like to start by getting the G5 AI and HSI with magnetometer. Will any of this allow me to get rid of the altitude encoder? I assume I'll be able to ditch my CDI and vacuum (for the panel, I still need it for the step).
  15. I started replacing mine with a used one out of the same model E and talking with my IA I’m thinking about upgrading to digital. What made you go with the G5 over the 275?
  16. Oops, yes. I have his STEC STC somehow. We found it going through paperwork during annual. Thanks
  17. If anyone knows whose M20E this is I got some of your ATCs in my paperwork.
  18. Lord, that beat my 20 year break. I bet you've got a love/hate relationship with GPS. Welcome back.
  19. Robert, how does it read the vacuum to send a signal. My mechanic said the step is connected to the same vacuum, I guess if the vacuum gauge failed I could look outside for the step deployment. LOL just kidding.
  20. I agree. No instrument lights and no AI backup. I think I'll migrate towards a G5 or something. Fix multiple problems with one purchase.
  21. I'm super busy at work so I just had my mechanic replace it. Looks like $681 and took a day. My DG has been really weird and precession was noticeable. I'm not sure if that's because the pump was going bad. I think the vanes just separate and go from good to broke; however, don't take my word for it. I'll let you know how it reacts now. Personally I'd like to upgrade and get rid of the DG you have to reset all the time. There were really no indications. The instructor asked if I'd checked the suction and I said yes, it was bouncing around in the upper part of the green as it usually does. My mechanic asked if it always bounced...yep. Maybe it should have a restrictor??? I departed and turned out, slipped on my foggles and looked down to an AI that said I was in a steep climbing right hand bank. I was actually in left shallow banking climb. I assume it failed abruptly around 700' or so. The only thing that really made me question it's reliability is that the needle was all the way down at idle. I'll let you know if that's changed.
  22. Thanks Neil, I've already talked to him and an IA.
  23. I was hoping you'd reply :-) Thanks.
  24. Ya it was VFR, didn't want to make this seem like click bait. I was doing an instrument proficiency review yesterday (I know, I can't believe I let a year slip without approaches too) and the vacuum pump failed. I might have my mechanic replace it but I thought about doing it myself. What should I watch for when doing this? It's a '65 E with stock windshield and access - YAY! Thanks, Tim
  25. This has the mods I want to do over the next few years. I paid this amount for mine because of the great condition, low time engine, and I knew the inspector that had been doing the logs. Mine had a gear up that was repaired well and I upgraded the avionics to suit my taste but I still need to get your left side panel and really want to upgraded cowl, windshield, wing fillets, and wing tips that you have. What I'm trying to say if someone is looking for a good Mooney this one would be a good place to start provided the other caveats check out.
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