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Everything posted by MikeOH

  1. I assume, since you are a new pilot, that you will be a first time owner. You need to be very careful with any purchase but especially a wood wing. It is risky to trust the A&P that has been maintaining the plane for the current owner. Next, 1200 SMOH seems good on the surface, but how long ago was the overhaul? When I was shopping, the most important factor was recent and continuous use; I was looking for at least 50 hours a year for the last several years; sitting is BAD. Is this the first plane you've looked at? Personally, I looked at lot before I became 'calibrated' as to condition and price. Don't rush into the purchase! Don't be swayed by a low price; as much as any purchase, airplanes are particularly adept at taking your money now or later. If you are buying to fly it may be better to pay a premium now.
  2. @1980Mooney "Everyone wonders why Jonny can do a deal with Lasar on the Eaton "no back spring" but can't do anything with the Dukes actuator w/Mooney designed gears. It is likely because he cannot trade away the "Dukes IP" because it is secured by loans from Meijing and he cannot do anything without their approval." Most of that makes a lot of sense. What makes you say that Mooney designed the gears? As in, why does Mooney holds some kind of IP over what I would have assumed is a Dukes' product and their IP.
  3. @N201MKTurbo Do you know what quality system standard is required? Is an AS9100 approval satisfactory?
  4. I think you are correct WRT VARMA. I was thinking PMA to just the worm gear set. As you say, that's the easy part. Those are also the parts that wear and, supposedly, fail. I spent some time searching for OTS sets that match without success. Nevertheless, there are several manufacturers that could produce these in low volume at pretty low cost (a few hundred dollars); they advertise they can customize shafts as the Duke's one does appear to be unique based on their catalog items. Going to need a DER, but not sure what else is involved in getting a PMA for something like this.
  5. BWAAHAHAHAHA! So, you just take any manufacturer's word when they say, in effect, 'nothing to see here'??? I thought you to be a bit more objective. And, now swollen seals are a feature/benefit!! What a revelation...we've all been living in ignorant bliss, I guess.
  6. Ah, so they are honest and upfront about it. And, 85% of the fleet is going to lower atmospheric lead emissions by a significant amount.
  7. Which is probably a pretty good idea, anyway. If someone takes on this project and goes all the way to a PMA you sure wouldn't want to expose yourself to liability!
  8. WOW! Now you're resorting to vulgarity rather than logic? The validity of these 'studies' needs to be challenged in court. Bizarre analogy with 'drone scare' but, maybe, the same outcome...the drone scare is already fading and will be in the news cycle rear-view mirror shortly. If G100UL doesn't work out, and there are no other alternatives, then this, too, will fade until another contender appears. GA isn't going to get 'shut down' over this.
  9. Please vote in the poll so I can track. Thanks
  10. I admire your tenacity! But, as you said, these were comments made when he FIRST took over. The recent secrecy from Avon Gear, pushback, and loss of comms just doesn't bode well for Mooney to be the path of success, sadly. I hope I'm wrong.
  11. Ok, the recent discussion, and 'bad news', in another thread prompts this poll. If gear sets (either 20:1 or 40:1) were available TODAY, and there was NOT any present issue with your Dukes actuator, you would order a spare TODAY if it was priced at what amount? I'm trying to establish a very rough idea of SAM.
  12. The difficulty I see is that the 'newer' Mooneys that China was to manufacture did not have the Dukes actuators. Consequently, I doubt they would be a source for the gears even if they were willing to produce (unlikely they even have the necessary engineering data/drawings).
  13. Does it 'come back'? I.e., have you cleaned it up, gone flying and found more upon return?
  14. I'm thinking the same. If the OP pulled onto an active runway without a clearance and caused a go-around, I cannot fathom NOT getting a Brasher warning. That controller knew he screwed the pooch. Nevertheless, I'd be filing that ASRS post haste! (I'd also bet that 'tape' got 'reused' before his shift was over)
  15. Nah, the new stuff just kills rich airplane pilots; the children are safe, so it's all good
  16. There is an MSC at Cable (KCCB) https://www.foothillaircraft.com/ that I used over 7 years ago for my pre-buy. Not terrible but they did miss a leaking prop...no idea these days as I did not go back. AFAIK it is still run by Curtis Cable (grandson of the airport's founder). I've had good luck with GA out of KFUL, http://genaviationco.com/ but no idea about their pre-buy competence for Mooneys.
  17. THIS is what G100UL is starting to feel like...
  18. Thanks for your honest answer! I have no inherent animus towards George or Big Oil; they are BOTH out to make a PROFIT. I attempt to be objective regardless of who is providing a new product; either could be honest, or not, open with downsides, or not. All should be held to the same standards. I have no reason to believe one or the other is more likely to be 'less open'
  19. EXACTLY! Blaming 'old' parts/paint or the aircraft design (e.g. o-ring material), which have worked fine for decades, to compensate for poor fuel design is a bit disingenuous, at best. If G100UL had been developed by Big Oil, would we be so 'accommodating' with these revelations?
  20. I think that's a pretty decent summary of take-always. And, agree, best to know about the negative aspects. Which is why I maintain my position that we should not be forced to a single fuel solution until it is completely vetted in the field (years). In regards to your last paragraph, would you have those same "someone trying their best" comments had one of Big Oil developed G100UL and these issues were now coming to light?
  21. I guess I must plead ignorance to this 'major health issue'. Yes, I'm fully aware that lead is bad but please provide some demonstrative evidence that airborne lead from aviation fuel is causing a 'major health issue'.
  22. Fair point, but it seems improbable that if they show within 1 degree before startup (I.e. room temp) that they are going to be badly off at temp.
  23. The most shocking aspect of that video was how little time was required for significant damage to occur. Actually, that may be a good thing; I'd rather the problems quickly manifest themselves versus more subtle, long term failures that could be falsely attributed to other causes.
  24. @dkkim73 And, again, MS improves my vocabulary! Schumpeteresque and caltrops...had to look 'em both up.
  25. I read his concern that high temps will force liquid fuel out of full tanks onto the paint...no one there to clean it up.
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