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Everything posted by moxfox

  1. You could try Don Maxwell in Longview Texas . He may possibly have one ?
  2. It happens instantaneously as you advance the throttle. This is of course advancing the throttle smoothly. If you cram the throttle you will get a big surge , not a good thing.
  3. It’s hard to beat Lycoming in Williamsport Pennsylvania.
  4. thank you, Happy 4th
  5. Not good I would say ? I would put a dehumidifier inside of that airplane. That much moisture cannot be good for the radios or any other electrical connections I would think.
  6. Hi Kevin. Where can I get a manual, or copy of the assembly manual that you have pictured there? Please let me know if you would. Thank you. David Moxley
  7. You could try Ly-Con in Visalia Ca. That is who I always call when I need a part for my Lycoming in my Bravo . parts guy is Brian , phone number is 559-651-8340
  8. Lancecasper’s Suggestions are all good ones I do believe, better safe than sorry. I normally fly in the teens as well. I have never experienced any of the conditions you described?
  9. I put a GeeBee baffle kit on my Bravo about 3 years ago, and it works great, Lowered the temps. Wasn’t to bad to install, Took about 10 hours to remove the old and install the new, could be done faster I guess , I’m just very meticulous though.
  10. Right side sitting in the plane or right side looking from the front of the motor? Any pictures would be helpful??
  11. Don’t know if it the regulator or not jaylw314? Weather was good , flew from KCOE to KBDN To KO32 Happen on landing roll-out At KO32. Need to check.
  12. From what my IA tell me , the vacuum pump is living in a Extreme environment back there with all the heat from the turbo,and what I have Read about the vacuum pump on Bravo’s they sometime last, and sometimes they don’t? it hit and miss I guess? My thoughts are it on it way out? Was working fine before. Going to un-cowl and ground run it to start with.
  13. Haven’t checked it a high RPM’s yet , after landing was dead tried,and put it away. It was fine in In a cruise before landing. Never turned on the back-up pump after landing . I will get out to the airport in the next few day here and check. Thanks! That is what I’m thinking , “on it’s way out” as well Lancecasper.
  14. Haven’t checked it a high RPM’s yet , after landing was dead tried,and put it away. It was fine in In a cruise before landing. Never turned on the back-up pump after landing . I will get out to the airport in the next few day here and check. Thanks!
  15. On landing rollout ,high- low vacuum pump light came on. Anyone ever have this happen? Replaced the stand-by Electrical engine driven pump last year with the Retrofit in the tail , thinking it the main engine driven pump? Has about 470 hours on it. Any advice is much appreciated ! David
  16. Here you go Carusom. They are located at the forward end of the flap actuator. there are four small brass screws that hold on to a plate from the top next to the microswitches on that same end. The board faces up& relays are down. David
  17. Just had the same problem with the flaps not retracting after landing my Bravo , wouldn't come up . Found it the be the relay switches. If you tapped on them ,the flaps would come up. There is a small Circuit board that the relays are soldered on to , the back side of my board was corroded some . Ordered the retrofit kit ,and will be installing it this coming Tuesday. The micro switches are working fine.
  18. Well said Don!
  19. Glad to hear that it all worked out for you! And again thank you for sharing. We all learn from one another different experience's here. A big thumbs Up!!
  20. I had the same problem with one of these plug like that out on the wing tip that goes to the strobe & nav lights . They can be a real mother. Glad you got it!
  21. Could be the TIT probe needs to be replaced? When was the last time it was changed? The probe on my engine is coming up on 500 hours and I'm going to change it ,it's just safe insurance to keep from running the engine to lean,giving you a false reading. I normally push between 20 to 21 GPH when I'm up high running 30 & 2400. Fuel is cheaper than a motor. How dose the baffling look ?it's important to make sure that Air is goes down over the motor, and not escaping around the baffling. these are the things I would check first.
  22. Get in it and fly it, you won't have are problems,they are great. Just don't over temp it that the big issue,and don't shock cool it. How fast you want to go depends on how much fuel you want to pay for. It's a wonderful airplane! Take good care of it, and don't mistreat it & it will take care of you. POH is pretty straight forward other than what it says about lean of peak. Don is the expert on Bravo
  23. I install the GB baffling to get on my Bravo about a year and a half ago,take time to install it & get a good fit. I notice that when you are putting on the lower cowl you have to make sure that the baffling doesn't roll back where the air in take is. You have to reach down in there as you're putting the lower cowl on and pull the baffling forward. I'm happy with it .
  24. It don't know what everyone else is doing? i usually run 21 to 22 gallons an hour on the upper end of the power curve , and around 19 gallons at I'm thinking 29 mp & 2400rpm
  25. Thanks for the information DVA !
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