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Everything posted by AIREMATT

  1. Or “as far as I know.”
  2. Are posted results due to re-weighing or recomputing removals vs. additions?
  3. Like listening to the ball game on the AM dial?
  4. Option 3 - “Do I know if it still works?”
  5. Been there done that!
  6. It is definitely better than nothing at all since most of our older models don’t have aileron or rudder trim installed as standard equipment. At least if the PCS is working you can let the yoke go and keep the plane pointed in the same direction without rolling off one way or the other.
  7. Thanks Fred! I still have the old windshield and avionics bay access doors. Sounds like the best advice is to have Your wife help with it. She seems pretty smart!
  8. I don’t think the uranium solution can be used. it says it is for educational and scientific purposes only. Operation uses are apparently forbidden.
  9. Any idea how long you spent installing in your C and if you have any tips to make it go easier? Looking at doing that in mine. Thanks Fred!
  10. It is up to the PIC to decide what is acceptable for the operation of the airplane. ATC isn’t flying your airplane and making decisions for it. Tell them what you need I.e. I need lower or I will need a 360 to lose altitude before the FAF. They are there to keep you from hitting another plane and to provide the services you tell them you need. If you don’t tell them, they don’t know. Since you are concerned about future flights with the same issue, weather permitting, request the approach via an IAF/IF or tell them you need lower to get down for the approach if you want to follow the VNAV profile or keep a reasonable descent rate. ATC isn’t monitoring your glide slope or concerned if you are going through it, but if you say you need lower to make your crossing altitude, they can make it work usually for both of you. Sometimes we as pilots defer to ATC’s instructions thinking ATC is doing what is best for our operation. Until they hear something to the contrary from the Pilot, they assume it is acceptable and continue doing what they Think you need. Communication goes along way towards resolving issues before they become issues. I wouldn’t lose much sleep over the whole thing at this point. Call the facility and ask them why you are brought in high on the approach if you want , but when flying, tell them what You Need and I’d bet you will get what You want 99% of the time.
  11. But not until the insurance company is satisfied can you use that benefit.
  12. Where are you located in SE MN? Willmar is quite a distance from you. Might still be a good option, just not in your neighborhood.
  13. About the same for me during annual.
  14. I think he typo’d it and meant 49%.
  15. 1968 and later seems to be the increase to 125mph Vfe. My 1967 C has 100mph limit yet. Maybe they reinforced the spar regardless of flap drive type that year.
  16. When it’s cold (not sure where you are or what cold is), but in MN the pucks don’t expand and things in the gear don’t expand when the gear comes up. Causes many funny oddities to happen at that point. Maybe the switch’s need to have pressure from expanding pucks to keep switches closed. Maybe a warmer day or warming the plane in a heated hangar for a few hours and trying it would help troubleshoot that possibility.
  17. There is…Pour more money at the problem. If you have an unlimited budget you can have Almost anything:).
  18. Getting the experience in the Mooney during your training will put you well ahead of the game after you get your ppl. Just be sure you have a good CFI with experience in the Mooney or you will both be learning at the same time and you won’t get much help from the CFI if he is learning the airplane at the same time you are. That’s a bad combo. The M20 isn’t as docile as the PA28. Learning the PA28 will get you a ppl, but no experience in your Mooney. It will be a big change as a low time ppl and you may want more time than insurance requires to get yourself up to speed in the Mooney. Either way you do it, be sure you get your plan figured out before you hit it hard. You don’t want to be trying to do both at the same time. If I were to use the PA28, I would find one of those stick on landing gear selectors with 3 green lights, and use it every lesson so you get used to retractable airplane operations. You will help yourself out by learning retractable gear procedures in the PA28 that will immediately transfer to the Mooney.
  19. If it’s the beacon, maybe it is coincidence that it failed at this exact time when the gear was activated several times on a checkride . Otherwise, I would think that noise would be heard and recognized as a usual sound to the OP. They are noisy, but still hard to hear over engine noise and ANR headsets normally.
  20. I thought they both went into the same mixing box on front side of firewall. Did they get worked on and hooked up backwards?
  21. Imagine that, reporters not letting the facts get in the way of their story… News reports have become the worst place to get facts…
  22. Gee dad, is that what it was like back when you learned to fly?! Where do you touch the screen to make it work?.
  23. From my C model- Here is the reference number to remove it. Sorry the copy is poor, that’s all the MSC had for a copy too.
  24. What airliner do you fly? My C has G5’s side by side to match work.
  25. Voltage regulator wearing out?
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