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xrs135 last won the day on January 3 2016

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About xrs135

  • Birthday November 29

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  1. Nope, mine was green!!
  2. Hi .


    I just saw your reply.  Yes, I am interested in an older Mooney.  Ya got something like that?  ;)

    Thank you.

    Mitch.   sanluisjazzband@charter.net or 805 305-1546

  3. That's exactly where I put mine, just on the under side!
  4. I've been slacking a little bit lately with filming my flights. Here is a quick little clip of a descent through an overcast layer, with a VFR break off and descent through scattered layer) for a landing at O61.
  5. I remember reading somewhere that ditching in the water resulted in a greater than 85% survival rate! I'll take those odds, especially flying over the Sierra's... lakes are often my #1 choice. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. xrs135

    Thursday Joy Ride

    SUPER delayed response... but I just use iMovie on my Mac. It's pretty simple, and I'd say you can easily figure it out in an afternoon.
  7. If you have a new/different idea for a logo... try to draft up a really rough sketch of it and post it here, or send it to me through facebook or something. They have artists that work at CustomInk who actually take your design and re-do it to make it look really 'nice'
  8. We can also set up the group buy so that it raises money that can go back into MS if we have enough people purchase a shirt! Stay tuned, I'll try to get something together soon and post it on here with more details.
  9. My fiancé actually works at CustomInk, which is a absolutely fantastic company when it comes to getting custom t-shirts! We could organize a group buy through them, and everyone can order their shirts/sizes individually. They have both men's and women's sizes, and different brands and qualities of shirts. The great thing is the shirts would ship directly to each person who buys it. As long as we have permission to use the Mooneyspace logo it should all be good. Anyway, we should get a pretty good % discount because of my fiancé. If you guys want me to set it all up, I'd be happy to do it. If it works well, maybe we could even get some hats or something made too!
  10. It's on the floor for 68' as well... So you have to cut a hole in the carpet
  11. I was looking at the SCS Interiors carpet kit on eBay that somebody on MS had posted awhile back... My C has the plastic trim piece that you speak of, and I noticed this kit does have carpet for that area. So my guess is that those pieces probably wouldn't work for me, but the larger floor and baggage area pieces would likely fit.
  12. Are the carpet kits pretty standard between the years? More specifically, wondering if a carpet kit for a 63' M20C will fit into my 68' C without issues?
  13. Oscar, did you ever see a decrease in CHTs with the new carb?
  14. That's where you are wrong. You'd be surprised what a few hundred hours or more in a 172 can teach a newly minted pilot. I think what's slightly disconcerting is that you are so eager to skip this step, and jump right into a pretty high performance aircraft. I understand you have been training in an SR-20... but that's doesn't mean you couldn't learn A LOT by slowing it down and flying around in a C172 or even a C150! You must build a solid foundation, and that can be done in much less of an aircraft that you are looking into.
  15. I prefer Hot Shots over Top Gun!
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