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Everything posted by bonal

  1. Get a random orbital buffer go real light no pressure just the weight of the machine with a quality polish and wax save your arms and does a better job of evenly working the surface. Should shine up real nice. Take some before and after pics.
  2. Got my issue of AOPA pilot yesterday and read the story of Jack Wiegand's trip around the world in his families Mooney. I'm sure there are other posts on this story but I wanted to say hats off to that young man and my compliments to the author one of our own here on the space a nicely written piece.
  3. Go for it, I got my PPL at 50 but have loved aviation all my life. I wish I would have done it sooner but when I did the time was right and yes owning an aircraft is financially difficult but manageable and worth every penny.
  4. Nothing makes he news people happier than a small airplane crash. and it never ceases to amaze me what the so called experts have to say about the causes, So when I was getting my PPL my instructors taught me in an emergency always aviate communicate etc. perhaps we should also endever to ge hold of some one from the evening news and provide the story of why your airplane is falling from the sky just incase you dont make it. Having the 24 hour news cycle forces the networks to put crap out there before they learn the facts because they want to be the first to break the story. in the good old days they had time to get the facts before the start of the broadcast or when it had to get to press. but an editorial piece like this there is no excuse it has an agenda other than just selling papers.
  5. Well its still a free country, sort of. You go ahead and keep telling yourself this The fact that things have gotten so messed up proves I'm in the minority which is exactly my point. 4 words I hope I never say "i told you so"
  6. Sometimes it's just so cool to have an airplane. Today the wife had a doctors appointment and to drive would take around an hour and a half. By Mooney it's 14 minuets the FBO Sonoma Jet Center has a free curtesy car and then it was about 5 miles to drive. Plus some real good free coffee and excellent line service just makes for a great day. Any time you happen to be in the northern CA area drop in and enjoy a real first class operation there in Santa Rosa. FBO's are one of my favorite perks of flying.
  7. Sadly this country and the rest of the world is out of airspeed out of altitude and out of ideas. Look at most of the younger generations they have been spoon fed so much B.S. In school in culture every thing they experience is fake and agenda driven they would not recognize a true fact if it bit them on the ass. I thank god I don't have kids. I'm sorry every one but when they re elected our current president I realized we have reached the tipping point and there is no going back. This story is just another example of how the media is demonizing all things that represent freedom and choice and don't get me started on the 2nd amendment oh and did you hear the story that they want to increase the gas tax by another 12 cents per gallon. Boy that's going to really help the economy grow. I would love to hear any stories that might give a glimmer of hope. On the bright side took a couple of short flights today it sure felt good to put the wheels in the wells.
  8. Got a check list for shut down just add the item to check all switches including the light as part of your shut down procedures.
  9. I wonder if when in annual the AP actually counts the holes in the rail. How many holes is that?
  10. Seems like a simple enough part to turn out on an CNC I guess I should get busy and start making some chips.
  11. Looks like more unstable weather slamming the mid west and central states. i saw one showing a big twister up in Canada, i thought nothing bad ever happens there. How long before the egg heads start blaming global warming on he high number of tornados this year. And I cant wait for them to link it to General aviation due to all the wake turulance. aka USA today. bunch a jerks!
  12. Since when did facts ever matter to main stream news I CANT TAKE IT ANY MORE God help us all. If you got um fly um its just another freedom we will have taken away so get in as many hours as you can while you still can.
  13. seems I say this a lot but its always a good source for things relating to parts and modifications. Get hold of Dan or Paul at Lake Aero Styling 707 263 0412
  14. I wonder if they survived the crash but were unable to or did not want to leave the accident site hoping for rescue. A very sad ending to 2 accomplished lives hopefully they did not suffer long. I guess there are worse ways to go than next to your brother.
  15. I'll be flashing the field later this week, supposed to be real easy to do but I will have help. its got something to do with the magnetism in the armature of the generator. hopefully it will correct my charging problem and will be another opportunity to learn another old Mooney lesson.
  16. bonal

    Columbia fly in 2014

    a couple of shots from the fly in
  17. From the album: Columbia fly in 2014

    nice 201
  18. From the album: Columbia fly in 2014

    A few of the ambassadors
  19. From the album: Columbia fly in 2014

    Parking in the weeds
  20. Seems I am having charging problems myself. On our trip to columbia after a normal start and long taxi to fuel could not get restarted after a 20 min soak started fine. Kind of made it less fun at the fly in cause all I could think about was the start up next morning. Well the bat recovered enough to fire it right up next day but I had real bad radio transmission to ATC all the way home. After a fuel stop at Nut Tree no start. Well at least I was smart enough to have taken the charger with me. A real nice fellow who was working on his hangar right by the fuel rig gave me a plug in and after another break and a visit to his other hangar that had a P51 a B25 a T28 a T6 plus a few others we were on our way. So I will be looking into the problem in the coming days. I picked up a great little gadget from LASAR it's a tiny volt meter that plugs into the lighter and gives a continuos read out to a tenth of a volt. Like on a previous post "it's a long strange journey"
  21. I am planning to keep my current airplane for many years it has only 700 on the motor and I put 100 of them on it myself. Needs a few items to do but is a very sound aircraft that I love to fly. But I must say as a 50 year old Snoopy does like to aggravate me from time to time.
  22. I always get enough fuel to make my planned stops before we leave and then buy fuel every time we stop. I guess if you fly a big Bonanza then fuel cost becomes a bigger issue or how about a Baron yikes! Our little c just don't drink enough fuel that 50 cents a gallon plus or minus really matters. I have a universal fuel stick but I only use it to tell me which side has more. Then I go put gas in it and try to balance the amounts left to right. I'm not sure what the total for my bladders is I only know the usable amount.
  23. Well here we are at out B&B in Columbia spent a few hours at the air show. Stopped by and visited the mooney tent and chatted with owner of a real nice 201 can't remember his name. There was a a lot of people at the show but not much show the T28 was fun to watch. Got a golf cart ride from an older gent said he has been flying his mooney for 32 years.
  24. Second year of ownership. New exhaust OH bendix mags new fuel lines new oil lines OH carburetor rebuilt air box rebuilt Sky tech starter new volt reg rebuilt motor mount assembly with new rubbers entire hull and wings cleaned of minor corrosion and sprayed with anti corrosion. Flap hydraulic lines replaced and new tires I did install the LASAR landing light cover though. The good news is nice paint nice new leather seats and new bladders and working Stec-30. First upgrade will be fuel flow meter and 4 way CHT and EGT. Hopefully next years annual will be routine. Hopefully.
  25. This thread has kind of evolved away from the original concern. DaveL has there been any progress on your situation with your C?
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