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Everything posted by gsxrpilot

  1. I haven't checked today, but KRFI claims to have the cheapest 100LL in the country on any given day.
  2. Ditto for Maxwell's. Don was able to supply a ferry pilot to get it out to GGG also. It's the best money you can spend on a Mooney.
  3. It's ok. I'm fine being the token liberal on this forum. Us lib's are pretty rare in the aviation community. And I'd rather fly than talk politics any day. We can get back to discussing flaps on take off.
  4. I'm sorry, but the death penalty isn't appropriate for bad behavior. As a privileged, white, entrepreneur myself, I'm disgusted by the frequency with which others, not like me, are executed by law enforcement. I'm in favor of punishment for bad behavior, and even the death penalty when decided by a properly sworn and seated jury. It's also terrible to be putting this power and responsibility in the hands of law enforcement officers. I'm sure Officer Wilson wishes he had responded differently. I would not want to have my life up ended like his has been. He'll certainly never be able to live in that town or work that job ever again. We do our underpaid and overworked police officers no favors by putting them in a situation where they believe the solution is to shoot and kill. "A riot is the language of the unheard" - MLK <Rant Off>
  5. Did you get the visor panels directly from LASAR? I only see the panel kit for $350 and it's out of stock anyway. Your setup looks great and might just be the ticket for my C. Thanks,
  6. I use the GoPro sticky mount and it works great. You can see pictures of it in this thread... http://mooneyspace.com/topic/13493-new-camera-mount/ Cheers,
  7. Like you, I had all my training hours in a Cherokee. Both the PPL and the IA and lots of hours in between are all Cherokee time with it's Hershey Bar wing. I thought the transition the C was very easy. It's not difficult to fly. And contrary to the consensus on this board, I don't find it difficult to land fast. I often land without flaps on longish runways without any issues at all. But it's also easy to land with full flaps, nice and slow over the numbers. The thing that was noticeable to me was the sight picture at the round out on approach was different. If I used the same sight picture from the Cherokee, I would be too high over the runway. The Mooney seems to sit much lower to the ground. But then I was afraid of rounding out too low and touching the prop. Anyway, it's worked its self out and now with almost 100 hours since purchase in March, it seems to be second nature. You can get very proficient very quickly when you own the airplane. You and only you fly it, and you fly it a lot.
  8. Well done! So nice to see the optimism and forward motion from our favorite manufacturer.
  9. I've used Don Maxwell's shop for my annual and pre-buy, but then a local A&P for misc squawks that come up. I've been very happy with his work. And I'm sure his reputation is impeccable. I know he's got pilot services available as well to go get a plane and bring it to his shop in Texas. I used them for the pre-buy. I know his price for an annual on the C if not fixing anything is $1895. Maxwell is an MSC of course.
  10. I currently have a 530W, therefore if I'm understanding this correctly, the addition of a GDL88 is about the cheapest/best way for me to be fully ADS-B compliant everywhere below 18,000ft? A couple of questions... 1. Does anyone have this setup today? And if so, could you send a screen shot of what weather and traffic looks like displayed on the 530? 2. Will the GDL88 also output to an iPad for Traffic/Weather? Thanks,
  11. http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/35693-/ For reference - This is an M20C.
  12. My mission is to arrive in style to Oshkosh every summer. The P51 was a little out of reach and a Mooney was the second best option. Mission Accomplished.
  13. I'm referencing an FAA Memo clarifying the question of external mounting of cameras on certified aircraft. I've uploaded the memo to the POH section of Downloads.
  14. As a Mooney Caravan member, I've got to say getting out with your buddies and doing some tight formation flying will also find the rust. We always take it very seriously and while fun, there isn't any horsing around. Just 2 or up to 4 Mooney's all flying together, any sloppiness is quickly exposed. While no substitute for time with a CFI, it has made a huge difference in my flying, awareness, and attention to detail. All of which will certainly work in my favor if things go wrong, and even better, to keep things from going wrong.
  15. Wow! Great pictures. I'm counting the days to West Texas Clinic.
  16. My C has everything you want except for the 150kt TAS. It's only 145kt TAS. I've cruised over the top at 13,500 more than once. I've got a 530W with HSI, GEM with FF, and STec30/Alt Hold. It's also cheap to buy, maintain and feed. Paul
  17. Bill, Could you post/send pictures of your mounting? Thanks, Paul
  18. Pictures of the under wing mount. The all-thread is 1/4 20. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. I have a GoPro mounted to the tie-down point on my plane. On the GoPro, I use the standard tripod mount. On the Mooney, I have the Lasar tiedown points. I used a piece of all-thread that matches the threads on the GoPro tripod mount. I stacked two nuts, locking them together to form the head inside the wing. The all-thread drops through the wing and the cone that makes up the Lasar tiedown point. I added two nuts locked to fix the all-thread in place. I left about an inch of thread which gives me room to thread on the GoPro mount. Prior to threading on the mount, I threaded one additional nut on the post. After adding the GoPro mount, thread the nut down to the GoPro mount. That will allow you to tighten everything up and keep the camera pointed in the direction of your choosing. I'll be out at the hanger in the morning and will take some pictures and can get the thread sizes. Paul
  20. I did some pretty exhaustive research on this 6 months ago. If you're buying a new unit, the cheapest way to go and still have fuel flow and all the important stuff is the Insight G2. I've had one now for 6 months and couldn't be happier. The fuel flow is extremely accurate and allows me to fly much further with peace of mind. Also, you get full color, modern-day graphics which JPI and EI don't provide on their base models. Finally, the data logging is also modern with a simple SD card in the front of the unit. I fly, land, eject the SD card and pop in into my laptop. There is no crawling under the panel to hook up a 1980's era serial cable.
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