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Everything posted by peevee

  1. I wonder if we couldn't tweak for a few kts but then it sounds like a can of worms I don't want to open.
  2. link was working for me. Looked like it went out of annual for a few years. Compressions weren't bad for a 1400 hr LB I thought,
  3. nice to see I'm not the only one. I was starting to feel like I was going crazy.
  4. It'll be round about the 16th
  5. The trim switch alone is like 800+
  6. Noooooo, the 4 door Porsche has always been Audi.
  7. I see them driving around, so someone is buying them. To be fair I'm not sure they're any uglier than that similar looking mercedes that was a sedan trying really hard to be a coupe, I can't for the life of me think of the name.
  8. bellanca is crafting airplanes out of wood today (probably, hell I dunno, they've been in and out of business more times than mooney and that's no small feat) if it's got wings, I'll fly it. I don't care what brand it is.
  9. I'll get fish and chips for lunch and breakfast at the food truck the next day. Things are looking up, hopefully the weather won't hose me.
  10. just a one nighter-see-what-it's-about stop. we'll go back another time, I'd really like to do the trail but never have time.
  11. fish and chips you say? Where abouts?
  12. if I divert I either have to pick something that I can rent a car at and drive to shelter cove to use my existing reservation, or pick somewhere else on the coast to stay Cec is a nice area
  13. if anyone is planning to use that to upgrade from the old style there is a bit more to the retrofit kit you'll need.
  14. I have the solution for that... <------ I think the Comanche is a fine choice also.
  15. well, if I can't get in I'll go to crescent city or somewhere else on the shore for the night I guess. Hotels are going to be tough in June with no notice I suspect. Plan to arrive in the AM and depart in the AM, is the wind worse in the afternoon or is it just spotty? With no weather reporting that could get interesting.
  16. Anyone been? Planning a one night stop next month. Aside from frequent fog, no fuel, no awos, no approaches, anything else I should know?
  17. I use ratchet straps, they seem to work fine. The argument could be made that they don't stretch like rope but it's never bothered me for a few days. Don't forget to lock the controls too. I'm a seatbelt kind of guy.
  18. Hah, at first I thought you meant Breckenridge Co but then I thought wait, they don't have an airport.
  19. I bought them assuming we have klixon switches, we don't. One is the latest version and one is a version back. They're red. I might have a white one around too, I'll have to check the ubiquitous junk drawer to be sure. Free.
  20. The whole holder as I picture it. I realize there's a screw missing from the trim switch and that's confusing but the whole plastic cap on the yoke is what I need, from the cws and autopilot switch to around the trim switch to the top of the yoke.
  21. you could probably solid model it and 3d print it too I guess. CNC aluminum would be neat, then you could anodize it black. That would be too sweet. Maybe this winter when the plane isn't flying I'll work on something, thanks for the ideas!
  22. Any ideas how? It's been broken under where it says trim up, so it twists a little bit which can't be good on the wires. It's annoying but not $300 annoying.
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