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ArtVandelay last won the day on March 9

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  1. If they’ve decided not to support existing planes, they have zero chance of of ever getting this company back in business again.
  2. Isn’t brake fluid red? Although I have no idea how that could happen.
  3. I think flying using IAS is safer than a fix 7° climb angle.
  4. I would guess that the higher you are, the more the fuel will vaporize? I tend to fly above 8000’ when flying long distances.
  5. Yes, it was leaking a few years back, I had it overhauled.
  6. Mine started high, but after about 20 hours it settled down, peaking around 26 psi. My overhaul was done e/o 2018.
  7. It’s placarded as continuous, so pulling power to land is ok obviously. I try not to go below that on descents and wait till I’m at pattern altitude. How long is continuous?
  8. The engine was overhauled in 2019, and now has 500+ hours on it. The old fuel pump ran at a lower pressure, and fluctuated by only 2 psi. The new fuel pump runs at a higher pressure, even exceeding the 30 psi limit during the break in and always has had more fluctuations, 4-5 psi. The fact that it stops seems to imply something like air/debris/something else that was in the fuel.
  9. I did, no difference between tanks. Not altitude dependent, it stopped doing it on its own at level altitude after about 30 minutes, I would a clogged vent to just keep getting worse. I will have to check the vents anyway.
  10. I would have the placard with power settings removed, it’s not required on my 78J, could have put the JPI there. I push the speed brake placard high on the panel so it was hidden from casual view. I don’t have a problem with it on the right.
  11. I always remove the factory eyebolts as I rarely tie down outside. I don’t see how you can cross thread them if you use your hands, they turn easily and any resistance would cause me to stop.
  12. It did stumble a little, as I said the low pressure was just for a second. I have a JPI, so this wasn’t a gauge issue. You can see it gets worse and then gets better. The next several flights at the same altitude and essentially the same DA were fine. The pressure always fluctuates a little but never this bad, this is the next flight on the following day:
  13. On 1 leg of a 5000+ nm cross country trip, I had the fuel pressure fluctuating down to 14 which is below minimum pressure. It wouldn’t stay there for more a second and then it recover, so wasn’t able to check if boost pump would help. After about 2 hours it stop and never re-occur again. Any ideas? Yes, I drained the both tanks during preflight and found no water as expected since there was no rain.
  14. I was thinking that if it was allow to sit and develop rust on cylinder walls, this would result in scoring of the walls on next start. If ground running, I think this is more likely.
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