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ArtVandelay last won the day on March 9 2024

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  1. Depends, if it was used as a trainer I would definitely discount it.
  2. I replaced all the control cables, they were original and I thought 40 years was enough. New alternator,refurbished all the baffling, just flushed the oil cooler since it had been replaced, repainted the engine mount. Some work I did myself to lessen the cost. I also had prop overhauled. I had to replace the case because it was cracked, probably because PO installed a non approved 130 amp alternator. I didn’t keep track of the all the costs, but it was close to 40k. Zephyr did mine, I didn’t have to pay shipping because I was close enough for them to send a guy to pick it up. And being Florida there was no sales tax.
  3. I just use a velcro strap
  4. Does the B&C fit, I vaguely recall a thread where some said it would and some it wouldn’t.
  5. I now use painters tape to cover the speed brakes when parked outside if rain is forecasted. Ounce of prevention …
  6. Any extra horsepower the ram air will give you is eaten up by the extra drag of the hole on front of the cowl. Remove the ram air, fix the cowling, and remove a possible failure point.
  7. I skipped the yaw damper entirely, J doesn’t need it. Otherwise now days I would do the whole panel. But back in the “old” days we didn’t have the options we have today. So I did the radio stack, then after JPI 900 was introduced I upgraded from 830, then G5 because my HSI was broken, then the rest.
  8. I assume they will protect against a hailstorm too?
  9. 2 tanks, the 2 senders for each tank are in series.
  10. If they’ve decided not to support existing planes, they have zero chance of of ever getting this company back in business again.
  11. Isn’t brake fluid red? Although I have no idea how that could happen.
  12. I think flying using IAS is safer than a fix 7° climb angle.
  13. I would guess that the higher you are, the more the fuel will vaporize? I tend to fly above 8000’ when flying long distances.
  14. Yes, it was leaking a few years back, I had it overhauled.
  15. Mine started high, but after about 20 hours it settled down, peaking around 26 psi. My overhaul was done e/o 2018.
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