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Everything posted by thomas1142

  1. I cleaned it all up. The substance look and felt like silicone, very soft and flexible. I would say just like silicone caulking.
  2. I just took apart a rotating beacon (located on the belly) from a 1997 M20J and found the unit electronics are encased in some type of silicone. Would anyone know what that silicone is and what I can replace it with? Thanks
  3. All great advice, just like I received when I was new to my 97 M20J and having starting issues. But for me nothing worked I was so frustrated I was ready to put a for sale sign on it. I was "stranded" for hours on three different occasions till I was able to start it. Once I could not start it on my home field, called the mechanic (AI), but by the time he came over I managed to start it. Got the same advice from him; patience you are new, and you will learn. On the last "stranded" event I had the mechanic look over the aircraft real good. Did a timing test on it and he said he could not believe it even started at all by how far off the timing was. Had the AP try to set the timing on it, he could not, so the AI tried and had a hard time. Removed the magneto to find that the cap was rotating a full 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch. One Mag almost shot, the other barely firing, but my preflight runups were fine. Moral to this story: if you are doing everything right, and all the advice you are getting isn't working, maybe its not you. Get your plane checked before it frustrates you like it did me.
  4. I’m going to ask my field IA to take a look at that. Probably should have had that done a while back
  5. Not a single issue with the PFD. I am considering installing a blower fan for that purpose. Just an assumption on my part, but when I touch the screen of the unit it is way warmer than the 10”. I asked the avionics shop if something else back there could be overheating the unit. They did not think so, but I feel that is exactly what is going on.
  6. Nope, according to the Avionics shop and Garmin. The avionics shop is not doing any kind of trouble shooting, just ordering a new unit. I’m going along with this “order new unit” fix just to see how long it takes Garmin to get off their keester and question the avionics shop. To me it seems to overheat.
  7. I’m on my third G3X MFD, it overheats and the touch function fails. On a couple of occasions it rebooted, but with the touch function still not available. Avionics shop just keeps ordering a new one, saying their is no reason it should be doing that. Getting real tired of the situation.
  8. Just had my roll servo go out, in IMC conditions on top of that. I have already replaced the ptrim servo. One good thing, everything is still under warranty, but it is frustrating for a new system.
  9. Had the same issue with the same notification of the G5 and G3X. Replaced the pitch trim servo, all good now.
  10. What????? I just “renewed” mine. All that was required was for me to complete two pages of the four page (two you fill out, and two the doc fills out) form found on the web. Met with the doc, he completed his two pages, did and quick exam, I paid my fee and walked out with the form, all four pages. Completed the slide presentation on line, and took the quiz at the end. Hit the submit button, followed the instructions, and now I good for another four years before I need to go to the doc.
  11. Does this mean that you don't have air from the event that is able to be directed to you? Is the hose directed/connected to any specific item or just points to the avionics in general?
  12. Where's the blower in the pic? How is it connected, does it get air from the outside?
  13. It’s been a while since last post, but the issue is finally resolved. After dealing with this for a year and trying all the suggestions I received, I finally gave up and called JPI. They had me send the the MP transducer and lo and behold it was defective. They sent me a new one, got it installed....no more fluctuations. Main reason I followed up with this post is just to say that at times parts are just bad.....you do nothing wrong, installation was correct, your plane is responding correctly. Now to fix the freezing/locking up of the 7” G3X.
  14. I’ve being having issues with my 7” G3X freezing and rebooting since installation. I keep telling the avionics shop that I think the unit is overheating. They keep ordering new unit from Garmin. Last flight, with sun beating down on us, we placed a towel on the glare shield and the unit functioned fine the entire flight. This only happens on the right side panel with the 7” G3X, the 10” on the left side has never had an issue. Where is this blower fan located?
  15. Good question. I’ll get sizes of both ducts and post on here.
  16. Duct tape does cure all, but I hope that’s not the only option.
  17. During this years annual I asked the mechanic to look into why my defrost wasn't working that well. He snapped this pic which shows the bottom hose (round) of the vent is not connected to the top (square hose). We looked in the parts manual. and could not find anything matching the requirement of round hose going into a square hose. Any ideas? Thanks Angelos
  18. Lowering price to $6000, before posting on eBay.
  19. The original question stands/applies even to those that have a G3X with a GFC 500 installed, and are still learning all the possible configurations that were installed.
  20. The pitch trim servo went out on me a week ago. I was climbing out at 90KIAS when all of a sudden it pitched up like crazy, disconnected the GFC 500 manually when I got to 70KIAS. I wanted to see how far it would go. When I reengaged the AP it disconnected by itself. I have since replaced the servo, so far so good.
  21. I was told, by many of you, that the price was a bit high. Soooo, new price.
  22. Just removed to make room for a GTN 750. GNS 530W, 14/28v, tray, manuals, Nav data card (also useable with Jeppesen downloads), TAWS Terrain data card, Garmin USB card reader. All can be yours for $7000.00. Works perfectly, looks great. The pic with power was on the way to the avionics shop. The face has some “smudges” (don’t know how to describe) that do not interfere when the unit is on. Also removed the KX 155 if you are interested
  23. @MinneMooney any progress on this item. Thanks
  24. @patrickfSo there is a copy of the app for a J model? If so can I get the link. thanks
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