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    Fort Leonard Wood, MO (KTBN)
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  1. My wife and I flew our M20C into PLK many times with family and friends between 2014 and 2017. In-terminal rental car service and FBO never disappointed. Parking assistance was intermittent, but really unnecessary. Easy access to Branson. Never required maintenance. One approach end has a pretty steep rocky cliff that can be somewhat intimidating on the first landing, but never really a safety issue. Good luck and have fun!
  2. Also, I own and carry one of these Cruz toolkits, and use it as much in the hangar as when traveling: https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/topages/cruztools12-03772.php?clickkey=357340
  3. Mike Busch has written one or more articles on this subject. Here is a link to one of his articles: https://resources.savvyaviation.com/wp-content/uploads/articles_aopa/AOPA_2017-07_traveling-toolkit.pdf Here’s a link to another good article on AVweb: https://www.avweb.com/ownership/the-traveling-tool-kit/
  4. I enjoyed seeing your references to Bowling Green, Bardstown, Lebanon, and Springfield. All very familiar places. I took my PP check ride at Bowling Green. Completed a rental checkout in Bardstown. I was born and raised in Lebanon. Took a flight review at 6I2, but have never flown my Mooney into 6I2. On my way there one night from Missouri, but made a precautionary landing in Owensboro. Next morning, continued on to KAAS instead of 6I2. N6094Q is hangared and “pickled” at KTBN while I serve in Japan for at least another year. Miss her almost as much as I miss children and grandchildren. Finished paying off the loan on her last month. I fly an Aero Club 180 HP C-172 out of Yokota Air Base to stay active and current, but it’s nothing like owning and flying your own Mooney. Thank you for the opportunity to briefly walk down memory lane.
  5. The “Mark 21” logo on our ‘66C is so faded that if I didn’t know it was supposed to be there, I’d never notice. Wondering if there are any decals available for it, as well.
  6. I got to Japan a year ago next month. Left my M20C back in Missouri on jack stands with engine "pickled". Not sure what condition I'll find it in when I return after three years. Flew for the first time in Japan on Sunday, an all glass cockpit 180-hp C172 (T41) with the Yokota Aero Club. It was fun, but miss my Mooney even more now. Any other Mooney drivers living in Japan? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. I believe it’s intended to simply illuminate to assist in viewing the fuel selector switch setting (on the floor under the pilot’s feet).
  8. Thank you so much, Everyone, for your comments, and especially for your advice. I'm overwhelmed with appreciation and contemplation. Yes, working for the Army and going to Japan. Turned down this exact job offer two years ago, and my wife is convinced that it was because of our Mooney. Actually, it was far more complicated, but I cannot deny that leaving our Mooney behind was a significant factor. So much to consider...
  9. We fly a 1966 M20C. Four years ago, we had the generator cleaned and bench tested after the battery went dead. Brushes had 50% of useful life remaining. Continued to have partial and complete power losses and circuit breakers pop in flight. Finally, at annual two years ago, I asked Don Maxwell to install the PlanePower alternator conversion kit that I purchased at Airventure. Electrical problems solved!
  10. Appears we will be living abroad for the next 1-3 years. Looking for advice on how to prepare our 1966 Mooney M20C with Lycoming O-360-A1D. Hangared in south central Missouri with average lo/hi temps of 19-87 F, 47" rainfall, and relative humidity averaging 53-83%. Jack stands, oil, plugs, corrosion prevention, insect protection, etc.? --Bobby (rakes_bobby@hotmail.com) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Yves / Ned, my wife and I (Kim & Bobby Rakes) will attend. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. Did the roll-trim knob/valve have any effect on the roll? Had the PC system on my C rebuilt when I bought it in 2013. Really like it. Try this link for a manual (not sure if it's the correct version for you): http://67m20e.com/Manual No. 11990 Mooney PC Operation and Service Instructions.pdf
  14. Thank you so much for the affirmation/confirmation, Cliffy, and congratulations to you on your Mooney's performance, as well! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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