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Rwsavory last won the day on December 29 2013

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    West Memphis
  • Model
    M20C S35

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  1. Do you have engine analysis data to share?
  2. Your friend needs to get his Mooney into a competent shop. This video show normal function. It works the same way in the air, assuming you're not trying to raise the gear over 90 mph, in which case it's a little more difficult.
  3. If a company provides a free service, you are the product. Usually.
  4. To my cynical eye it appears to be a data-gathering exercise in preparation for a new business for them.
  5. Some people just enjoy filing lawsuits. https://casetext.com/case/iceberg-v-king-cnty-superior-court-1 https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/USCOURTS-waed-2_22-cv-00332/USCOURTS-waed-2_22-cv-00332-0 https://trellis.law/case/53061/24-2-08710-31/scott-iceberg-vs-grandview-management-services-inc https://case-law.vlex.com/vid/iceberg-v-martin-case-885597779 https://www.pacermonitor.com/public/case/51609048/Iceberg_v_Brookstone_Landscape__Design_LLC_et_al https://www.leagle.com/decision/infdco20210426j05
  6. That's fast. Must be light and well-rigged.
  7. Check the left magneto to see if the retard points are working properly. We recently had this problem during an annual and there was a broken part in the mag preventing the points from closing. The mag was 400 hours post IRAN.
  8. Yes.
  9. Should make it go a lot faster.
  10. You will need an IFR GPS unit to do any useful instrument flying outside of training. And for all practical purposes, you really need to have training on that as well.
  11. KNEW is your best bet. Find a place to stay within walking distance of the museum so that you don’t have to mess with a rental car. Flight Line can arrange transportation for you.
  12. https://donkaye.com/flight-instruction
  13. Looks like some good, recent maintenance. ADSB-Out installed 2023 (a plus!), but no flights recorded since then per FlightAware. 38 hours of tach time between 2018 and 2023.
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